NanowaR of Steel - Kitograd - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction NanowaR of Steel - Kitograd

Aj dođi ovamo u oblast crnogradsku
Come here to the black city region
Poseti mesto gde poraste racku
Visit the place where the rakija grows
Dođi nije daleko,
Come, it's not far,
Probaj točeno mleko
Try some fresh milk
Proizvedeno od čamuga
Produced from chamuga
S afričkoga juga!
From the African south!
Kad god neko spomene Breda Pita
Whenever someone mentions Brad Pitt
Kod svakoga podigne se kita
Everyone's spirits rise
Tu je salon frizerski
There's a hair salon there
Za ovaj narod pederski
For this nation of homosexuals
U kafani vlada zakon
In the café, the law is
"Dozvoljenog pušenja"
"Smoking allowed"
Dođite u Kitograd
Come to Kitograd
Da osetite kuraca smrad
To smell the stink of dicks
Voliš kitu? Kažeš da ili ne,
Do you like whales? Say yes or no,
Ti svejedno dobićeš je!
Either way, you're going to get one!
Svaki stavlja kobaje u svoje rupe,
Everyone puts guinea pigs in their holes,
U oči uši usta pa čak i dupe
In their eyes, ears, mouths, and even their butts
Nemoj da se iznenadiš,
Don't be surprised,
Ako pičku ne nađeš
If you don't find a pussy
Dobrodošao u društvo
Welcome to the club
Ljubitelja krastavca (kurčeva)
Of lovers of cucumbers (dicks)
Osećaj jeste odličan,
The feeling is great,
No ne baš romantičan
But not very romantic
Ljubav nije "Ti si mi u duši",
Love isn't "You're in my soul",
Nego "Dođi pa ga puši!"
But rather "Come and smoke it!"

Writer(s): Carlesi, Edoardo

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