I ha ne easy flow. Doch nüt chunt vo nüt. Drum blibi flissig, BRO
I have an easy flow. But nothing comes from nothing. So stay diligent, BRO
Sie säge mini Beats sind Dope. Aber easy come isch easy go. Es lauft nöd riebigslos, doch i gib mis beschte und das blibt au so.
They say my beats are dope. But easy come is easy go. It doesn't run smoothly, but I give my best and that will always be so.
So säge i louf uf dünnem Iis, aber was wär s'läbe ohni Risiko
So I say I walk on thin ice, but what would life be without risk?
Mängisch passi nid dri, doch i Füu mi wohl solang i mache was i lieb. Egal was passiert, klappts mit Rap nid ja de Studieri haut Astrophysik.
Sometimes I don't succeed, but I feel good as long as I do what I love. No matter what happens, if rap doesn't work, I'll study astrophysics.
Bärge sind zum Erklimme da.
Mountains are there to be climbed.
Irgendwo uf der Ärde fat der Himu aa.
Somewhere on Earth the Himalaya begins.
Himalaya gsi
I was in the Himalayas
I bi uf em Himalaya gsi.
I was on the Himalayas.
Irgendwo uf der Ärde fat der Himu aa.
Somewhere on the Earth the Himalayas begin.
Gsehs nid erscht wän i Dobe uf em Gipfu stah.
I don't see it until I stand up on the summit.
Himalaya gsi
I was in the Himalayas
I bi uf em Himalaya gsi
I was on the Himalayas
Ha scho immer mini Husufgabe ligge la, schlaff I de Schue Degeim hani kei Ziit für das.
I always left my homework, slept in my shoes; at home I had no time for that.
Schwingä vo Uftritt hie zumne singe da. Bis etz hets klapps aber nöd immer grad.
Swinging from appearance to appearance, until now it hasn't always worked out.
Mäntig morgä isch kult rennsch um dis Läbe, bisch wänds Lüted am Pult und I ha gmerkt zviu lehre duet mer ned guet, drum schibi lieber Rhyms ih mis Gschichtsbuäch ... druf
Monday morning is cool, you run for your life, until you people are at your desk and I noticed that too much studying doesn't do me any good, so I'd rather write rhymes in my history book ... anyway
Luäg es isch nöd immer eifach, aber hät das öpper gseid? Nei man!
Look, it's not always easy, but did anyone say that? No, man!
Und ich muss ja nöd id Gschicht ih gah, doch wenns für mi stimmt de hani aues richtig gmacht.
And I don't have to go down in history, but if it feels right to me then I did everything right.
Sie wei nur s'Beschte für di.
They only want the best for you.
Kenne di gnauer als du. Bis zu däm Gipfu ischs wiit, doch vor mir geit d'Sunnä uf. I ha min Rucksack packt, es wird e langi Reis.
Know you better than you do. It's a long way to the top, but the sun is rising in front of me. I've packed my backpack, it's going to be a long journey.
Steine im Wäg Näbligi täg, aber i weiss.
Stones in the way, foggy days, but I know.
Bärge sind zum Erklimme da.
Mountains are there to be climbed.
Irgendwo uf der Ärde fat der Himu aa.
Somewhere on Earth the Himalaya begins.
Himalaya gsi
I was in the Himalayas
I bi uf em Himalaya gsi.
I was on the Himalayas.
Irgendwo uf der Ärde fat der Himu aa.
Somewhere on the Earth the Himalayas begin.
Gsehs nid erscht wän i Dobe uf em Gipfu stah.
I don't see it until I stand up on the summit.
Himalaya gsi
I was in the Himalayas
I bi uf em Himalaya gsi.
I was on the Himalayas.
Bärge sind zum Erklimme da
Mountains are there to be climbed
Himalaya gsi
I was in the Himalayas
Uf em Himalaya gsi.
I was on the Himalayas.
Irgendwo uf der Ärde fat der Himu aaaa.
Somewhere on Earth the Himalayas begin.
Yeah Himalaya gsi
Yeah I was on the Himalayas
Irgendwo Irgendwooo
Somewhere Somewhere
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