Nane feat. Neli - Laboratorul Lui Dexter - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Nane feat. Neli - Laboratorul Lui Dexter

Laboratorul Lui Dexter
Dexter's Laboratory
În laborator ca Dexter Aye! Aye!
In the laboratory like Dexter Aye! Aye!
Le mixăm, remixăm, testăm Aye! Aye!
We mix them, remix them, test them Aye! Aye!
Cu cearcăne ca Uncle Fester Aye! Aye!
With dark circles like Uncle Fester Aye! Aye!
Facem treabă marfă - Yes, sir!
We're doing great Yes, sir!
În laborator ca Dexter Aye! Aye!
In the laboratory like Dexter Aye! Aye!
Le mixăm, remixăm, testăm Aye! Aye!
We mix them, remix them, test them Aye! Aye!
Cu cearcăne ca Uncle Fester Aye! Aye!
With dark circles like Uncle Fester Aye! Aye!
Facem treabă marfă - Yes, sir!
We're doing great Yes, sir!
Bine ai venit în hotbox
Welcome to the hotbox, baby
Fumez verde şi scuip cox
I smoke green and spit out fire
Rimez cu ochii în distors
I rhyme with my eyes distorted
M*ie garda, n-o cunosc!
The police, I don't know them!
N-am văzut, n-am auzit, nu ştiu!
I didn't see, I didn't hear, I don't know!
C-aşa a fost învăţat puştiu′
That's how I was taught, my friend
treabă de vrei faci, dacă nu, taci!
Do your thing if you want to, if not, shut up!
Nu te băga de nu ştii-n ce te bagi!
Don't get involved if you don't know what you're getting into!
De-aia sunt șapte din șapte în stud'
That's why I'm seven for seven in the studio
N-am chef de c*caturi, n-aud
I don't want any shit, I don't listen
Prefer scuip c*catu′ crud
I prefer to spit out the raw shit
Să-mi fac cashu' şi să-l f*t!
To make my money and fuck it!
Rectific, să-l reinvestesc
I mean, to reinvest it
Ca fac ceea ce iubesc
To do what I love
stau pe beat, le coc des
To stay on beat, to cook them often
Şi p*la-n urechi le-o îndes!
And to stuff them in your ears!
În laborator ca Dexter Aye! Aye!
In the laboratory like Dexter Aye! Aye!
Le mixăm, remixăm, testăm Aye! Aye!
We mix them, remix them, test them Aye! Aye!
Cu cearcăne ca Uncle Fester Aye! Aye!
With dark circles like Uncle Fester Aye! Aye!
Facem treabă marfă - Yes, sir!
We're doing great Yes, sir!
În laborator ca Dexter Aye! Aye!
In the laboratory like Dexter Aye! Aye!
Le mixăm, remixăm, testăm Aye! Aye!
We mix them, remix them, test them Aye! Aye!
Cu cearcăne ca Uncle Fester Aye! Aye!
With dark circles like Uncle Fester Aye! Aye!
Facem treabă marfă - Yes, sir!
We're doing great Yes, sir!
E boiler room parola
Boiler room is the password
Am fumat prea mult! Pa, rola!
I smoked too much! Bye, joint!
În laborator simt ca-n Breaking Bad
In the laboratory I feel like I'm in Breaking Bad
Sunt numai chimicale, Mendeleev!
There are only chemicals, Mendeleev!
Ai ceva de tras?!
Do you have something to smoke?!
Am câteva piese şi câteva fete
I have some tracks and some girls
Am de gând s-ajung unde n-am avut când
I'm planning to go where I never have
Ai grijă ce atingi! Dee Dee, pleacă de aici!
Be careful what you touch! Dee Dee, get out of here!
Am un milion de idei
I have a million ideas
Pentru mine şi ai mei
For myself and my people
Pentru cei care-o facă fix ce tu nu vrei
For those who will do exactly what you don't want them to
Sau vrei, dar nu poţi, nu poa' s-o simtă toţi
Or you wanted to, but you couldn't, not everyone can feel it
Fraţii nu-s fraţi dacă nu se-njură de morţi!
Brothers aren't brothers if they don't swear at each other!
De la verde se vede mai bine că-s hoţi
It's clearer when you're high that they are thieves
N-am stau mă-njuri, vreau să-mi arăţi poţi!
I won't swear at you, I want you to show me that you can!
Staţi la colț! Fumez şi rulez până când nu mai pot!
Stay in the corner! I smoke and roll until I can't anymore!
În laborator am space cake şi brownies, îmi dau rec
In the laboratory I have space cake and brownies, they give me my rec
Am pace, e love, fam, băieţii mei, all hall of fame!
I have peace, it's love, fam, my boys, all hall of fame!
În laborator am space cake şi brownies, îmi dau rec
In the laboratory I have space cake and brownies, they give me my rec
Am pace, e love, fam, băieţii mei, all hall of fame!
I have peace, it's love, fam, my boys, all hall of fame!
În laborator ca Dexter Aye! Aye!
In the laboratory like Dexter Aye! Aye!
Le mixăm, remixăm, testăm Aye! Aye!
We mix them, remix them, test them Aye! Aye!
Cu cearcăne ca Uncle Fester Aye! Aye!
With dark circles like Uncle Fester Aye! Aye!
Facem treabă marfă - Yes, sir!
We're doing great Yes, sir!
În laborator ca Dexter Aye! Aye!
In the laboratory like Dexter Aye! Aye!
Le mixăm, remixăm, testăm Aye! Aye!
We mix them, remix them, test them Aye! Aye!
Cu cearcăne ca Uncle Fester Aye! Aye!
With dark circles like Uncle Fester Aye! Aye!
Facem treabă marfă - Yes, sir!
We're doing great Yes, sir!

Nane feat. Neli - Laboratorul Lui Dexter
Laboratorul Lui Dexter
date de sortie

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