Mxxn. - Unde (Outro) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mxxn. - Unde (Outro)

Unde (Outro)
Where (Outro)
Sentimentele le tot ascunde
You keep hiding your feelings
Nici la mesaje nu mai poate raspunde
You can't even answer my messages anymore
In ganduri alege sa se scufunde
You choose to drown in your thoughts
Vreau sa mergem se intreaba unde
I want us to go somewhere, you ask where
Ma uit in spate nu stiu unde se duce
I look back, I don't know where you're going
Pizde ma cauta nu inteleg de ce
Bitches are looking for me, I don't understand why
Intreaba ce am ii zic sa se culce
They ask what's wrong, I tell them to go to sleep
Incerc cat pot dar nu pot fi asa dulce
I try my best but I can't be that sweet
Sufletul mi-l incarcam
I'm loading my soul
Cu stres si ma incurcam
With stress and I'm getting tangled up
M-ai lasat c-un gust amar
You left me with a bitter taste
Pacat ca nu-i ascultam
It's a shame we didn't listen to them
Timp cu tine aruncam
We wasted time with you
Nu stiu cum te suportam
I don't know how I put up with you
Doar la ea ma descarcam
I only vent to her
Si-mpreuna criticam
And together we criticize you
Am ales singur pe drum dar poate mai accepti sa vi
I chose this path alone but maybe you'll still accept me
Stari nevrotice intruna daca nu le aveam n-as fi
Constant neurotic states, if I didn't have them I wouldn't be me
Slab mereu si anxios cand vine vorba de spirit
Always weak and anxious when it comes to my spirit
Tre' sa pun control pe mine trebuie sa fiu oprit
I have to control myself, I need to be stopped
Nu m-am schimbat pentru nimeni dar tot simt ca-s diferit
I haven't changed for anyone but I still feel different
O data-n viata am avut un sentiment ca sunt dorit
For once in my life I felt wanted
De nervi si anxietate pe haine m-am murdarit
I stained my clothes with nerves and anxiety
Foarte multe ai oferit dar de puteri sunt acrit
You offered so much but I'm worn out
Suuunt singur pe drum nu mai am ce sa fac
I'm alone on this road, I don't know what to do
Uneori simt ca sunt doar un ratat eu vreau sa fiu sus dar tu ce vrei defapt
Sometimes I feel like I'm just a loser, I want to be up there but what do you really want
Ma duuuuc solo fratii se intreaba de ce
I'm going solo, the bros are asking why
E prea personal daca nu as zice sper doar ca starea sa nu mi-o strice
It's too personal if I didn't say, I just hope it doesn't ruin my mood
Sentimentele le tot ascunde
You keep hiding your feelings
Nici la mesaje nu mai poate raspunde
You can't even answer my messages anymore
In ganduri alege sa se scufunde
You choose to drown in your thoughts
Vreau sa mergem se intreaba unde
I want us to go somewhere, you ask where
Ma uit in spate nu stiu unde se duce
I look back, I don't know where you're going
Pizde ma cauta nu inteleg de ce
Bitches are looking for me, I don't understand why
Intreaba ce am ii zic sa se culce
They ask what's wrong, I tell them to go to sleep
Incerc cat pot dar nu pot fi asa dulce
I try my best but I can't be that sweet
Sentimentele le tot ascunde
You keep hiding your feelings
Nici la mesaje nu mai poate raspunde
You can't even answer my messages anymore
In ganduri alege sa se scufunde
You choose to drown in your thoughts
Vreau sa mergem se intreaba unde
I want us to go somewhere, you ask where
Ma uit in spate nu stiu unde se duce
I look back, I don't know where you're going
Pizde ma cauta nu inteleg de ce
Bitches are looking for me, I don't understand why
Intreaba ce am ii zic sa se culce
They ask what's wrong, I tell them to go to sleep
Incerc cat pot dar nu pot fi asa dulce
I try my best but I can't be that sweet

Writer(s): Ghiuritan Dragos Ionut

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