NG HEAD - Fight Alone - traduction des paroles en anglais

Fight Alone - NG HEADtraduction en anglais

Fight Alone
Fight Alone
追いかける程に離れてく この手からするりと逃げてく
The more you chase it, the further it goes This escapes my hands smoothly
問いかけることも出来ぬまま 消えるLike a shadow
Unable to even ask a question, like a shadow it disappears
明けない夜は無いだろう 止まない雨も無いだろう
There will never be an endless night, there will never be an endless rain
幾ら道が険しくたって このDJは泣かないだろう
No matter how rough the road gets, this DJ will never cry
誰だって辛いだろう だって逃げ道は無いだろう
Everyone must be suffering as well, since there is no other way out
誰かに取られる位なら チカラ尽きるまでFIGHT ALONE
Rather than having it taken by someone else, I will FIGHT ALONE until the end
それでも涙が止まらないんなら コイツでふっ飛ばせぇ
If even then I can't hold back my tears, blow it away with this
There is nothing to worry about, I will make you dance all night to this incredibly loud music
Even those who are mostly unfeeling should come and burn their unemotional hearts
俯いて ネガティブな今までの自分をぶっ壊せ
Look up, and destroy your old negative self
明けない夜は無いだろう 止まない雨も無いだろう
There will never be an endless night, there will never be an endless rain
幾ら道が険しくたって このDJは泣かないだろう
No matter how rough the road gets, this DJ will never cry
誰だって辛いだろう だって逃げ道は無いだろう
Everyone must be suffering as well, since there is no other way out
誰かに取られる位なら チカラ尽きるまでFIGHT ALONE
Rather than having it taken by someone else, I will FIGHT ALONE until the end
Don′t cry こんな時ぐらい
Don't cry, especially at a time like this
暗い顔なんかNo どっかのレゲエ風なんかのんとは
No depressing faces, unlike some reggae music, I'm a bit different
ちょっとちゃうってとこ見せたるからFollow me
I'll show you what I can do, so follow me
磨け外見より中身 やっぱ この音が俺の人生の鏡
Looks are less important than the inside. After all, this music is the mirror to my life
教科書代わり そいつも言ってた
It is my substitute for a textbook, or so he said
明けない夜は無いだろう 止まない雨も無いだろう
There will never be an endless night, there will never be an endless rain
幾ら道が険しくたって このDJは泣かないだろう
No matter how rough the road gets, this DJ will never cry
誰だって辛いだろう だって逃げ道は無いだろう
Everyone must be suffering as well, since there is no other way out
誰かに取られる位なら チカラ尽きるまでFIGHT ALONE
Rather than having it taken by someone else, I will FIGHT ALONE until the end
追いかける程に離れてく この手からするりと逃げてく
The more you chase it, the further it goes This escapes my hands smoothly
問いかけることも出来ぬまま 消えるLike a Shadow
Unable to even ask a question, like a shadow it disappears
やっぱなりたい幸せに って聞こえてくる心の叫び
I can hear it coming, the cry of my heart to become happy
かげり焦り 空回りする想いが足枷に
Dimness, impatience, and a spinning mind are fetters to my leg
だがこの前向きな生え抜きが 耐え抜き何かを変える気だ
However, this forward-thinking homegrown talent will endure and change something
関西のBig Badmind KilIer 今解らせに来た
Kansai's Big Badmind Killer has come to show you
明けない夜は無いだろう 止まない雨も無いだろう
There will never be an endless night, there will never be an endless rain
幾ら道が険しくたって このDJは泣かないだろう
No matter how rough the road gets, this DJ will never cry
誰だって辛いだろう だって逃げ道は無いだろう
Everyone must be suffering as well, since there is no other way out
誰かに取られる位なら チカラ尽きるまでFIGHT ALONE
Rather than having it taken by someone else, I will FIGHT ALONE until the end
明けない夜は無いだろう 止まない雨も無いだろう
There will never be an endless night, there will never be an endless rain
幾ら道が険しくたって このDJは泣かないだろう
No matter how rough the road gets, this DJ will never cry
誰だって辛いだろう だって逃げ道は無いだろう
Everyone must be suffering as well, since there is no other way out
誰かに取られる位なら チカラ尽きるまでFIGHT ALONE
Rather than having it taken by someone else, I will FIGHT ALONE until the end

Writer(s): K.nakatani,, Takeshi Beat

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