Nenu212 - Stichtag (feat. san mattia & Nilu) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Nenu212 - Stichtag (feat. san mattia & Nilu)

Stichtag (feat. san mattia & Nilu)
Deadline (feat. san mattia & Nilu)
Es isch Stichtag und Homies si down
It's deadline and the homies are down
Es zeut dr Boff, gueti vibes u dr Sound
The beat drops, good vibes and the sound
Vor paar Jahr het no kenne drah gloubt
A few years ago you wouldn't have believed it
Doch üs egau mir hei d Visions vervougt
But we don't care, we pursued our visions
Mir slide dür das Life, ready füre next Stepp
We slide through this life, ready for the next step
Die Beats sie üse Guide, du bisch ume wenns checksch
These beats are our guide, you're there when you check it
Geng witer id dr Time, es geit üs aune so fine
Go further into the time, it's all so fine for us
Blibe immer ufem grind nanana
Always stay on the grind nanana
Ha immer weue besser si
Always want to be better
Schribe mini legacy
Write my legacy
No eh schluck vom Henessy
One more sip of Hennessy
Tueh nid so du wonna bee
Don't act like you want to be
Mis läbe vouer Fantasy
My life full of fantasy
Trippe ufem Ecstasy
Tripping on Ecstasy
Fly i dere Galaxy
Fly in this galaxy
Nur positivi Energy
Only positive energy
O nach dere Pandemie
Oh after this pandemic
Ghöre ig die melodie
I hear this melody
Aus i mire Phantasy
Out of my fantasy
Das isch mini therapie
This is my therapy
Lade mini Batterie
Charge my batteries
Vibes si mini garantie
Vibes are my guarantee
Texte vouer poesie
Texts full of poetry
Positiv so floweni
Positive so flowing
Mi Chopf vouer Sache
My head full of things
Scho am Morge bini bache
I'm baked in the morning
Cha nüt der gäge mache
Can't do anything against it
Es bringt zum erwache
It makes you wake up
Di Boxe si am burne, i bi ready und i turne
Your speakers are burning, I'm ready and I'm turning
Ha viu sache zum learne
Have many things to learn
Das chasch sicher confirme
You can definitely confirm that
Roue wieder d Mischig
Roll the mix again
Wöu ohni bini pissig
Because without it I'm pissed
Am warte ufe Fritig
Waiting for Friday
Figg News us dr Zitig
Fake news from the paper
Z'gfüeu wieder vom schwäbe, richtig dänke u läbe
Feeling the freedom again, thinking and living right
Springe u sägle los
Jump and sail away
Niemer chami häbe
No one can stop me
Es isch Stichtag und Homies si down
It's deadline and the homies are down
Es zeut dr Boff, gueti vibes u dr Sound
The beat drops, good vibes and the sound
Vor paar Jahr het no kenne drah gloubt
A few years ago you wouldn't have believed it
Doch üs egau mir hei d Visions vervougt
But we don't care, we pursued our visions
Mir slide dür das Life, ready füre next Stepp
We slide through this life, ready for the next step
Die Beats sie üse Guide, du bisch ume wenns checksch
These beats are our guide, you're there when you check it
Geng witer id dr Time, es geit üs aune so fine
Go further into the time, it's all so fine for us
Blibe immer ufem grind nanana
Always stay on the grind nanana
Hass und Nied aber niemer isch gschied
Hate and low but no one is wise
Für das hani ke ke Ziit, lah mi garnid druf ih
I don't have time for that, don't let me even get into it
Wieder schmeissi Ergin, Bro dass chas doch nid si
Throw away energy again, bro that can't be
Gibe nid chlin bi, nei das isch aube so gsi
Don't be small, no it's always been like this
Ih ha mit säuber chöne friede schliesse
I was able to make peace with myself
Schiss uf Sorge, ig wott z Läbe ize gniesse
Screw worry, I want to enjoy life now
Lass lah fliesse, mues mir säuber nüt bewiese
Let it flow, I don't have to prove anything to myself
Erwartige u Krise, doch ig weiss ig wirdes risse
Expectations and crises, but I know I'll break through
Verfouge mini Tröim, ke Momänt hani bereut
Chasing my dreams, I haven't regretted a single moment
Au die Seele sie verstreut, doch erfreut
Even the soul is scattered, but joyful
Denn erneut gniesse ig mis Läbe
Because I enjoy my life again
U vergiesse kenni Träne
And forget my tears
Mache lärme ja, ih füehle mi wie neu bi befreit
Make noise yeah, I feel like I'm new and liberated
Ih ha überleit das wo ih mir abgeit
I've overcome what I've suffered
Hani abgleit, Stress isch eh Chrankheit
I deviated, stress is a disease anyway
Meines ärnscht, säge d Wharheit
Seriously, tell the truth
Läbe im Momänt, d Blazer die si ahgleit
Live in the moment, the blazers are worn out
Es isch Stichtag und Homies si down
It's deadline and the homies are down
Es zeut dr Boff, gueti vibes u dr Sound
The beat drops, good vibes and the sound
Vor paar Jahr het no kenne drah gloubt
A few years ago you wouldn't have believed it
Doch üs egau mir hei d Visions vervougt
But we don't care, we pursued our visions
Mir slide dür das Life, ready füre next Stepp
We slide through this life, ready for the next step
Die Beats sie üse Guide, du bisch ume wenns checksch
These beats are our guide, you're there when you check it
Geng witer id dr Time, es geit üs aune so fine
Go further into the time, it's all so fine for us
Blibe immer ufem grind nanana
Always stay on the grind nanana

Writer(s): Arseni Kehrli

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