Nane feat. Angeles - $$$ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Nane feat. Angeles - $$$

Care-i treaba, bro?! Care-i treaba, bro?!
What's up, bro?! What's up, bro?!
Am auzit că-i nişte caşcaval pe-aici, am loc cumva şi io?
I heard there's some cheese around here, can I get a piece of it too?
Şoarece de bloc, intru în joc,
Block mouse, I'm in the game,
Dintr-un foc, rup tot
In one shot, I'll break everything
N-am avut noroc, da' ştiu pot!
I haven't been lucky, but I know I can do it!
Mama n-a crescut vreun dobitoc!
Mom didn't raise an idiot!
Confort?! Sunt departe de confort...
Comfort?! I'm far from comfort...
Dar bag mâna-n foc, de fapt trec focu' înot
But I'll put my hand in the fire, in fact, I'll cross the fire swimming
La un moment dat, o se întoarcă tot
At some point, everything will come back around
La un moment dat, v-o dau la bot
At some point, I'll punch you in the face
Credeaţi c-am plecat, dar întorc
You thought I was gone, but I'm back
Un pic de linişte, va rog!
A little silence, please!
Stau la pândă până prind un pot!
I'm lurking until I catch a pot!
Fin! E atât de fin!
Fine! It's so fine!
Fraierii ignoră total, da' ghici tu,
The suckers ignore me totally, but guess what,
Cine o se şocheze când vin?
Who's gonna be shocked when I come?
Tu şi tu? Şi tu şi tu? Şi cu tine, şi cu tine!
You and you? And you and you? And you, and you!
Când credeaţi nu şi nu... Târfelor, ghiciţi cine!
When you thought I wouldn't and didn't... Bitches, guess who!
EU! Un semizeu! Pentru unii, derbedeu, ce mare clişeu
ME! A demigod! For some, a lowlife, what a big cliché
Adevăru-i că, de fapt, trag grav, la greu
The truth is that, in fact, I'm pulling hard, for real
Pun leu pe leu, m-am născut peleu!
I put leu on leu, because I was born a peleu!
Şi ce-i al meu, e-al meu! Tot ce trebuie vină, vine!
And what's mine is mine! Everything that has to come, will come!
Iar când vine, cu tupeu... Vin, vin după tine, ţine-te bine!
And when it comes, with audacity... I'll come, come after you, hold on tight!
Am în cap ideea asta c-o fiu bogat
I have this idea in my head that I'm going to be rich
Merge întruna pe repeat, de parcă m-am blocat
It keeps going on repeat, like I'm stuck
Banii sunt un fleac
Money is a snap
Îi fac eu, nu ei fac
I make it, it doesn't make me
Şi dacă o să-i fac, or vrea crucificat...
And if I do, they'll want me crucified...
"Cie, te-ai schimbat!" cum ar zice un frustrat
"Wow, you've changed!" as a frustrated person would say
Da' mai dă-te în căcat, nu ştii cât am înotat!
But go to hell, you don't know how much I've swum!
Am băgat în lung-lat, pân' am dat de uscat
I've done all the laps, until I found dry land
Ce păcat, te simţi ofuscat
What a shame, to feel resentful
Ciudat, cum unii au creieru' blocat!
Strange, how some people have their brains blocked!
Şi ce e mai fd up, şi ei vor o bucată, de fapt...
And what's more fd up, they also want a piece, in fact...
Da' cercurile mari nu-mi plac
But I don't like big circles
Fiindcă unii o freacă şi alţii trag
Because some of them just mess around and others work hard
Io, îmi văd de felia mea, stau chill
I'll just take care of my own slice, chill out
Băieţaş finuţ, de când eram copil
Fine boy, since I was a child
For real, cre' am fumat un kil'
For real, I think I smoked a kilo
Gândindu-mă doar la cum produc un mil'
Thinking only about how to make a mil'
Şi cred prea mult timp am fost umil
And I think I've been humble for too long
Iar muiştii ăştia nu credeau sunt abil
And these wimps didn't believe I was skilled
Mai grav! Sunt un pic debil!
Worse! I'm a little feeble!
Bag rapperii ăştia senili în azil!
I'll put these senile rappers in a nursing home!
Unii-i zic swag, unii-i zic stil
Some call it swag, some call it style
Eu zic doar cu ft hateri subtil...
I just say with subtle ft haters...
Şi nu am timp vorbesc inutil
And I don't have time for useless talk
Fii antenă cum clădesc cel mai tare şpil!
Be an antenna how I build the greatest spiel!
Am în cap ideea asta c-o fiu bogat
I have this idea in my head that I'm going to be rich
Merge întruna pe repeat, de parcă m-am blocat
It keeps going on repeat, like I'm stuck
Banii sunt un fleac
Money is a snap
Îi fac eu, nu ei fac
I make it, it doesn't make me

Writer(s): maidan, angeles

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