Nane - B.M.V. (Live) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Nane - B.M.V. (Live)

B.M.V. (Live)
B.M.V. (Live)
Despre mine tre' înţelegi că-s un golan finuţ
Darling, you need to understand that I'm a sophisticated rogue
Nu sunt genu' ăla, bro, te lase desculţ
I'm not the type, girl, to leave you barefoot
Am evitat scandaluri şi când au ars-o prost mulţi
I've avoided scandals, while many have messed up badly
Da' cu verii mei din Orşova nu prea te fuţi
But don't mess with my cousins from Orşova
Când sunt rupţi, în special, n-ai vrea îi calci pe coadă
Especially when they're high, you don't want to step on their toes
C-ajungi, oagăre, ori în spital, ori pe la gardă
Because you'll end up, honey, either in the hospital or under arrest
S-au dus un pic mai departe, fratelo, de iarbă
They've ventured a bit beyond weed, baby
Şi-acum, se pare c-au probleme la mansardă
And now, it seems they have issues in their attic
Woah! S-a lăsat seara, s-au combinat direct
Woah! - Evening has fallen, they've hooked up right away
vezi combinaţie, unii au şi carnet
Look at the combination, some even have a license
Au facut de-o chetă, să-şi cumpere acaret
They pooled their money to buy a car
Şi şi-o ard ca O. D. B, văd totu' mai încet
And they drive like O. D. B, everything's in slow motion
Nişte "rep" la CD player sau cablu auxiliar
Some "rep" on the CD player or aux cable
Jointane babane, juma' de pill în pahar
Fat joints, half a pill in a glass
O gagică-două, care ar vrea la lăutari
A girl or two who would like to be with musicians
Caterinca mare..."Uite gaborii, apar!"
Great fun... "Look, the cops, they're coming!"
C, ce ne mai place bagabonţeala
Baby, how we love the vagabond life
Ce ne şi placă, dacă nu ne-a plăcut şcoala?
Why wouldn't we love it, if we didn't like school?
Băutura, mahoarca şi cu vrăjeala
Booze, weed, and a bit of chatter
Ne-alungă plictiseala când se lasă seara
Drive away our boredom as evening falls
Molly, molly, molly, molly în whiskian
Molly, molly, molly, molly in whiskey
uit la Dunăre, de zici e ocean
I look at the Danube, it looks like the ocean
Îmi curge muia, nu ştiu ce pa mea am
I'm dripping wet, I don't know what's wrong with me
Eram băiat bun, da' m-am combinat cu golani
I was a good boy, but I hooked up with the gangsters
Lua-te-ar dracu', Nenică, iară ţi-ai rupt capu' rău
Damn you, Nenică, you've messed up your head again
Iară ai turnat în tine de zici nu e al tău!
Your brain is totally fried!
"E de rău!" E de bine, dacă întrebi pe mine
"It's bad!" - It's good, if you ask me
fac ce vrea vânata mea şi nu explic la nimeni
Because I do whatever I want and I don't explain myself to anyone
Ah! Merg de-a doua, se miră babele, moşii
Ah! - I'm walking all over the place, the old women and men are surprised
O fi mersu' meu, o fi faţa mea de emoji?!
Is it my walk, is it my emoji-like face?
Nu ştiu unde sunt, ştiu doar aşteaptă broşii
I don't know where I am, I just know my buddies are waiting for me
Am capul tomată şi soto mi-l voi stroşi
My head is like a tomato and I think I'll smash it
Fast-forward nişte ore mai târziu
Fast-forward a few hours later
Totu-n regulă, fratele tău încă e viu
Everything's fine, your man is still alive
Am fumat ca jamaicanu' şi-am băut ca rusu'
I smoked like a Jamaican and drank like a Russian
simt mort, cine-mi verifică pulsu'?
I feel like I'm dead, who's going to check my pulse?
C, ce ne mai place bagabonţeala
Baby, how we love the vagabond life
Ce ne şi placă, dacă nu ne-a plăcut şcoala?
Why wouldn't we love it, if we didn't like school?
Băutura, mahoarca şi cu vrăjeala
Booze, weed, and a bit of chatter
Ne-alungă plictiseala când se lasă seara
Drive away our boredom as evening falls

Writer(s): Stefan Avram Cherescu

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