Nane - Zile - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Nane - Zile

Dragă industrie, vreau ştii nu sperii
Dear industry, I want you to know that you don't scare me
Chiar dacă-ţi promovezi toţi nepoţii şi toţi verii
Even if you promote all your nephews and cousins
Ţin să-ţi spun nu regăsesc în ce fac ei
I want to tell you that I don't see myself in what they do
Treaba asta e a mea şi n-ai cum mi-o iei
This thing is mine and you can't take it from me
Nici dacă fac foamea şi fac ca toţi dracii
Not even if I'm starving and acting like the devil
Nici dac'o mănânce de viu gândacii
Not even if the cockroaches eat me alive
Nici dacă lumea-şi pierde total interesu'
Not even if the world loses all interest
Eu rămân la versuri, nu îmi pasă ce fac restu'
I stick to the verses, I don't care what the rest do
n-a fost vorba de vreo ţoală niciodată
Because it's never been about clothes
Sau vreo p**** bună, din revistă decupată
Or some good p****, cut out from a magazine
C****, scopu' meu nu-i vreo maşină supărată
S***, my goal isn't a badass car
Cu bune şi cu rele, viaţa mea e artă
With good and bad, my life is art
Yeah! - Nu mi-e frică de vreo răscruce
Yeah! - I'm not afraid of any crossroads
Mi-aleg un drum şi o văd unde duce
I choose a path and I'll see where it takes me
Gustu' vieţii de artist e departe de dulce
The taste of an artist's life is far from sweet
Da' nu disper, atâta am, atât mi-ajunge...
But I don't despair, I have this much, it's enough for me...
Am zile-n care simt pot zbor
I have days when I feel like I can fly
Şi zile-n care simt gol pe interior
And days when I feel empty inside
Dar indiferent ce-ar fi, o iau uşor
But no matter what, I take it easy
Fiindcă toate vin exact la timpu' lor
Because everything comes exactly at its time
Am zile-n care simt pot zbor
I have days when I feel like I can fly
Şi zile-n care simt gol pe interior
And days when I feel empty inside
Dar indiferent ce-ar fi, o iau uşor
But no matter what, I take it easy
Fiindcă toate vin exact la timpu' lor
Because everything comes exactly at its time
În cuiu' ăsta-mi pun un G-u' fac bine
I'll put a G in this blunt to make me feel good
De ce nu? Oricum, nu mă-nţelege nimeni
Why not? Anyway, nobody understands me
M-au luat depresii radiou' nu vrea
I've been depressed because the radio doesn't want me
Nu şi-o ard cu piesa mea, da' şi-o ard cu ex-a mea
I'm not just gonna burn it down with my song, I'm gonna burn it down with my ex
Ah! - Industria pierde undeva
Ah! - The industry is losing me somewhere
Sper măcar, în p*** mea, ating inima cuiva
I hope at least, for f***'s sake, to touch someone's heart
uit la tineri ce se rătăcesc în droguri
Because I look at young people getting lost in drugs
Sau, mai trist... Rămân captivi pe după blocuri
Or, sadder... They remain captive behind blocks of flats
Nimeni n-are habar ce am de gând
Nobody knows what I'm up to
"No problemo", fratelo, o se vadă în curând
"No problemo", brother, it will be seen soon
Unii-ar vrea opresc da' nu ştiu n-am frâne,
Some would like me to stop but they don't know I don't have brakes,
Vedem cine-i doar un trend şi cine va rămâne
We'll see who's just a trend and who will remain
În ultima viteză, îi dau fără centură
In the last gear, I give it without a seat belt
Toate durerile din inimă, le scot pe gură
All the pains in my heart, I take them out through my mouth
Şi simt că-mi revin, o luasem pe arătură
And I feel like I'm coming back, that I'd taken a wrong turn
Acum, răspund cu dragoste la ură...
Now, I respond with love to hate...
Am zile-n care simt pot zbor
I have days when I feel like I can fly
Şi zile-n care simt gol pe interior
And days when I feel empty inside
Dar indiferent ce-ar fi, o iau uşor
But no matter what, I take it easy
Fiindcă toate vin exact la timpu' lor
Because everything comes exactly at its time
Am zile-n care simt pot zbor
I have days when I feel like I can fly
Şi zile-n care simt gol pe interior
And days when I feel empty inside
Dar indiferent ce-ar fi, o iau uşor
But no matter what, I take it easy
Fiindcă toate vin exact la timpu' lor
Because everything comes exactly at its time

Writer(s): Marius Onetiu

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