NORIKIYO - Lost Sign - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction NORIKIYO - Lost Sign

Lost Sign
Lost Sign
安い言葉で言えばこうだ 皆持ってる二文字さ「後悔」
Baby, it would nearly be so easy to say "regrets".
面と向かう気なきゃ聞かない方が... ただ透き通る空の下 そこにゃ今日が...
If you're not going to hear it face-to-face... Just under the transparent sky, that day is there...
そんな気持ちは誰のせいです? 俺のせいならしろよ軽蔑
This feeling, whose fault is it? If it's my fault, go ahead and look down on me.
それが正しきゃおりゃ全て受け入れるが見上げてみ? ほら嫌味な晴天だ
If that's right, then I'll accept it all, but look up? Hey, isn't that a nasty clear sky?
もし、自伝を書くなら 書きたくねぇ事柄ばっかだ
If you were to write an autobiography, it would be full of things you didn't want to write.
ただ時計は右に回る待った無い 過去を背負って今を踏み込んで蹴るだけ
Just remember, the clock spins to the right, no waiting. Carry the past on your back, and just step forward and kick it.
冴えないおっさんの戯言をFlow 生まれて入る墓の穴ぼこを掘る
The rambling of a dreary old man, the flow digs the crater of the grave I'll be buried in.
Success or failure, Love, Hate are two sides of the same coin, where is the sign to paradise?
目の前にゃ蜃気楼 じゃいっそ目を閉じ自分を信じよう
Before me is a mirage, so I might as well close my eyes and believe in myself.
それに必要な物有りゃPickしろ もし間違いならDissは聞く死後
If there is something you need, pick it. If I'm wrong, I'll hear the "diss" after I die.
綺麗ごとや錆び付いた正論 言い訳よりもちり紙を製造
Niceties and rusted common sense, manufacture tissue paper instead of excuses.
偉人の写った紙ケツを拭く じゃ始めようこれは下衆のクズのShow
Wipe your butt with the paper with great men's faces on it, so let's get started. This is a show for the scum of the earth.
そりゃ歩きてぇよ皆 自分の歩幅 じゃ俺とお前の差 それはどうかな?
Of course everyone wants to walk at their own pace, but what about the difference between you and me?
じゃ噛み砕いて言おうか それは要はな 思いやれなくなればさ閉まるドアが
So let me break it down for you. It means that if you stop thinking, the door will close.
先を急いで無くした鍵 ノックする拳に走る痛み
You lost the key in your haste, and the pain runs through your fist as you knock.
死んでもCoolな人間それで居たい? いや、皆隠したってあったけぇ傷がチラリ
Do you want to be a cool person even in death? Nah, everyone hides it, but their warm wounds peek out.
闇ある故に光る星 幸せってモンを見た少し
Because there is darkness, the stars shine. I saw a little bit of what happiness is.
思い出ってモンを開くとき 紛れもなくそこにゃ二つの血
When you open up memories, there's no mistaking the two bloods.
見失った櫂 でも投げねぇサジは カルマ、悪魔、天使全て養う
I lost my oar, but I don't throw in the towel, I nurture karma, the devil, and the angels.
立場、価値観、それを俺らしさ 板挟みで思う 何が正しさ?
Position, values, being myself, I'm caught between them and wonder, what is right?
主義、主張、諍い はてに紛争? 誰が支配 反抗か順応
Principles, claims, disputes, even conflict? Who dominates, resistance or conformity?
注目 良い? 1つだけ言うと 武器は2つ 安モンの文房具
Listen, it's good? If I just say one thing, I have two weapons - cheap stationery.
聞きたくなけりゃ耳塞げ このFuckなWorldでワールド催す宴
If you don't want to hear, plug your ears. Invite the world to a party in this fucked-up world.
てめぇの人生ってモン賭して切って売る 死ぬまで続く下衆のクズのShow
Betting your life, cutting and selling it, the show for the scum of the earth continues until death.
This is probably a cheap confession, filled with my ego's core, a mechanical pencil.
Before this dream is devoured by the獏, fill it with dark, deep colors.
俺の手には今日それとノート 汚れたくなきゃもうしてくれ消毒
In my hands today are that and a notebook, if you don't want to get dirty, go ahead and disinfect it.
The twisted concavity that doesn't fit in is conveniently seen by God, who scoffs, "How pathetic."
それでもまだ探してぇなら 他じゃねぇ掘るのは自分 その真下だ
If you still want to search, dig yourself, that's it.
そこにきっと埋まってる そこで見つけられるのを待ってる
That's where it's surely buried, waiting to be found.
それまでは綺麗ごとや錆びた正論 言い訳よりもちり紙を製造
Until then, manufacture tissue paper instead of niceties and rusted common sense, excuses.
偉人の写った紙ケツを拭く じゃ続けようこれは下衆のクズのShow
Wipe your butt with the paper with great men's faces on it, so let's continue this show for the scum of the earth.

Writer(s): Dope B

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