Nancy Ajram - Daret El Ayam - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Nancy Ajram - Daret El Ayam

Daret El Ayam
Daret El Ayam
ودارت الايام
The days turned and passed
ومرت الايام
And passed the days
مابين بعاد و خصام
Between distance and quarrel
وقابتله. نسيت اني خاصمته
And I run into him . I forgot I quarreled with him
ونسيت الليل اللي سهرته
And I forgot the night that kept me awake
و سامحت عذاب قلبي و حيرته
And I forgave the torment of my heart and its bewilderment
معرفش ازاي ازاي ازاي انا كلمته
I do not know how I called him, how I called him, how I called him
ماقدرش علي بعد حبيبي
I can't stand being away from my love
انا ليا مين انا ليا مين الا حبيبي
Who do I have, who do I have but my love?
قابلني و الاشواق ف عينيه
He met me and the longing was in his eyes
سلم وخد ايدي ف ايديه
Peace and take my hand in his
وهمسلي قالي الحق عليه
And whispered to me, saying, "Forgive him."
نسيت ساعتها بعدنا ليه
I forgot at that moment why we separated
فين دموعي اللي مانامت ليالي
Where are my tears that did not sleep nights?
بابتسامة من عيونه نسهالي
With a smile from his eyes, I forget them
امر عذاب ... و احلي عذاب
Bitterly torment... and the sweetest torment
عذاب الحب عذاب الحب للأحباب
The torment of love, the torment of love for lovers
ماقدرتش اصبر يوم علي بعده
I couldn't bear a day away from him
ده الصبر عايز عايز صبر لوحده
For patience needs patience alone
وصفولي الصبر
Describe patience to me
لقيته خيال و كلام ف الحب
I found it an illusion and words in love
يادوب يادوب ينقال
Barely, barely can it be said
و اهرب من قلبي اروح علي فين
And I run away from my heart, where do I go?
ليالينا الحلوك في كل مكان
Our sweet nights are everywhere
ملينها حب احنا الاتنين
They are full of love, the two of us
و ملينا الدنيا امل
And we filled the world with hope
امل و حنان
Hope and compassion
عيني عيني علي العاشقين
My eyes, my eyes are on the lovers
حياري مظلومين
Bewildered, wronged
علي الصبر مش قادرين
They are unable to be patient
و دارت الايام
And the days turned and passed
و مرت الايام
And passed the days
و هل الفجر بعد الهجر
And dawn after separation?
بنوره الوردي بيصبح
Will it rise with its rosy light?
و نور الصبح صحي الفرح
And the light of dawn awakened joy
و قال للحب قوم نفرح
And said to love, "Let us rejoice."
من فرحتي فرحتي تهت من الفرحة
From my joy, my joy, I am lost from joy
من فرحتي فرحتي لا بنام ولا بصحي
From my joy, my joy, I neither sleep nor wake
ولاقيتني معاك بعيش معاك بعيش ف ربيع
And I found myself with you, living with you, living in spring
مفيش كده مفيش كده مفيش كده بين شوق ماينتهيش
There is no such thing, there is no such thing, there is no such thing between longing that does not end
و شوق و شوق و شوق تاني ابتدي
And longing and longing and longing again began

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