Nativ - Hiatus. - traduction des paroles en anglais

Hiatus. - Nativtraduction en anglais

Slowdown, slowdown
Slow down, slow down
Slowdown, slowdown
Slow down, slow down
I ha nie chönnä zrüg luege ha ke zyt gha
I couldn't look back, I didn't have time
So viu ihdrück woni nid sortiert ha
So many impressions I haven't sorted out
Zwüsche heartbreaks wäg lüt woni doch gliebt ha
Between heartbreaks because of people I loved
U mängisch hani nüm dra dänkt ds i ä brüetsch ha (patko)
And sometimes I didn't even think about the pain I was carrying (patko)
Mängisch hani nümme gwüsst ds i ä macher bi
Sometimes I didn't even know I was a doer
So viu trännä nüme gmerkt wenn i am lachä bi
So many tears I didn't notice when I was laughing
I bi so färn gsi winä stärn i dere galaxie
I was so far away, a star in that galaxy
U nid mau checkt dsi di ganz zyt bi am wachsä gsi
And didn't even check, you were growing the whole time
Abglänkt vo dr ignoranz
Distracted by ignorance
U wed drs würklech ihredsch bchunsch ä chline schwanz
And if you really get it, you'll get a little tail
Aber d wält isch winä vulva machä liebi miträ
But the world is like a vulva, making love with you
U wes zyt isch fürnes ching de wärdä mirs scho wüssä
And when it's time for a child, we'll know
Slowdown, slowdown
Slow down, slow down
Slowdown, slowdown
Slow down, slow down
Slowdown, slowdown
Slow down, slow down
Slowdown, slowdown
Slow down, slow down
U izä stahni da, u panik macht grd ws si wott
And now I'm standing here, and panic is doing what it wants
Säg ire lahmi mau doch ds macht ds si mi verfolgt
Tell your lame one that it's chasing me
Gseh ir zytig, und uf twitter und uf au däm züg
See it in the newspaper, and on Twitter, and on all that stuff
Morn simr aui tod wöu sisi vo däm überzügt
Tomorrow we're all dead because you're convinced of it
Düräschnufe i machä ä schritt zrüg
Take a deep breath, I'm taking a step back
U us dere perspektive ischs ä schritt fürä wöu
And from this perspective, it's a step for a week
Wi chani angst ha vorem morn we ds mis iz trüegt
How can I be afraid of tomorrow when my present is true?
U morn beröiä ds i gester nid ha gläbt ah
And tomorrow I'll regret that I didn't live yesterday
U s letschmau woni checkt ha wasi gschafft ha
And the last time I checked what I did
Hani glachet aus wärs erschtmau woni glacht ha
I laughed like it was the first time I laughed
Doch vrgisst so schnäu ws aues guets passiert
But we forget so quickly what's good that happens
So fescht ds sech oh z glück chli wine schuld ahfülht (damn)
So strongly that even a little bit of happiness feels guilty (damn)
Slowdown, slowdown
Slow down, slow down
Slowdown, slowdown
Slow down, slow down
Slowdown, slowdown
Slow down, slow down
Slowdown, slowdown
Slow down, slow down

Writer(s): Joel Aubry, Thierry Gnahore

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