NG HEAD - GET UP~立ち上がれ~ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction NG HEAD - GET UP~立ち上がれ~

GET UP~立ち上がれ~
GET UP~Stand up~
そりゃおいしい話はなかなか無いぃから しっぽ振ってついていかないぃ
Sorry, there's not always a good story to tell, so don't just follow along like a puppy dog.
でも人生一度しかないぃし やっぱエンジョイしたないぃ か?
But you've only got one shot at this life, right? So you might as well enjoy it, right?
だからってリスクはゴメンだ あくまでもクリーンにYou Member!
But that doesn't mean I'm willing to take risks. It's gotta be clean, OK? You're with me?
By the 現場 For the 現場の方はもうかりまっか(ぼちぼちでんなぁ)
By the scene, for the scene. Are you guys making some money (not much, but still)
なら一発切り開こうや 例えば枯れた砂漠の荒野に
So let's break out and make a new path. For example, let's plant a lot of seeds in a dry desert.
ほらたくさん種をまこうや 育てて実がなるまで待とうや
Hey, let's plant a lot of seeds and take care of them until they grow and bear fruit.
それが出来ないお子様坊やが 「手っ取り早いのこっちの方や」って
But there are some little kids who can't do that. They're like, "This is the easier way to do it."
犯罪犯して牢屋 なんて結末絶対NOや!
They commit crimes and end up in prison. That's a big NO!
(Get Up!) 立ち上がれその足で?!
(Get Up!) Stand up and use your own two feet?!
(Get Up!) 立ってすぐ突っ走れ?!
(Get Up!) Stand up and start running right now?!
(Get Up!) 行くぞ休憩は無しで?
(Get Up!) Let's go without taking a break?
To the next level and beyond!
(Get Up!) 立ち上がれその足で?!
(Get Up!) Stand up and use your own two feet?!
(Get Up!) 立ってすぐ突っ走れ?!
(Get Up!) Stand up and start running right now?!
(Get Up!) 流れる汗もぬぐわずに?!
(Get Up!) Don't even bother to wipe away your sweat?!
Kick off the asphalt and run again!
いわゆる深夜Mid Night また胸はって歩く裏街道
So-called midnight. Again, I walk with my chest puffed out on the back streets.
でもしっかり前だけ見てないと 引きずり込まれるダークサイド
But if you don't keep your eyes straight ahead, you'll get dragged into the dark side.
奴らの力はマジ強大 ほんと気を付けてくれ兄弟
Their power is really strong. Really, watch out, my brother.
足元みてみてやりたい放題 美学なんてモンとっくに崩壊
Look at the ground. They do whatever they want. Their idea of aesthetics has completely collapsed.
でも でも 愚痴っても、朽ちってもそれでも地球は回る
But hey, no matter how much I complain or how much I decay, the earth still keeps turning.
「光陰矢の如し」って意味分かる? うっといヤツ世にはばかる
Do you know what the saying "Time flies like an arrow" means? Annoying guys are everywhere.
ぼーっとしてたらハゲてすぐ定年 失態も失敗も人生の経験
If you space out, you'll go bald and retire in no time. And making mistakes is part of life's journey.
こけてもまた立ち上がればええねん んで勝ち上がればええねん!
If you fall down, just stand up again. And if you win, then great!
(Get Up!) 立ち上がれその足で?!
(Get Up!) Stand up and use your own two feet?!
(Get Up!) 立ってすぐ突っ走れ?!
(Get Up!) Stand up and start running right now?!
(Get Up!) 行くぞ休憩は無しで?
(Get Up!) Let's go without taking a break?
To the next level and beyond!
(Get Up!) 立ち上がれその足で?!
(Get Up!) Stand up and use your own two feet?!
(Get Up!) 立ってすぐ突っ走れ?!
(Get Up!) Stand up and start running right now?!
(Get Up!) 流れる汗もぬぐわずに?!
(Get Up!) Don't even bother to wipe away your sweat?!
Kick off the asphalt and run again!
ほら しばられてんだろぅ色んなもんに?
Hey, you're probably tied down by all sorts of things, right?
You're probably feeling crushed by all the things you've tried? "For example!"
Income, height, weight, age, amount, number, size, height
何日、何時、何分、何秒、地球が何回 回ったとき?
How many days, hours, minutes, seconds, how many times has the earth gone around?
First, second, third, if you decide, there's trouble, and keep your mouth shut.
為替、取引、円高、レート、年末ジャンボ ルーレット回せ!
Exchange rates, transactions, yen, rates, year-end lottery. Spin the roulette!
そうさ この国の住人は 数字の檻の中の住人 せめて
That's right. The people in this country are prisoners of numbers. At least
Now You See the Right Stand up for Your Life!!
Now You See the Right Stand up for Your Life!!
(Get Up!) 立ち上がれその足で?!
(Get Up!) Stand up and use your own two feet?!
(Get Up!) 立ってすぐ突っ走れ?!
(Get Up!) Stand up and start running right now?!
(Get Up!) 行くぞ休憩は無しで?
(Get Up!) Let's go without taking a break?
To the next level and beyond!
(Get Up!) 立ち上がれその足で?!
(Get Up!) Stand up and use your own two feet?!
(Get Up!) 立ってすぐ突っ走れ?!
(Get Up!) Stand up and start running right now?!
(Get Up!) 流れる汗もぬぐわずに?!
(Get Up!) Don't even bother to wipe away your sweat?!
Kick off the asphalt and run again!

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