Nena Leal - Por Un Breve Momento - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Nena Leal - Por Un Breve Momento

Por Un Breve Momento
For A Brief Moment
Ma abandonaste por un breve momento
You left me for a brief moment
Tu rostro apartaste de mi
You turned your face away
Al instante senti mi corazon desfallecer
Instantly my heart faltered
Y un gran temor invadio todo mi ser
And a great fear invaded my being
Abandona y sin consuelo yo vivi
Forsaken and without comfort I lived
Su presencia senti lejos de mi
His presence I felt far from me
Un vacio muy profundo estremecio mi corazon
A profound emptiness shook my heart
Y mis huesos y mi carne se llenaron de temor
And my flesh and my bones were filled with dread
Escuche su dulce voz decirme asi
I heard His sweet voice say to me
Adornada con justicia tu seras
Adorned with righteousness you will be
Mi brazo fuerte te sostendra
My strong arm will uphold you
Jamas mis ojos apartare de ti
Never will I take my eyes from you
Arrebatarte de mi mano ¿quien podra?
Who will snatch you from my hand?
Es mi presencia la que aliento te dara
It is my presence that will give you breath
Misericordia y el bien te seguira
Mercy and goodness will follow you
Y jamas podras decir abandonada fui
And never will you say that you were forsaken
Abandonada y sin consuelo yo vivi
Forsaken and without comfort I lived
Su presencia la senti lejos de mi
His presence I felt far from me
Un vacio muy profundo estremecio
A profound emptiness shook
Mi corazon y mis huesos y mi carne
My heart and my bones and my flesh
Se llenaron de temor
Were filled with dread
Escuche su dulce voz decirme asi
I heard His sweet voice say to me
Adornada con justicia tu seras
Adorned with righteousness you will be
Mi brazo fuerte te sostendra
My strong arm will uphold you
Jamas mis ojos apartare de ti
Never will I take my eyes from you
Arrebatarte de mi mano ¿quien podra?
Who will snatch you from my hand?
Es mi presencia la que aliento te dara
It is my presence that will give you breath
Misericordia y el bien te seguira
Mercy and goodness will follow you
Y jamas podras decir abandonada fui
And never will you say that you were forsaken

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