黃明志 - 笑著回家 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 黃明志 - 笑著回家

Smiling Home
今晚睡不著 明天就要返鄉
Tonight I can't sleep, tomorrow I'm going back to my hometown
太多的東西塞滿了行李箱 都裝不完
My luggage is full of things, it's like I can't finish packing
到銀行領了現鈔 準備好要派的紅包
I went to the bank to withdraw some cash, I'm getting ready to give out red envelopes
反復檢查皮夾和背包 帶上胃藥車票和口罩
I've checked my wallet, backpack, and stomach medicine, car tickets, and masks
這城市滿目瘡痍 飽受著重創
Look, this city is full of wounds, it's been badly damaged
看似光鮮亮麗的背後 多少人遍體鱗傷
Behind the glamorous surface, how many people are covered in wounds
面對太多人情冷暖 不想多談只能去習慣
I've seen too much of the coldness of humanity, I don't want to talk about it anymore, I can only get used to it
情緒塞滿 在菸灰缸 借酒撫慰著惆悵
My emotions are overflowing in the ashtray, I use alcohol to comfort my sadness
就算面對再多的碰撞 也得要體面風光
Even if I face more obstacles, I must be respectable and dignified
就算經歷再多的風霜 也要替換新冬裝
Even if I go through more storms, I must change into new winter clothes
想起了遠方的爹娘 絕不能讓他們失望
Thinking of my parents far away, I must not let them down
把皮鞋擦亮 挺起胸膛 笑著回家
I shine my shoes, straighten my chest, and smile as I return home
我要笑著回家 回到最初的地方
I want to smile back home, back to my original place
收起了落寞難堪勉強 盡量不讓自己多想
I put away my loneliness, embarrassment, and reluctance, trying not to think too much
抬頭笑著回家 回到了我的故鄉
I raise my head and smile as I return home, back to my hometown
那裡有最天真的浪漫 還有等待著的一桌 年夜飯
There is the most innocent romance, and a table of New Year's Eve dinner waiting for me
Smiling back home, oh
曾經並肩的戰友 多少人已經遠走
The comrades who once fought side by side, how many of them have left
為何對人善良 換來的卻是背叛和利用
Why should I be kind to people, only to receive betrayal and exploitation in return
真心被玩弄 被他嘲諷 最親的人反而被掏空
My sincerity was played with, I was ridiculed by my closest person
只能將自己武裝 收起了笑容
I can only arm myself, I put away my smile
有人相互攻擊 有人背信忘義
Look, some people attack each other, others betray their trust
平時跟你稱兄道弟 當你困難卻不再有連繫
Usually they call you brother, but when you're in trouble, they lose contact
這社會太擁擠 壓得我快喘不過氣
This society is too crowded, it's suffocating me
該後退 還是前進 下一步我該如何繼續
Should I retreat or advance, what should I do next
原本想說的話 已經不敢多講
I didn't say what I wanted to say, I didn't dare to think too much
原本在心中的理想 不敢再想 只好健忘
The ideals in my heart, I didn't dare to think about them anymore, I had to forget them
回家的路上 人來人往 拖著疲憊 背著遺憾
On the way home, people come and go, dragging their fatigue, carrying regrets
自己都隱藏 只想一路奔向南方
I hide myself, just want to run to the south
我要笑著回家 回到最初的地方
I want to smile back home, back to my original place
收起了落寞難堪勉強 盡量不讓自己多想
I put away my loneliness, embarrassment, and reluctance, trying not to think too much
抬頭笑著回家 回到了我的故鄉
I raise my head and smile as I return home, back to my hometown
那裡有最天真的浪漫 還有等待著的一桌
There is the most innocent romance, and a table waiting for me
一路往南 我的故鄉
All the way south, my hometown
鳥語花香 對我召喚
The birds sing, the flowers bloom
歷經磨難 椎心的傷
After experiencing hardships, the pain
Will make me stronger
我要笑著回家 回到最初的地方
I want to smile back home, back to my original place
收起了落寞難堪勉強 盡量不讓自己多想
I put away my loneliness, embarrassment, and reluctance, trying not to think too much
抬頭笑著回家 回到了我的故鄉
I raise my head and smile as I return home, back to my hometown
那裡有最天真的浪漫 還有等待著的一桌 年夜飯
There is the most innocent romance, and a table of New Year's Eve dinner waiting for me
沿途的風景依舊 仰望熟悉的天空
The scenery along the way remains the same, I look up at the familiar sky
親戚朋友 好久不見 新人來舊人已走
Relatives and friends, long time no see, new people come, old people leave
對著天公 列祖列宗 獻上供品默默地說
I offer sacrifices to heaven and my ancestors, and say silently
保佑爸爸和媽媽 天天都健康珍重
Bless my father and mother, may they be healthy and well
這是我選擇的路 我會好好走
This is the path I have chosen, and I will walk it well
我明白人生的旅途上 有起當然也有落
I understand that on the journey of life, there will be ups and downs
難免會受挫 痛苦難過 我會學習如何去掙脫
Sometimes I may be frustrated and sad, but I will learn to break free
My hometown is the end of my journey and my only hope

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