NLP feat. Mardoll - Izland - traduction des paroles en anglais

Izland - Mardoll , NLP traduction en anglais

Felkapom a csajod a nyakamba
I'll lift your girl up on my shoulders
Tanár úr a beaten, olyat baszok az alapra
Teacher on the beat, I fuck the base so hard
Finom ez a macska
This girl is smooth
Olyat lovagol reversbe, hogy a faszom leuralja
She rides in reverse so hard that my cock takes over
Kihúzok egy záróvonalat ma a hasadra
I'm gonna draw a finish line on your stomach today
Néha daddy szerep
Sometimes I play the role of daddy
Jól áll, mikor sikítod a nevem, mehet
It looks good when you scream my name, go for it
Minden egyes szövegemmel növelem a licitet
With every lyric I increase the bid
Az anya komplexusom miatt van, hogy nagyon imádom a cicidet
Because of my mother complex, I really love tits
I'm a feast
I'm a feast
I'm a snack
I'm a snack
I'm a whole done catered banquet
I'm a whole done catered banquet
Something 'bout your mommy
Something 'bout your mommy
And ya dad and
And ya dad and
How they came quick
How they came quick
Blunt blunt blunt blunt
Blunt blunt blunt blunt
Something that they play with
Something that they play with
Blunt! blunt! blunt! blunt
Blunt! blunt! blunt! blunt
You know the fucking name is
You know the fucking name is
Finom a szád girl
Your mouth is delicious girl
Nyakadba száz, pearL
A hundred on your neck, pearL
Dobok, mint Michael
I shoot like Michael
Irigy a sok rival
All the rivals are jealous
Kicsit ide simul, aztán mégis ez a booty trapped
It snuggles a little, but then this booty is trapped
I got her finding on my scooby snack
I got her finding my scooby snack
Asztalon a hegyek, olyan magasak, hogy megfagysz
The mountains on the table are so high they'll freeze you
Csibészek vagyunk, látod minden csajon handcuffs
We're mischievous, you see handcuffs on every girl
Bárki, aki velünk volt, azt követi a visszhang
Anyone who's been with us is followed by an echo
Olyan a zuzmóm, a pakimban itt van Izland
My bud is so good, my pack contains Iceland
Izland Izland Izland Izland
Iceland Iceland Iceland Iceland
Itt van a pakimban Izland
My pack contains Iceland
Izland Izland Izland Izland
Iceland Iceland Iceland Iceland
Itt van a pakimban Izland
My pack contains Iceland
Shredding that ice like an addict
Shredding that ice like an addict
Say whatcha want, but a bitch pragmatic
Say whatcha want, but a bitch pragmatic
Snorting that up, all erratic
Snorting that up, all erratic
Vodka on tongue, cause a bitch done had it
Vodka on tongue, cause a bitch done had it
Wow, wow, Take a hint
Wow, wow, Take a hint
Roll, roll, molly lit
Roll, roll, molly lit
Go Go, Take trip
Go Go, Take trip
Go Go, I'm bout to strip
Go Go, I'm bout to strip
Got me on knees, "Oh geez!"
Got me on knees, "Oh geez!"
Tell me what you want, I'll be your main squeeze
Tell me what you want, I'll be your main squeeze
I'm only even here for the tease
I'm only even here for the tease
Say you wanna taste
Say you wanna taste
Then you better say please
Then you better say please
Soha nem kúrtam a Mardollt
I've never fucked Mardoll
Soha nem kúrtam a Szotyit
I've never fucked Szoty
Sztripper a csajom, ha akarom orgyba vágom a Zolit
My girl is a stripper, if I want, I'll fuck Zoli in an orgy
Asztalon a hegyek, olyan magasak, hogy megfagysz
The mountains on the table are so high they'll freeze you
Csibészek vagyunk, látod minden csajon handcuffs
We're mischievous, you see handcuffs on every girl
Bárki, aki velünk volt, azt követi a visszhang
Anyone who's been with us is followed by an echo
Olyan a zuzmóm, a pakimban itt van Izland
My bud is so good, my pack contains Iceland
Izland Izland Izland Izland
Iceland Iceland Iceland Iceland
Itt van a pakimban Izland
My pack contains Iceland
Izland Izland Izland Izland
Iceland Iceland Iceland Iceland
Itt van a pakimban Izland
My pack contains Iceland
Pornós master-mixer-prodok
Porn master-mixer-producers
Mondj egy stílust, mind le hozom
Name a style, I'll bring it down
Te a beateket csak lopod
You just steal the beats
Enyém köpöd, aztán szopod
You spit mine, then you suck it
"Nem vagy elég underground tesike
"You're not underground enough, my little sister
Mondd csak, hol van az igazi Holló?"
Tell me, where is the real Holló?"
"Ez szerinted mainstream, faszfej?"
"You think this is mainstream, asshole?"
Ettől kongó az Arbo mosdó
That's what makes the Arbo toilet ring
Ha akarom pop, ha akarom rap
If I want pop, if I want rap
Azt hiszik a siker az ölembe pottyan?
Do you think success falls into my lap?
Nappal a suliba, éjszaka studiba, tanár úr mindenhol top one
School by day, studio by night, teacher is top one everywhere
Sehol se lennék, ha Miskovits nincs ott
I'd be nowhere if Miskovits wasn't there
Mégis a haverom szidod
Yet you slander my friend
Annyi stílust próbáltam, mit zavar, hogy mindegyik irányba nyitok
I've tried so many styles, what does it matter if I open up in every way?
Tényleg nincs üzenet? Hallgasd az egyedül de mégsem lemezem
Is there really no message? Listen to my solo album
Én folyamat előre lépek, te így csak maradsz a helyeden
I'm always moving forward, this is how you stay in place
Maradsz a helyeden
You stay in place
Maradsz a helyeden
You stay in place

Writer(s): Fehér Holló, Kovács Zoltán

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