NACH - Rap Vida 2003 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction NACH - Rap Vida 2003

Rap Vida 2003
Rap Life 2003
En esta rap vida 2003
In this rap life 2003
Debes luchar sin limites y aguantar el estres,
You must fight without limits and endure the stress,
En esta rap vida donde hay demasiados reyes ke imponen sus leyes,
In this rap life where there are too many kings imposing their laws,
Chiko, no kreas todo lo ke ves,
Girl, don't believe everything you see,
Es la rap vida 2003
It's the rap life 2003
Debes luchar sin limites y aguantar el estres
You must fight without limits and endure the stress
En esta rap vida donde hay demasiados reyes ke imponen sus leyes,
In this rap life where there are too many kings imposing their laws,
Chiko, no kreas todo lo ke ves...
Girl, don't believe everything you see...
Rap vida vida placida rap vida y acida
Rap life pleasant life rap life and sour
Vida suicida y dividida nociva y lunatica,
Suicidal and divided life, harmful and lunatic,
Rap vida en la que pendo de un fino cordel
Rap life in which I hang by a thin thread
Si buko en el rap alimento y tan solo enkuentro hiel
If I look for food in rap and only find bile
Demasiado tabako y kafe y sin demasiada fe
Too much tobacco and coffee and without too much faith
Eskape de la katastrofe rap kafre de kafres rechace
Escape from the catastrophe rap kaffir of kaffirs reject
Mi konklusion fe el rap en españa la palma
My conclusion was rap in Spain the palm
Hasta ke falsalarma trajo la kalma a mis walkman
Until False Alarm brought calm to my Walkman
Hoy pokos kolman mi sed de rima y sentido
Today few satisfy my thirst for rhyme and meaning
Pokos informan de lo ke realmente han vivido
Few report what they have really lived
Se drogan la kagan se ahogan
They drug themselves, shit themselves, drown themselves
Deforman sus textos kreyendo k innovan, me roban...
They deform their texts believing they are innovating, they steal from me...
Lo siento pues no identifiko don magnifiko
I'm sorry because I don't identify Mr. Magnificent
Si solo te iluminan los fokos del frigorifiko
If only the lights of the refrigerator illuminate you
Es la guerra en rima y aki el maestro de esgrima
It's war in rhyme and here the master of fencing
Tipiko ver rappers ke kon un mikro aplikan morfina,
Typical to see rappers who apply morphine with a microphone,
Dormir ke yo vine a machakar tu alpine
Sleep that I came to crush your Alpine
A destrozar tu pionner
To destroy your Pioneer
Eskuchate dejaste el cerebro en la entrada?
Listen, did you leave your brain at the entrance?
Mirate, te viste agatha ruiz de la prada monada?
Look at you, you dressed Agatha Ruiz de la Prada cutie?
En este oficio hijo prodigio me proklaman
In this trade, a child prodigy, they proclaim me
Kon sigilo konseguí el prestigio ke hoy todo un país reklama
With stealth I achieved the prestige that today a whole country claims
Sali del drama salte de kama en kama (siempre)
Get out of the drama jump from bed to bed (always)
El hombre ekivokado (siempre)
The wrong man (always)
Para kualkier dama (siempre)
For any lady (always)
Andamos en manada y nadie nos manda más
We walk in a pack and nobody commands us anymore
Podridas manzanas no probare jamas mama
Rotten apples I will never taste mom
Se ke eres la ke más me ama
I know you are the one who loves me the most
Se ke los planes ke ellos traman para oskrecer mi fama fallaran
I know the plans they hatch to darken my fame will fail
Sentiran este hurakan hurrakas ratas de kloaka huiran
They will feel this hurricane, hurricane rats from the sewer will flee
Se eskonderan desapareceran
They will hide, they will disappear
Porke solo los poetas kon duende enamoraran
Because only poets with goblins will fall in love
Y si el oyente siente lo rekordara
And if the listener feels it, he will remember it
En esta rap vida 2003
In this rap life 2003
Debes luchar sin limites y aguantar el estres,
You must fight without limits and endure the stress,
En esta rap vida donde hay demasiados reyes ke imponen sus leyes,
In this rap life where there are too many kings imposing their laws,
Chiko, no kreas todo lo ke ves,
Girl, don't believe everything you see,
Es la rap vida 2003
It's the rap life 2003
Debes luchar sin limites y aguantar el estres
You must fight without limits and endure the stress
En esta rap vida donde hay demasiados reyes ke imponen sus leyes,
In this rap life where there are too many kings imposing their laws,
Chiko, no kreas todo lo ke ves,
Girl, don't believe everything you see,
Es la rap vida 2003, es la rap vida 2003...
It's the rap life 2003, it's the rap life 2003...
En esta rap vida 2003
In this rap life 2003
Debes luchar sin limites y aguantar el estres,
You must fight without limits and endure the stress,
En esta rap vida donde hay demasiados reyes ke imponen sus leyes,
In this rap life where there are too many kings imposing their laws,
Chiko, no kreas todo lo ke ves,
Girl, don't believe everything you see,
Es la rap vida 2003
It's the rap life 2003
Debes luchar sin limites y aguantar el estres
You must fight without limits and endure the stress
En esta rap vida donde hay demasiados reyes ke imponen sus leyes,
In this rap life where there are too many kings imposing their laws,
Chiko, no kreas todo lo ke ves...
Girl, don't believe everything you see...
Rap vida vida placida rap vida y acida
Rap life pleasant life rap life and sour
Vida suicida y dividida nociva y lunatica,
Suicidal and divided life, harmful and lunatic,
Rap vida en la que pendo de un fino cordel
Rap life in which I hang by a thin thread
Si buko en el rap alimento y tan solo enkuentro hiel
If I look for food in rap and only find bile
Demasiado tabako y kafe y sin demasiada fe
Too much tobacco and coffee and without too much faith
Eskape de la katastrofe rap kafre de kafres rechace
Escape from the catastrophe rap kaffir of kaffirs reject
Mi konklusion fe el rap en españa la palma
My conclusion was rap in Spain the palm
Hasta ke falsalarma trajo la kalma a mis walkman
Until False Alarm brought calm to my Walkman
Hoy pokos kolman mi sed de rima y sentido
Today few satisfy my thirst for rhyme and meaning
Pokos informan de lo ke realmente han vivido
Few report what they have really lived
Se drogan la kagan se ahogan
They drug themselves, shit themselves, drown themselves
Deforman sus textos kreyendo k innovan, me roban...
They deform their texts believing they are innovating, they steal from me...
Lo siento pues no identifiko don magnifiko
I'm sorry because I don't identify Mr. Magnificent
Si solo te iluminan los fokos del frigorifiko
If only the lights of the refrigerator illuminate you
Es la guerra en rima y aki el maestro de esgrima
It's war in rhyme and here the master of fencing
Tipiko ver rappers ke kon un mikro aplikan morfina,
Typical to see rappers who apply morphine with a microphone,
Dormir ke yo vine a machakar tu alpine
Sleep that I came to crush your Alpine
A destrozar tu pionner
To destroy your Pioneer
Eskuchate dejaste el cerebro en la entrada?
Listen, did you leave your brain at the entrance?
Mirate, te viste agatha ruiz de la prada monada?
Look at you, you dressed Agatha Ruiz de la Prada cutie?
En este oficio hijo prodigio me proklaman
In this trade, a child prodigy, they proclaim me
Kon sigilo konseguí el prestigio ke hoy todo un país reklama
With stealth I achieved the prestige that today a whole country claims
Sali del drama salte de kama en kama (siempre)
Get out of the drama jump from bed to bed (always)
El hombre ekivokado (siempre)
The wrong man (always)
Para kualkier dama (siempre)
For any lady (always)
Andamos en manada y nadie nos manda más
We walk in a pack and nobody commands us anymore
Podridas manzanas no probare jamas mama
Rotten apples I will never taste mom
Se ke eres la ke más me ama
I know you are the one who loves me the most
Se ke los planes ke ellos traman para oskrecer mi fama fallaran
I know the plans they hatch to darken my fame will fail
Sentiran este hurakan hurrakas ratas de kloaka huiran
They will feel this hurricane, hurricane rats from the sewer will flee
Se eskonderan desapareceran
They will hide, they will disappear
Porke solo los poetas kon duende enamoraran
Because only poets with goblins will fall in love
Y si el oyente siente lo rekordara
And if the listener feels it, he will remember it
En esta rap vida 2003
In this rap life 2003
Debes luchar sin limites y aguantar el estres,
You must fight without limits and endure the stress,
En esta rap vida donde hay demasiados reyes ke imponen sus leyes,
In this rap life where there are too many kings imposing their laws,
Chiko, no kreas todo lo ke ves,
Girl, don't believe everything you see,
Es la rap vida 2003
It's the rap life 2003
Debes luchar sin limites y aguantar el estres
You must fight without limits and endure the stress
En esta rap vida donde hay demasiados reyes ke imponen sus leyes,
In this rap life where there are too many kings imposing their laws,
Chiko, no kreas todo lo ke ves,
Girl, don't believe everything you see,
Es la rap vida 2003, es la rap vida 2003...
It's the rap life 2003, it's the rap life 2003...

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