Demos, trasnos e diaños, espíritos das nevoadas veigas
Goblins, elves, and spirits of the misty meadows
Corvos, píntigas e meigas, feitizos das menciñeiras
Ravens, spirits, and sorceresses, spells of the witches
Pobres cañotas furadas, fogar dos vermes e alimañas
Poor hollow skulls, home to worms and vermin
Lume das Santas Compañas, mal de ollo, negros meigallos, cheiro dos mortos, tronos e raios.
Fire of the Holy Companions, evil eye, black spells, scent of the dead, thunder and lightning.
Oubeo do can, pregón da morte, fouciño do sátiro e pé do coello
Barking dog, harbinger of death, scythe of the satyr and foot of the rabbit
Pecadora lingua da mala muller casada cun home vello
Sinful tongue of the wicked woman married to an old man
Averno de Satán e Belcebú, lume dos cadavres ardentes, corpos mutilados dos indecentes, peidos dos infernales cus, muxido da mar embravescida
Hell of Satan and Beelzebub, fire of burning corpses, mutilated bodies of the indecent, farts of infernal dogs, roar of the raging sea
Barriga inútil da muller solteira, falar dos gatos que andan a xaneira, guedella porra da cabra mal parida
Useless belly of the unmarried woman, talk of the gossiping cats, bald head of the ill-giving goat
Con este fol levantarei as chamas deste lume que asemella ao do inferno, e fuxirán as bruxas a cabalo das súas escobas, índose bañar na praia das areas gordas
With this bellows I will raise the flames of this fire that resembles that of hell, and the witches will flee on their brooms, going to bathe on the beach of the fat sands
¡Oide, oide! os ruxidos que dan as que non poden deixar de queimarse no agoardente, quedando así purificadas
Listen, listen! to the roars of those who cannot stop burning in the spirit, thus being purified
E cando este brebaxe baixe polas nosas gorxas, quedaremos libres dos males da nosa ialma e de todo embruxamento
And when this potion goes down our throats, we will be free from the evils of our soul and from all bewitchment
Forzas do ar, terra, mar e lume, a vos fago esta chamada: si é verdade que tendes máis poder que a humana xente, eiquí e agora, facede cos espritos dos amigos que están fóra, participen con nós desta queimada
Forces of air, earth, sea, and fire, to you I make this call: if it is true that you have more power than human people, here and now, make the spirits of the friends who are away, participate with us in this queimada
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