La muerte viene detras de ti y yo estoy aqui para verte
Death is coming after you and I'm here to see it
Implorando otra oportunidad de vida
Begging for another chance at life
Y con suerte para saber
And with luck to know
Que entre los dos yo soy el mas fuerte
That between the two of us I am the strongest
La lluvia reposa sobre el techo de abeto
The rain rests on the fir roof
Y entre estos cuatro listones de cemento me encuentro, a veces triste y molesto a veces contento
And among these four strips of cement I find myself, sometimes sad and upset, sometimes happy
Pero mientras pueda respirar todo sera perfecto
But as long as I can breathe everything will be perfect
El tigre no pierde el sueño por ovejas que chillan
The tiger doesn't lose sleep over screaming sheep
I Get Fuck The Millions por el bien de la familia
I Get Fuck The Millions for the good of the family
Aunque persista la envidia
Even though envy persists
Al perro con dinero se le llama perro con dinero lo dijo Escobar Gaviria
A dog with money is called a dog with money, said Escobar Gaviria
En Siria matan casi igual que en Caracas la diferencia es que alla es por religion y aqui por plata lacra
In Syria they kill almost the same as in Caracas, the difference is that there it is for religion and here for money scum
Lo mio es mata mujeres hip hop pa
My thing is killing women hip hop pa
Los años pasan maduro pero soy la misma rata
The years go by mature but I'm the same rat
Smoke And weed And Living Day Today, every day, every day, every day
Smoke And weed And Living Day Today, every day, every day, every day
I Dont Got Shit Here With My Place
I Dont Got Shit Here With My Place
Every day, every day, every day
Every day, every day, every day
Soy un goodfella un muchacho
I'm a goodfella a boy
Dealer de hip hop liricas despacho
Hip hop dealer lyrics I dispatch
Camino por el barrio sin way
I walk through the neighborhood without way
Every day, every day, every day
Every day, every day, every day
Antes goodfella un buen muchacho
Before goodfella a good boy
De la escuela al rancho
From school to the ranch
Me encerraba en mi cuarto a quemar un cacho
I locked myself in my room to burn a stub
Que iba a pensar que con el transcurrir del tiempo tendria aqui en mi aposento
What was I going to think that with the passage of time I would have here in my room
A cuatro mujeres en hilacho
Four women in rags
Tacho problemas y, rompo los esquemas no caigo en dilemas por mierda ni peleo por monedas
I throw away problems and, I break the schemes I don't fall into dilemmas for shit or fight for coins
Corto y preciso como el alqaeda
Short and precise like the alqaeda
El que este acomplejado que se valla el que vino a chambiar se queda
Whoever is complexed should leave, whoever came to change stays
Es el comienzo como Fenix lo dice aprendices
It's the beginning like Fenix says apprentices
El cerebelo no se entrena como el bicepts,
The cerebellum is not trained like the bicepts,
Mucha belleza y poco coco como las misses
A lot of beauty and little coconut like the misses
Me importa un apice de mierda que mi letra no le simpatice
I don't give a damn that my lyrics don't sympathize with her
Dicen perro que ladra no muerde, yo soy callao y peligroso hasta la muerte
They say dog that barks doesn't bite, I'm quiet and dangerous to death
Lo que bien se aprende nunca se pierde observen y que sea mi flow y no mi cara la que recuerden
What is well learned is never lost observe and let it be my flow and not my face that they remember
Smoke And weed And Living Day Today, every day, every day, every day
Smoke And weed And Living Day Today, every day, every day, every day
I Dont Got Shit Here With My Place
I Dont Got Shit Here With My Place
Every day, every day, every day
Every day, every day, every day
Soy un goodfella un muchacho
I'm a goodfella a boy
Dealer de hip hop liricas despacho
Hip hop dealer lyrics I dispatch
Camino por el barrio sin way
I walk through the neighborhood without way
Every day, every day, every day
Every day, every day, every day
El caos es peligroso en su mayor expresion
Chaos is dangerous in its greatest expression
Lo que en verdad es peligroso es el amor pero aunque a veces nos lleve a la muerte moriremos felices con tal de saber que se siente
What is truly dangerous is love, but even if it sometimes leads us to death, we will die happy just to know what it feels like
Yo amo lo que hago y lo poco que tengo no se cuanto cuesto se cuanto valgo
I love what I do and what little I have I don't know how much it costs I know how much I'm worth
Y no me vendo yo simplemente entretengo al mundo con letras solidas dificiles de comprender por las gente mongolica
And I don't sell myself I simply entertain the world with solid lyrics difficult to understand by mongolian people
A veces me pregunto si yo me estoy volviendo loco o poco a poco se esta enloqueciendo el mundo
Sometimes I wonder if I'm going crazy or if the world is slowly going crazy
Como pueden llevarse preso a un vagabundo por estar fumando crack me pregunto
¿ cuando encarcelaran a los policorruptos? y los diputados y los ministros que nos roban los recursos
How can they take a homeless man prisoner for smoking crack I wonder when they will imprison the corrupt cops? and the deputies and ministers who steal our resources
Los impulsos marcan los transcursos hacia el ifierno y mi rap volviendose eterno soy un Goodfella negro
The impulses mark the courses towards hell and my rap becoming eternal I am a Goodfella black
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