NCTK feat. Killa Fonic - Cirq - traduction des paroles en anglais

Cirq - Killa Fonic , Nctk traduction en anglais

E cert ca circa tot cercul meu face circ,
It's true that around my circle everyone makes a circus,
E cert ca clica vrea tot, d'aia am venit.
It's true that the clique wants everything, that's why I came.
Vorbesc de bani, n-am plecat, da' m-am ferit
I'm talking about money, I didn't leave, but I got out of the way
La o parte. daca n-ai nimic de oferit.
Aside. if you have nothing to offer.
Prima strofa: m-am deosebit.
First verse: I stand out.
Am nevoie doar de-un OCB B,
All I need is an OCB B,
Nu te bagi cand doua se bat.
Don't get involved when two people are fighting.
Iti tre' doar un ochi sa vezi.
You only need one eye to see.
Ma cert pe chit, chat, ce?
I argue hard, chat, what?
N-am timp incepe circu'
I don't have time to start the game
Gagica ta m-asculta-n casti,
Your girlfriend listens to me in headphones,
Deci incep sa circul.
So I start to circulate.
Ma cheama Tika, nu tac m-asculta fii-tu
My name's Tika, don't shut up and listen, my son,
Fiica ta-i acasa, deci incepe ciclul.
Your daughter's at home, so the cycle begins.
Cercu-i restrans, tu de ce incerci sa intri?
The circle is tight, why are you trying to get in?
Ce cumperi, vand, o stii inca de pe intro.
What I buy and sell, you know from the intro.
Ce vuiet fac fra'...zici ca-s roata morii,
What a racket they make, they sound like a waterwheel,
Si de-a valma fac banet.
And they make money in a frenzy.
Circ, da' nu-i chiar ca ala de bloc
Circus, but it's not like the one in the block
E ceva mai rafinat-ciudat.
It's something more refined-strange.
Ia zi tu fiule ce-ai invatat?
Tell me, son, what did you learn?
Scoate-ti ochii din cap, esti posedat.
Take your eyes out of your head, you're possessed.
Misiune compromisa
Mission compromised
Mi s-a luat de toate vin sa
I'm tired of everything, I'm coming to
Fac curat in rapu' asta de cacat
Clean up this crap rap
Miza muzele
Bet on the muses
Nu-mi plac curvele
I don't like curves
Hip-hop-u-i defect
Hip-hop is defective
Si m amuz frecvent.
And I have fun frequently.
Ai lansat albumul nimanui nu o sa-i pese,
You released the album, nobody cares,
Nucri Tika sade peste si-are 3 piese,
Nucri Tika sits over it and has 3 pieces,
Ti-am ascultat albumul,
I listened to your album,
Pentru ca stiu ca-ti pasa .
Because I know you care .
Parerea mea de inginer de sunet:
My opinion as a sound engineer:
Am inceput sa scriu mai rar
I started writing less often
Ca sa nu va fac de ras des
So as not to make you laugh often
Rapperi si-si fac cruce cand aud ca nu e diss
Rappers and make the sign of the cross when they hear it's not a diss
Dar nu fac daruri
But I don't give gifts
Uita-te la zaruri nu in zare-i in zadar,
Look at the dice, not into the distance, it's in vain,
Vezi sa nu ajungi pe la dentist.
Be careful not to end up at the dentist's.
Momentul meu acuma si prefer sa profit,
My moment now and I prefer to take advantage,
M-asculta rapper-ul tau preferat.
Your favorite rapper listens to me.
Studio-ul meu si castig mai mult decat profi-mi.
My studio and I earn more than my profits.
Fostul prof de mate-ar fi cam suparat.
My former math teacher would be upset.
Prin prisma mea stii ca se schimba totul,
Through my prism, you know everything changes,
Cum sa pun ketchup pe paste
How to put ketchup on pasta
Pe prispa mea stau de vorba cu hiphopu',
On my porch I talk to hiphop,
Tre sa pun banii deoparte nu pot sa fac mofturi.
I have to put money aside, I can't be picky.
Circ, da' nu-i chiar ca ala de bloc
Circus, but it's not like the one in the block
E ceva mai rafinat-ciudat.
It's something more refined-strange.
Ia zi tu fiule ce-ai invatat?
Tell me, son, what did you learn?
Scoate-ti ochii din cap, esti posedat.
Take your eyes out of your head, you're possessed.
Misiune compromisa
Mission compromised
Mi s-a luat de toate vin sa
I'm tired of everything, I'm coming to
Fac curat in rapu' asta de cacat
Clean up this crap rap
Miza muzele
Bet on the muses
Nu-mi plac curvele
I don't like curves
Hip-hop-u-i defect
Hip-hop is defective
Si m-amuz frecvent.
And I have fun frequently.

NCTK feat. Killa Fonic - Cirq
date de sortie

1 Cirq

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