Nerieš - Minimal - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Nerieš - Minimal

Ideme, napredujeme, rolujeme
We go, we move forward, we roll
Žijeme my, žijete, to milujeme
We live, you live, we love it
Každý nás doteraz v píči mal
Everyone had us in their shit so far
A ja tiež každého v píči mám
And I also have everyone in my shit
Okay, žerieme hudbu all day
Okay, we eat music all day
24/7, 365 dní každý jeden nový bordel
24/7, 365 days every single new mess
Stále ten istý len trochu dospel
Still the same one, just a little bit grown up
Refrény a gospel
Choruses and gospel
Obed, štúdio, posteľ
Lunch, studio, bed
Tak poď so mnou
So come with me
Ten text, ten flow
The text, the flow
Ten sex s hudbou
That sex with music
Nerieš to? Nevidím pred seba na krok
Don't you care? I can't see a step ahead
Nevidím, nestíham vnímať
I don't see, I don't have time to perceive
Ja si všímám to čo význam
I notice what matters
Negatíva dám na bok
I'll put the negatives aside
Nevidíš čo sa skrýva pod povrchom
You don't see what's hidden beneath the surface
Nevidíš význam, prečo to tak trvá dlho
You don't see the meaning, why it takes so long
Drbo stále je to iba o nás dvoch
It's always just about us two
Tak poď so mnou
So come with me
Ten text, ten flow
The text, the flow
Ten sex s hudbou
That sex with music
Nerieš to?
Don't you care?
Idem si sám, idem za svojím snom
I go alone, I go after my dream
Netreba plán, mení sa každým dňom
No need for a plan, it changes every day
Ja som tak rád, že nám stále jebe
I'm so glad we're still crazy
Že nám to vôbec nejde
That we're not doing it at all
Nerieš to, vôbec nevie
Don't you care, she doesn't even know
Ideme, napredujeme, rolujeme
We go, we move forward, we roll
Žijeme my, vy žijete, to milujeme
We live, you live, we love it
Každý nás doteraz v píči mal
Everyone had us in their shit so far
A ja tiež každého v píči mám
And I also have everyone in my shit
Povedz prečo sa tak snažíš
Tell me why you try so hard
Stále ti to nejde
It still doesn't work for you
Ja robím veľké hovno
I'm making a big shit
Aj tak znie to lepšie
It still sounds better
Jak tie tvoja hovna, čo vypúšťaš do sveta
Like your shit that you release into the world
Kde máš ty rýmy a kde máš ty flowy
Where are your rhymes and where are your flows
Kategoricky odmietam
I categorically refuse
Tie reči o tom, že máš toho plný album
Those speeches about having a full album of it
Tupý kokot
Stupid jerk
Nevidím to, nepočujem
I don't see it, I don't hear it
Dávaš to jak by sis zdochol
You give it like you'd die
Okay, sa mi nechce baviť
Okay, I don't want to talk anymore
O tom aké to byť
About what it should be like
Okay, čo byť
Okay, what should be
Za to, že som si zobral iný beat a
For taking a different beat and
Dovolil si ho takto naložiť
Allowed yourself to load it like this
Byste ma chceli
You would want me
Všetci vidieť pripnutého na kríži
Everyone to see me nailed to the cross
A nech vám to nejebe
And don't let it bother you
Doba sa mení
Times are changing
A my sa predbiehatě
And we're overtaking each other
Kdo je viac jebnutý
Who's more crazy
Kedysi rivaly, rozdielne tábory
Once rivals, different camps
Dneska sa jebete spokojne do riti uh
Today you are happily fucking each other's asses uh
Spokojne do riti uh Je mi zle
Happily in the ass uh I feel bad
Lebo sa jebete spokojne do riti uh
Because you're happily fucking each other's asses uh
Aj keď si to nevedel
Even if you didn't know it
Tak teraz to vieš
So now you know it
Že nikto to nenaloží
That nobody loads it
Lepšie ak Nerieš, okay
Better if Nerieš, okay
Idem si sám, idem za svojím snom
I go alone, I go after my dream
Netreba plán, mení sa každým dňom
No need for a plan, it changes every day
A som tak rád, že nám stále jebe
And I'm so glad we're still crazy
Že nám to vôbec nejde
That we're not doing it at all
Nerieš to, vôbec nevie
Don't you care, she doesn't even know
Ideme, napredujeme, rolujeme
We go, we move forward, we roll
Žijeme my, žijete, to milujeme
We live, you live, we love it
Každý nás doteraz v píči mal
Everyone had us in their shit so far
A ja tiež každého v píči mám oukej
And I also have everyone in my shit okay

Writer(s): Matej Gabris, Matej Straka

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