NORIKIYO - 満月 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction NORIKIYO - 満月

Full Moon
My love...
今、月の下... 明日には欠ける様な月の下...
Now, my love... Tomorrow will break like the moon...
My love...
今... 月の下...
Now... my love...
望むモンが俺の事を避けて通る 一体その理由ってのは何故でしょう?
What I yearn for avoids me, why is this so?
何時も何故にこう てめぇでダメにしちゃうのかな? 神じゃなくそれは我に問うよ
Why do I always ruin this myself? I ask not of God, but of myself.
また過去に呼ばれた気がして振り向く 後ろ髪引かれどカット出来ず結ぶ
Again, I feel called by the past, but I turn away, my regrets tied up, unable to cut them, I knot them up.
リボンと包装紙で上手く本音を包むが全部お見通しって顔 見てるFull moon
I wrap my heart in ribbons and wrapping paper, but the full moon sees through it all.
隠してる幾つかのエレメント 例えエリミン飲んだって寝れねぇ
Elements I hide, even if I take a sleeping pill, I can't sleep.
慰めは陳腐 穴空いたジーンズの様にワッペン貼っても胸の穴は埋めれねぇ
Consolation is empty, like a holey pair of jeans, even with patches, the hole in my heart remains.
じゃ塞ぐよりも今日むしろ掘って出て来たモンを見てみ? そしたら
So instead of filling it, why don't we dig deeper today and see what comes out? Then,
それはどっちかな?HateかもしくはLove 何にせよ月は今日も押し黙ったまま...
What will it be? Hate or love? Either way, the moon remains silent tonight...
胸の奥を確かめる ずっと一緒じゃ居られない虚しさ
I search my heart, the emptiness that we can't be together forever.
でもそっと見守る上で形変え 月は無言のまま皆に話しかける
Yet, it watches over me, changing shape, the moon speaks to all in silence.
助け 請う? いや、むしろ違う 「もし...」って言いかけ口閉じた
Am I asking for help? No, it's different, "If..." I start to say, but then I stop.
優しい嘘なら突き通しな 明日には欠けるが皆、月の下...
If it's a gentle lie, then tell it, for tomorrow it will wane, but for now, we are all under the moon...
思い出ってモンを固結び 解くには今日は明るすぎる
Memories tied in a tight knot, today is too bright to untie them.
後悔を紐解き学ぶSkill それがねぇからさ荒ぶる日
I unpack my regrets, learning the skill, but that's not why I'm having a rough day.
何処に有んだろうその理由は? 解釈は人それぞれさ自由だが
Where is the reason? Interpretations vary, but
魔法使えたって過去にゃ飛べんルーラ 面影を探すも誰もいねぇ路地裏
Even with magic, I can't fly to the past, I search for remnants, but no one's in the alleyway.
勇者じゃねぇ遊び人 しかも賢者にゃなれないんだと知り
Not a hero, just a wanderer, I learn I can't be a sage
Get depressed, drink heavily, and waste money, but my anxiety and worries don't end.
孤独ってモンも時には何か良い どうせ見てるんだろ?
Sometimes loneliness is good, you're watching, aren't you?
あなたにはどう映ってるんだ? 案外同じ月ならさ今日はまん丸い
How do I appear to you? Oddly enough, the moon is full tonight.
胸の奥を確かめる ずっと一緒じゃ居られない虚しさ
I search my heart, the emptiness that we can't be together forever.
でもそっと見守る上で形変え 月は無言のまま皆に話しかける
Yet, it watches over me, changing shape, the moon speaks to all in silence.
助け 請う? いや、むしろ違う 「もし...」って言いかけ口閉じた
Am I asking for help? No, it's different, "If..." I start to say, but then I stop.
優しい嘘なら突き通しな 明日には欠けるが皆、月の下...
If it's a gentle lie, then tell it, for tomorrow it will wane, but for now, we are all under the moon...
今宵の月の様丸くな 全部収まりゃ良いが今も悪く無い
Like the moon tonight, I want to be full, I wish everything would fit, but it's not bad now.
The weight of my past is heavy, but if I only look at that, my sake will become tasteless.
捨てられやしねぇ俺の今まで いずれきっとそれすら光らせる
My past cannot be discarded, but someday I will make even that shine.
とか思って今空を眺める 欠けて消えてまた満ちるのもサダメ
And so, I gaze at the sky, it will wane and disappear, and then it will be full again, that is its fate.
下向いたまま歩くよりは闊歩 既に見てるお互い違うMapを
Better to stride forward than to keep my head down, we're both on different paths.
噛み砕いて飲めそうさやっと Loveには色んな形 それで納得
I can almost swallow it whole, love takes many forms, and I accept that.
恨むよりも感謝とか敬意 互い持ってたい昔暮らしたLady
Instead of hate, gratitude and respect, we hold each other, the lady I lived with long ago.
後ろよりもどうか前見てよ 一緒にベッドにゃ入ら無ぇが愛してる
Please look ahead, not behind, we may not share a bed, but I love you.
胸の奥を確かめる ずっと一緒じゃ居られない虚しさ
I search my heart, the emptiness that we can't be together forever.
でもそっと見守る上で形変え 月は無言のまま皆に話しかける
Yet, it watches over me, changing shape, the moon speaks to all in silence.
助け 請う? いや、むしろ違う 「もし...」って言いかけ口閉じた
Am I asking for help? No, it's different, "If..." I start to say, but then I stop.
優しい嘘なら突き通しな 明日には欠けるが皆、月の下...
If it's a gentle lie, then tell it, for tomorrow it will wane, but for now, we are all under the moon...
Tomorrow it will wane, but for now, we are all under the moon...
月の下 明日には欠けるが皆、月の下...
My love, tomorrow it will wane, but for now, we are all under the moon...
Tomorrow it will wane, but for now, we are all under the moon...
月の下 明日には欠けるが皆、月の下...
My love, tomorrow it will wane, but for now, we are all under the moon...

Writer(s): Igor

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