Naotaro Moriyama - Q.O.L - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Naotaro Moriyama - Q.O.L

劣等生もお利口さんも 実に空虚な俗世ん中でもうてんやわんや
Being inferior or clever is utterly empty, in this vulgar world that is already full of troubles,
Let's have a rendezvous at Third Keihin at Mach 5, even though there's nowhere to go, and then
また すったもんだ
we'll have another row,
ほーら ニートはシューズを履いて
Look, the NEET wears shoes,
そうさ エリートはスーツを脱いで
That's right, the elite takes off his suit,
飾らぬままで行けばいい 逆さになってみればいい
It's better to go without showing off, better to turn upside down,
問い掛けてみりゃ分かるさ そうクォリティーオブライフ
If you ask a question, you'll understand, that's the quality of life
素晴しき哉 愛が故に 愛を謳え 彷徨えるDNA
Wonderful, love for love's sake, sing about love, the wandering DNA,
形あるモノだけに頼って なし崩しに栄えた人類 お気楽なもんだね
Human beings have flourished without collapsing, relying only on concrete things, what a carefree bunch,
そんでもってまた 愛が為に 愛に踊れ 損得飛び越えて
And once again, for the sake of love, dance for love, transcend gains and losses,
"Oh, my life is without regrets!"
Hindus and Christians had a lot of clashes, and yet
they're still making a fuss,
Earthquakes and the Big Bang are flicked away, a carnival, and then another reincarnation
そうだ 大きなイメージを抱いて
Yes, have a grand vision,
いいから 小さなダメージを捨てて
Come on, forget the small damages,
犬も歩けば猿になり 裸のままじゃ風邪をひく
Even dogs can become monkeys if they walk, and those who are naked will catch a cold,
不自由さの中の自由を さぁクォリティーオブライフ
Freedom within restrictions, that's the quality of life
悲しき性 愛が故に 愛に溺れ 屯(たむろ)すは歓楽街
Tragic nature, drowning in love for love's sake, hanging around the red-light district,
後回しにした問題に 足下をすくわれて笑って 皮肉な物種
Problems put on hold trip you up, and you laugh, what an ironic species,
なんつってもまた 愛が為に 愛を探せ 野を超え山越えて
After all, again for the sake of love, seek love, over mountains and valleys,
"The life of a flower is pretty loooong!"
John, Paul, Ringo, and George, too,
"We were just sucked into the magnificent story called the Beatles,"
輝く方へ誘(いざな)われ 絡まりながらはしゃぎ合おう
Be lured to the shining side, let's frolic while getting entangled,
ステージに酔つたらいいさ いざクォリティーオブライフ
Get drunk on the stage, that's the quality of life
素晴しき哉 転調してでも
Wonderful, even if we change key,
愛が故に あいを謳え 彷徨えるDNA
for love's sake, sing about love, the wandering DNA,
If push comes to shove, I swear to God,
even humanity, which has survived by force, is not to blame.
そんでもってまた 愛が為に 愛を囃(はや)せ 清濁(せいだく)飲み込んで
And once again, for the sake of love, cheer for love, swallowing both good and bad,
"Oh, my life is without regrets!"
"Oh, my life is without regrets!"

Writer(s): 森山 直太朗, 御徒町 凧, 森山 直太朗, 御徒町 凧

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