Nach con Ángela Cervantes - Si Yo Fuera - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Nach con Ángela Cervantes - Si Yo Fuera

Si Yo Fuera
If I Were
Como seria, mi mundo si estuviera
What would my world be like, baby, if I were
Alejado de esta esfera callejera
Away from this street sphere?
Si yo fuera otro ser, si viviera
If I were another being, if I lived
Mas allá de esta esfera, de esta efímera quimera
Beyond this sphere, this ephemeral chimera.
Si fuera un soldado cargando un fusil de asalto
If I were a soldier carrying an assault rifle
Temblaría pensando que o quito una vida o me quitan la mía
I would tremble thinking that either I take a life or they take mine.
En una guerra fría que alimenta el odio
In a cold war that fuels hate
Por el control del mercado, del crudo y del territorio
For control of the market, oil, and land.
Como seria mi imperio si yo fuera millonario
What would my empire be like if I were a millionaire?
En serio sacaría todos mis hobbies del barrio
Seriously, I'd take all my hobbies out of the hood.
Cada día una experiencia vital, sin trabajar
A vital experience every day, without working.
Dándole a mis padres un palacio igual que el Taj Mahal
Giving my parents a palace just like the Taj Mahal.
Y si todo fuera mal en el final de mi aventura
And what if everything went wrong at the end of my adventure?
Y si fuera un vagabundo sin rumbo entre la basura
And if I were a homeless man, aimless among the trash.
Sin saber que hacer, viendo el ayer con mi mente muda
Not knowing what to do, watching yesterday with my mute mind.
Sin tenerme en pie y inerte ante un presente que me anula
Without standing, inert before a present that nullifies me.
No tendría dudas si fuera mujer
I would have no doubts if I were a woman.
Exigiría respeto a aquel que viera en mi un objeto de placer
I would demand respect from anyone who saw me as an object of pleasure.
Les haría ver que soy el sexo fuerte, llena de autoestima
I'd make them see that I am the strong sex, full of self-esteem.
Escupiéndole al cerdo que pusiera su mano encima
Spitting at the pig who would put his hand on me.
Si existen fuerzas divinas,¿porque sufre tanto el hombre?
If divine forces exist, why does man suffer so much?
Y se anestesia, si fuera Dios castigaría a la iglesia
And he numbs himself, if I were God I would punish the church.
Por las muertes cometidas en mi nombre
For the deaths committed in my name.
Por la pederastia de esas bestias con sotana y uniforme
For the pedophilia of those beasts in cassocks and uniforms.
Y es que quiero ser enorme como las montañas
And I want to be huge like the mountains.
Algo mas que un muñeco de carne envolviendo entrañas
Something more than a meat puppet wrapping guts.
Si la realidad me daña, preparo el paso siguiente
If reality hurts me, I prepare the next step.
Porque si yo fuera tu, viviría intensamente
Because if I were you, love, I would live intensely.
Si estuviera en otra piel, si estuviera lejos de esta calma
If I were in another skin, if I were far from this calm.
Si no fuera quien soy, sin un peso sobre mi espalda
If I weren't who I am, without a weight on my back.
Dime que seria de mi, si viviera lejos de esta esfera callejera
Tell me what would become of me, if I lived away from this street sphere?
Si yo fuera, si yo fuera
If I were, if I were.
Si fuera presidente cumpliría lo prometido
If I were president I would fulfill what I promised.
Exigiría que la ley tratara igual al rey y al mendigo
I would demand that the law treat the king and the beggar equally.
Comprometido contra el desastre climático
Committed to fighting climate change.
El lastre del capitalismo y de un planeta asmático
The burden of capitalism and an asthmatic planet.
Si fuera un chico problemático, ¿que haría?
If I were a problematic kid, what would I do?
Estaría tirao en la calle como un paria todo el día
I'd be lying in the street like an outcast all day.
Buscaría a alguien mas débil, y le amenazaría
I'd look for someone weaker and threaten them.
Quizá acabaría muerto, quizá en penitenciaria
Maybe I'd end up dead, maybe in prison.
Y si fuera un policía no haría uso del abuso nunca
And if I were a policeman I would never abuse my power.
Sabría escuchar sin sospechar de cada intruso en la trifulca
I would know how to listen without suspecting every intruder in the brawl.
Mi placa traería el orden y no el miedo
My badge would bring order and not fear.
No seria otro cabrón que te obliga a morder el suelo
I wouldn't be another bastard who forces you to bite the ground.
Bueno y mi consuelo, es verme libre igual que un niño
Well, my comfort is to see myself free like a child.
Porque si fuera padre le hablaría con cariño
Because if I were a father, darling, I would talk to him with love.
Le diria que estaría orgulloso de el, pase lo que pase,
I would tell him that I would be proud of him, no matter what.
Que la vida es corta y sea feliz. Que aunque fracase, no desista
That life is short, be happy. That even if he fails, don't give up.
Y que pensaría si fuera un terrorista
And what would I think if I were a terrorist?
¿Porque imponer mi ideología a otros puntos de vista?
Why impose my ideology on other points of view?
Si la violencia armada no conduce a nada
If armed violence leads nowhere.
Solo a ver la sangre de inocentes derramada en la calzada.
Only to see the blood of innocent people spilled on the road.
Con mi mano alzada por los que se van, por los que no están
With my hand raised for those who leave, for those who are not here.
Me pregunto, ¿quien lloraría si yo fuera un difunto?
I wonder, who would cry if I were dead?
Si fuera libre mas allá de este sistema absurdo
If I were free beyond this absurd system.
Y de las rejas invisibles de mi mundo.
And the invisible bars of my world.
Si estuviera en otra piel, si estuviera lejos de esta calma
If I were in another skin, if I were far from this calm.
Si no fuera quien soy, sin un peso sobre mi espalda
If I weren't who I am, without a weight on my back.
Dime que seria de mi, si viviera lejos de esta esfera callejera
Tell me what would become of me, if I lived away from this street sphere?
Si yo fuera, si yo fuera
If I were, if I were.
Lejos de mi piel en otro lugar
Away from my skin in another place.
Lejos de mi ser podría volar
Away from my being I could fly.
Si saliera de esta esfera
If I left this sphere.
Si yo fuera si yo fuera (yeah)
If I were, if I were (yeah).
Lejos de mi piel en otro lugar (en otro lugar)
Away from my skin in another place (in another place).
Lejos de mi ser podría volar (si)
Away from my being I could fly (yes).
Si saliera de esta esfera (de esta esfera)
If I left this sphere (from this sphere).
Si yo fuera (de esta esfera)
If I were (from this sphere).
Si yo fuera (yeah)
If I were (yeah).
Si estuviera en otra piel (en otra piel)
If I were in another skin (in another skin).
Si estuviera lejos de esta calma (lejos de aquí) (lejos de aquí)
If I were far from this calm (far from here) (far from here).
Si no fuera quien soy, sin un peso sobre mi espalda (yeah)
If I weren't who I am, without a weight on my back (yeah).
Dime que seria de mi (de mi)
Tell me what would become of me (of me).
Si viviera lejos de esta esfera callejera,
If I lived away from this street sphere,
Si yo fuera, si yo fuera (si yo fuera)
If I were, if I were (if I were).
Lejos de esta jaula, lejos de esta esfera
Away from this cage, away from this sphere.
Angela Cervantes
Angela Cervantes
Si yo fuera...
If I were...

Writer(s): Fornes Olmo Ignacio, David Garcia Garci Nuno, Spike Miller

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