Nativ - Introspect. - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Nativ - Introspect.

Aui wünsche sech ds i wieder chli frontä
My girl, I wish I could confront you again
Doch hüt blibi lieber in the cut und kümmerä mi um mis (glück)
But today I'd rather stay in the cut and take care of my (happiness)
(Fuck beef) obwou es wär no lukrativ,
(Fuck beef) even though it would be lucrative,
Aber zu welem pris wirdi zure bitch
But at what price would I become a bitch
Serviere ahgriffsflächi ufm silbertablet,
Serving up a target on a silver platter,
Wöu people wärdä immer lüter je me zu sech steit
Because people will always be louder the more you stand by yourself
Dialogä wärdä chürzer so wi d nächt im summer
Dialogues will be shorter like the nights in summer
Wöu si het gseit ds är het gseit ds si het gseit i sig ä feind
Because she said that he said that she said that I am an enemy
U dr troum isch mängisch ä albtroum chas nid verlügnä
And the dream is sometimes a nightmare, I can't deny it
Gspüri einisch bad vibes
I feel bad vibes once
Bechumi panik ds i mit mim schnuff ringä
I panic that I'm struggling with my sniff
När chunnts vor dsi mi chli isolier
Then it comes out that you isolate me a little
Wöu i wott nid langsam stärbä wi dr bruce willis
Because I don't want to die slowly like Bruce Willis
U die wo mi liebe hei sech scho sorge gmacht
And those who love me have already worried
Mama gsehts nid gärn we ire sohn so verlorä lacht
Mom doesn't like it when her son laughs so lost
U au di paras di hei sicher o di drogä gmacht
And the parasites too, they probably got their drugs too
Doch i bi sicher wär nid woni iz bi wenis nid so hätt gmacht,
But I'm sure I wouldn't be who I am now if I hadn't done it this way,
On the road to greatness
On the road to greatness
Rüefi di guete geister si settle mi
I call the good spirits to settle me
Mind wird klarer u dr pain less
My mind becomes clearer and the pain less
On the road to greatness
On the road to greatness
Z läbä isch z churz zums nid wöuä z verstah
Life is too short not to want to understand
Ougä zu iri ligi ufm canape (breath in)
Close your eyes, you lie on the couch (breath in)
Meditiere hilftmr chönnä angers z gseh (breath out)
Meditation helps me see differently (breath out)
Wöu tueni mir säuber weh i form vo säubstzwifle
Because I'm hurting myself in the form of self-doubt
Tueni immer o angrä weh (u ds si tüfu's fauänä)
I always hurt the other one too (and that's deep down)
So chunnts ds i stritte mit dr frou woni lieb
That's why I argue with the woman I love
U sicher isch nid alles mini schuld (es brucht zwöi)
And for sure, it's not all my fault (it takes two)
Aber jedes mal wemr üs nöi verliebä inenang
But every time we fall in love with each other again
Durets nid lang und i suechemr ä grund
It doesn't last long, and I'm looking for a reason
Ä grund wieder dungä z si
A reason to be angry again
Wed ständig druf drücksch de heilt ä wundä nid
If you keep pushing on it, it won't heal a wound
Fokusiere üs ufd problem u nid ufd essenz
Focus on the problem and not on the essence
Ha nid wöuä losä doch hüt lehri mini lessons
I didn't want to lose, but today I'm learning my lessons
U nei ds isch kei song über hard feelings
And no, this isn't a song about hard feelings
Ds isch meh ä song über entschlosseheit
It's more of a song about determination
I ha mi entschlossä ds i jede tag wott wachsä
I've decided that I want to grow every day
U ds heisst ds i no 1000 mal a bodä ghei (u das isch easy tho)
And that means that I fall to the ground 1000 more times (and that's easy though)
On the road to greatness
On the road to greatness
Rüefi di guete geister si settle mi
I call the good spirits to settle me
Mind wird klarer u dr pain less
My mind becomes clearer and the pain less
On the road to greatness
On the road to greatness
Z läbä isch z churz zums nid wöuä z verstah
Life is too short not to want to understand
Mind wird klarer u dr pain less
My mind becomes clearer and the pain less

Writer(s): Joel Aubry, Thierry Gnahore

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