NORIKIYO feat. 七尾旅人 - Memories & Scars - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction NORIKIYO feat. 七尾旅人 - Memories & Scars

Memories & Scars
Memories & Scars
果てしも無く 騒ぎ続けてるMemories
Memories that continue to make an endless racket
何処に居たって 誰と居たって
Wherever I am, whoever I'm with
引き金を引き損ねたら Melodies
Melodies that I can't seem to trigger
塗り替えたくて 嵐を待って
I want to repaint, so I wait for the storm
昔はLouisVuittonの脇にClubがあった横浜 俺らあの日始まりはそこから
In the past, there used to be a club next to LouisVuitton in Yokohama, that's where it all began for us that day
数時間後にゃもう通ってた保土ヶ谷 マジでしたっけ あぶねぇ事ばっか
A few hours later, we were already hanging out in Hodogaya, was it real? We were always doing something dangerous
まぁ大丈夫だろ飲酒でも 路肩に止めちゃってThrow up 陸橋へBomb
Well, I guess it'll be fine even if I drink, we stopped on the side of the road, threw up, and bombed the overpass
二台で蛇行のCaldina、Civic 笑っちゃう位に無謀な日々
Two cars swerving, Caldina and Civic, it was ridiculously reckless
だけど喧嘩もしなかったしある程度平和だよ 暮らしてた俺とダチが住むシェアハウス
But we didn't fight and it was relatively peaceful, my friends and I lived in a shared house
でもあの頃「金」ソレに目が無い 俺はHustle オチなら定番だ
But back then, all I cared about was "money", I hustled, and the ending was the usual
その日俺は自由ってモンを手放す 忠告無視ゴリ押してりゃ世話無い
On that day, I gave up my freedom, ignored the advice, and pushed forward recklessly
言われたって懲りねぇ俺の性 悔いて暮らしたっけ二度目の檻の中
No matter what I was told, I didn't learn my lesson and ended up in jail again, regretting it
宛ても無く 彷徨うだけのMemories
Memories of wandering aimlessly
何処に居たって 誰と居たって
Wherever I am, whoever I'm with
引き金を引き損ねたら Melodies
Melodies that I can't seem to trigger
塗り替えたくて 嵐を待って
I want to repaint, so I wait for the storm
でさ、お弁当持ったって懲りずにHustle 架空請求 片手間にゴト師
So, even after getting caught, I kept hustling, I did fake billing and worked as a con artist on the side
檻で後悔したあの気持ちはどこに? 消す足跡 紛れる人混み
Where did the regret I felt in jail go? I erase my tracks and blend into the crowd
法にゃ触れっが おりゃ仕事人 無くした金以上増やした見事に
I don't break the law, but I'm a businessman, I made more money than I lost
隔世遺伝ってやつかもね血の濃い おぎゃーって生まれて来てから以後ノリ
Maybe it's hereditary, my blood runs thick, ever since I was born
忘れもしねぇありゃツレのバースデーウィーク 仕事終りゃ祝いにClubに行くが
I'll never forget my friend's birthday week, we went to the club to celebrate after work
故障してんじゃねぇ?今日の俺のゴトの機械 でも本職にゃ取り分 地元に帰るが
Something must be wrong, the machine I use for my scam today isn't working, but I have to give my share to my boss and go home
五日分の稼ぎ なったパー イラついたまま行ったっけなClubのBar
I made enough for five days, but it's all gone, so I went to the club bar, feeling irritated
オーナーの知り合い? おめぇ誰だ? 些細な理由で喧嘩になる
An acquaintance of the owner? Who are you? A fight breaks out over something trivial
Endless racket of Memories
何処に居たって 誰と居たって
Wherever I am, whoever I'm with
引き金を引き損ねたら Melodies
Melodies that I can't seem to trigger
嗚呼 今も嵐を待つ
Oh, I'm still waiting for the storm
幕が開いた最悪のShow time 拳を顎に決め入れたチョーパン
The worst show time begins, a fist to the jaw, a straight punch
飛んで来たよ黒人のセキュリティに軟禁され確保 警察はすぐに
The black security guard came flying in, I was detained and the police arrived immediately
まな板の上の鯉ってこういう状態? やべぇ... 逃げようたってココは4階
Am I like a fish on a chopping board? Shit... I can't escape, this is the fourth floor
俺の行動はお前の辞典に無い 窓開けてエスケープ 地面にダイブ
My actions don't make sense to you, right? I opened the window and escaped, diving to the ground
If you have something to say, just say it, "If I had a time machine..." but you know
ゲロ吐くだけ その先を言ったってさ立つ瀬も無い
All you'll do is throw up, there's no point in going any further
かつてをな 背負う全部だ 間違いだったあの刹那に
I carry the past on my back, it's all a mistake
目を伏せる事をせず コレ俺死ぬまで持ってくわ
I won't look away, I'll take this with me until I die
病室に梨とメロン 滲んだっけ街のネオン
Pears and melons in the hospital room, the neon lights of the city seeped in
苦味を添え痛みを越え 忘れねぇ様書き留めろ
Add some bitterness to overcome the pain, write it down so I won't forget
あーならこーならば... それより俺どう変わりゃ?
If only... but how can I change?
Showなら幕を引くな エンディングはそうまだだ
If it's a show, don't close the curtain, the ending is not yet
ならばどこに向かうのかな? Bad endかもな
So where are we headed? Maybe a bad end
でも賭けたくなる時もあるよ今でもDuble up
But sometimes I feel like gambling, even now, Double up
でも連勝てのはずっとは無い だからこそだぐっと堪え
But winning streaks don't last forever, that's why I hold back
同じ轍を3度も踏む そりゃ阿保だ みっともない
Falling into the same trap three times, that's stupid, it's embarrassing
通れはしねぇ こりゃ避けて 汚したモンその上で
I can't go that way, I have to avoid it, and then
洗い流す 出来るかな? 泥ついてるこの腕で
Can I wash it away? Can I? With these dirty arms
消え去るか? そんな訳ねぇ 犯した罪 それ全て
Will it disappear? Of course not, the sins I've committed, all of them
物心ついた頃かも とっくにもう気が触れてる
Maybe when I was a child, I was already out of my mind
後ろ指 それについては文句はねぇ
I have no complaints about being pointed at
マスター1杯良い? 未来ってモンはどうすかねぇ?
Master, can I have a drink? What about the future?
酒のアテ 甘い蜜? 好みじゃねぇ もう食わねぇ
A sweet honey snack? Not my taste, I don't eat it anymore
あれ? 見えねぇ どこ行った? グラスが出る様子がねぇ
Hmm? I can't see it, where did it go? I don't see the glass coming out
苦味が効くこのツマミ それだけ見りゃドン詰まり
This bitter snack, if you only look at that, it's a dead end
ねぇどうすりゃ? どうすりゃ良い? 疑問符の大津波
What should I do? What should I do? A tsunami of question marks
I wipe my hands with a rag, clinging to straws
I know it's convenient, but I'll say it anyway, "I'm really sorry"
前にゃ衝立 後ろに有る轍
A screen in front, a rut behind
Even if I'm made fun of, there's value in it, and I learn
いや、言いすぎたよ 死ぬまでは遊ぶ 暇つぶし
No, I said too much, I'll play until I die, just to kill time
で、昔から有るこれだけだよ この減らず口
And, from the past, this is all I have, this sarcastic mouth
それと頭には有る思い出 そいつが言う時として
And in my head, I have memories, and sometimes they tell me
“It will rain in 10 minutes,” old wounds ache slightly
神様は取っといてる しってるよ持っといて
God is saving it, I know, he's holding on to it
Bring me a more painful punishment while I'm still alive

Writer(s): T-jonez, Tavito Nanao

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