Naďa Urbánková - Vilém Peče Housky - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Naďa Urbánková - Vilém Peče Housky

Vilém Peče Housky
William Bakes Buns
vdávala se mladá a hloupá ještě víc
I got married young and even more foolish
Těch nabídek no řada a žádná z Nemanic
There were plenty of offers, but none from Nemanice
Můj Vilém voněl chlebem nebe v očích měl
My William smelled of bread, there was heaven in his eyes
Tím modrým nebem zmát ach bohužel.
He dazzled me with that blue sky, oh unfortunately
Můj Vilém peče housky a málo rád
My William bakes buns and he doesn't love me much
On očička ouzký a věčně chtěl by spát
His eyes are narrow and he always wants to sleep
ráno stojím v krámě a smutná se vám zdám
In the morning I stand in the shop and I seem sad to you
Jen koukejte se na pro za jak tu uvadám.
Just look at me, I'm fading away here, if you don't mind
Můj muž se s těstem hmoždí a dělá jako kat
My husband kneads the dough and acts like an executioner
Však sotva přidá droždí zívá a jde spát
But as soon as he adds yeast, he yawns and goes to sleep
živnost kdekdo chválí chválí boží dar
Let everyone praise the trade, let them praise God's gift
Mně nestačí přece oheň z pece chci mít jiný žár
It's not enough for me, the fire from the oven, I want a different kind of heat
Můj Vilém peče housky a málo rád
My William bakes buns and he doesn't love me much
On očička ouzký a věčně chtěl by spát
His eyes are narrow and he always wants to sleep
v neděli hned zjitra si vyšla do Všetat
On Sunday, I left early in the morning and went to Všetat
Tam pekařka je chytrá snad radu může dát.
There's a clever baker there, maybe she can give me some advice
z dálky jak vidí ty oči, bledou líc
From afar, as she sees me, my eyes, pale face
Hned naproti chvátá: holka zlatá
She rushes towards me: my dear girl
Neříkej mi nic
Don't tell me anything
Tvůj Vilém peče housky a málo rád
Your William bakes buns and he doesn't love you much
A očička ouzký a věčně chtěl by spát
And his eyes are narrow and he always wants to sleep
Byl večer, vyšly hvězdy a v domě voněl kmín
It was evening, the stars were out, and the house smelled of caraway
žebřík dala ke zdi a vzhůru na komín
I put a ladder against the wall and climbed up to the chimney
Prý jedna cihla stačí a oheň nemá tah
They say that one brick is enough and the fire won't draw
Teď běhej si marně po pekárně s těstem na rukách
Now you can run around the bakery in vain with dough on your hands
Můj Vilém nepek housky a měl hodně rád
My William doesn't bake buns anymore and he loves me very much
oči neměl ouzký a vůbec nechtěl spát
His eyes aren't narrow anymore and he doesn't want to sleep at all
Je ráno, slunce pálí my otvíráme krám
It's morning, the sun is shining, we're opening the shop
A z okolí i z dáli jdou zákazníci k nám
And from the neighborhood and from afar, customers come to us
volám: housky nejsou a hlas mi štěstím zjih
I call out: there are no buns, and my voice glows with happiness
Mám police prázdné obchod vázne tomu říkám hřích.
My shelves are empty, business is slow, I call it a sin
Můj Vilém nepek housky a měl hodně rád
My William doesn't bake buns anymore and he loves me very much
Teď očička ouzký a dlouho bude spát
Now his eyes are narrow and he'll be asleep for a long time
volám: housky nejsou a pekař musí spát
I call out: there are no buns, and the baker must be sleeping
město se hněvá mně to neva jen když rád.
Let the city be angry, I don't care as long as he loves me

Writer(s): Traditional

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