NMW Yanni - Mario - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais NMW Yanni - Mario

E-E-Ey yo Robi, charge 'em up
Hey yo Robi, charge 'em up
O las, se întoarce una îi spun 'frisbee'
O girl, she's a frisbee toss
Animatoare pe mine, Disney
Cheerleaders on me, Disney
Curu' mare, nu-mi place skinny
Big booty, no skinny for me
Nu bem sirop, prea multe vicii
No lean, too many habits
Pun Jolly Ranchers în double cup
I put Jolly Ranchers in my double cup
Scot mii de la un bancomat
I withdraw thousands from an ATM
Ne mișcam low-key, e prea riscant
We move low-key, it's too risky
Mi-am luat toți banii și așa i-am spart
I took all my money and blew it like that
Fac bani îi sparg din nou, Aha
Make money, blow it again, Aha
Îmi pun piese pe radio
I put my songs on the radio
Ma suge cand stau la studio, Aha
She sucks me when I'm in the studio, Aha
Level up, gen Mario
Level up, like Mario
Pun verde într-un staniol, Aha
I put weed in aluminum foil, Aha
Fac mii dintr-un microfon
I make thousands from a microphone
Vino la mine, zi-mi 'Scorpion'
Come to me, call me 'Scorpion'
Rich bitch poartă Louis Vuitton
Rich bitch wears Louis Vuitton
Am roz sau purple in styrofoam
I got pink or purple in styrofoam
Aha, ok
Aha, ok
Dansez, nu văd, Aha, ok
Dancing, I can't see, Aha, ok
Crede ca am covid, o la întors, simplu îl miros, Aha mhm
Thinks I have covid, turns away, I just smell him, Aha mhm
Shank în buzunare că-i periculos cand merg pe jos, Aha mhm
Shank in my pockets 'cause it's dangerous when I walk, Aha mhm
A fost ce-a fost, fac banii nonstop, îi arunc pe jos, Aha mhm
It was what it was, I make money nonstop, I throw it on the ground, Aha mhm
Sarpe, sânge prin vene
Snake, blood through my veins
Nu fugim de probleme
We don't run from problems
Fac bani, nu mai fac teme
I make money, I don't do homework anymore
Bem Ciroc, nu bem bere
We drink Ciroc, we don't drink beer
O noapte stă, ce crede
One night stand, what does she think
Ai mei lăsau pachete
My guys were dropping packages
Visam cu ochii în stele, sa fim plini de lovele
I dreamed with my eyes on the stars, to be full of love
Poate mai combin cu una
Maybe I'll hook up with another one
Another one
Nu mai suna
Stop calling
Vine iar furtuna
The storm is coming again
Schimbam ruta
We change routes
The street
Suparati pe mine ca îmi numar suma și ca am formula
Mad at me because I count my money and I have the formula
Rad de ei intr-una
I laugh at them all the time
Ha, ha
Ha, ha
Nu înteleg duma
I don't get the joke
Na, na
No, no
Noaptea în pahar torn gin sau vin, fin, stil din ce fac le combin
At night in my glass I pour gin or wine, fine, style from what I make I combine
Banii se extind ce zic nu-i film, vis, sting lumina o plac din plin
Money expands what I say is not a movie, dream, I turn off the lights I like it a lot
E subtire in talie, stranie, funny e
She's thin at the waist, strange, she's funny
Banii ii avem, da-mi medalie, Cartier
We have the money, give me a medal, Cartier
La masa cu ai mei, mai deschid o sampanie
At the table with my guys, I open another champagne
Stiu ca sunt acolo in orice situatie
I know they're there in every situation
Îmi pun piese pe radio
I put my songs on the radio
Ma suge cand stau la studio, Aha
She sucks me when I'm in the studio, Aha
Level up, gen Mario
Level up, like Mario
Pun verde într-un staniol, Aha
I put weed in aluminum foil, Aha
Fac mii dintr-un microfon
I make thousands from a microphone
Vino la mine, zi-mi 'Scorpion'
Come to me, call me 'Scorpion'
Rich bitch poartă Louis Vuitton
Rich bitch wears Louis Vuitton
Am roz sau purple in styrofoam
I got pink or purple in styrofoam
O împărțim, frâțește
We share it, like brothers
N-o combin
I don't mix it
Învârte-l, ce știi
Spin it, do what you know
Rotește-l, DVD
Rotate it, DVD
Nu răspund la tel', DND
I don't answer the phone, DND
O duc la un Air, BNB
I take her to an Air, BNB
Coaie, nu încred, PTSD
Man, I don't trust, PTSD
Spargem bani direct, zi de zi
We spend money directly, every day
am un plan, Aha mhm
Because I have a plan, Aha mhm
Frații mei la fel ca mine, coborâm toți dintr-un mertan, Aha mhm
My brothers like me, we all come from a tough guy, Aha mhm
Toți facem bani, Aha mhm
We all make money, Aha mhm
Investim banii facem business, după risc it, curu' distins, meeting, face striptease
We invest the money because we do business, then risk it, classy ass, meeting, striptease
Nu încred în oameni, risky
I don't trust people, risky
Vorbesc doar cu frații, zilnic
I only talk to my brothers, every day
Daca e pice nu-l las, îl ridic
If he's going to fall, I won't let him, I'll lift him up
Fac bani îi sparg din nou, Aha
Make money, blow it again, Aha
Îmi pun piese pe radio
I put my songs on the radio
Ma suge cand stau la studio, Aha
She sucks me when I'm in the studio, Aha
Level up, gen Mario
Level up, like Mario
Pun verde într-un staniol, Aha
I put weed in aluminum foil, Aha
Fac mii dintr-un microfon
I make thousands from a microphone
Vino la mine, zi-mi 'Scorpion'
Come to me, call me 'Scorpion'
Rich bitch poartă Louis Vuitton
Rich bitch wears Louis Vuitton
Am roz sau purple in styrofoam
I got pink or purple in styrofoam

Writer(s): Nmw Nmw

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