Negu Gorriak - Malkoak - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Negu Gorriak - Malkoak

Konturatzen naizenean
When I realize
Nire errua dela,
It's my fault,
Ez didazu zertan
You don't have to
Aurpegira bota beharrik,
Throw it in my face,
Inoiz ez zaitut
I never want to feel you
Minduta sentitu nahi,
Nahiz (eta) mina izan
Even though pain is
A characteristic
Of those who love.
Bi aldiz besterik
Only twice
Ez zaitut negar egiten
Have I seen you cry
Ikusi eta ez dut indarrik
And I won't have the strength
Izango sufritzeko hurrengorik.
To endure it the next time.
Zuk botatako
For each tear you shed,
Malko bakoitzagatik
I would make a knife cut
Labainaz ebaketa
On my skin
Bana egingo nuke.
With the intention
Nik jasan nahian zure samina,
Of taking away your pain.
Zuk pairatzen duzuna
To make yours mine,
Nire gain har dezadan
So I can bear what you suffer.
Bi aldiz besterik
Only twice
Ez zaitut negar egiten ikusi
Have I seen you cry
Eta ez dut indarrik izango
And I won't have the strength
Sufritzeko hurrengorik.
To endure it the next time.
Bi aldiz besterik
Only twice
Ez zaitut negar egiten ikusi
Have I seen you cry
Eta ez dut indarrik
And I won't have the strength
Izango sufritzeko hurrengorik.
To endure it the next time.
Answer me,
Mundu honetakoa
Am I of this world,
Naizen ala ez.
Or not.
Answer me,
Mundu honetakoa
Am I of this world,
Naizen ala ez.
Or not.
Cuando me doy cuenta
When I realize
Que ha sido mi error,
It was my mistake,
No tienes necesidad
You don't need
De echármelo en cara.
To throw it in my face.
No te quiero sentir
I never want to feel you
Nunca dolida,
Aunque el dolor sea
Even though pain is
La característica
The characteristic
De los que se quieren.
Of those who love.
Sólo dos veces
Only twice
Te he visto llorar
Have I seen you cry
Y no tendré fuerzas
And I won't have the strength
Para aguantarlo la próxima.
To endure it next time.
Por cada lágrima caída,
For each fallen tear,
Me haría un corte de cuchillo
I would make a knife cut
Con la intención
With the intention
De recoger tu dolor.
Of taking your pain.
Para hacer mío
To make yours mine,
Lo que sufres.
So I can bear what you suffer.
Sólo dos veces
Only twice
Te he visto llorar
Have I seen you cry
Y no tendré fuerzas para
And I won't have the strength to
Aguantarlo la próxima.
Endure it next time.
Answer me,
¿Soy de este mundo, o no?
Am I of this world, or not?
Answer me,
¿Soy de este mundo, o no?
Am I of this world, or not?

Writer(s): Fermin Muguruza Ugarte, Miguel Angel Campos Lopez, Inigo Muguruza Ugarte, Ignacio Arcarazo Barandiaran

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