Neztor mvl feat. Doedo - Debes Marcharte - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Neztor mvl feat. Doedo - Debes Marcharte

Debes Marcharte
You Must Leave
Este Cuento a llegado ala ultima parte
This story has reached its final chapter,
es momento en que debes marcharte
it's time for you to depart.
ya no quiero mirarte mi trabajo es olvidarte
I don't want to see you anymore, my job is to forget you.
Este Cuento a llegado ala ultima parte
This story has reached its final chapter,
es momento en que debes marcharte
it's time for you to depart.
que no voy a perdonarte
I won't forgive you.
Este Cuento a llegado ala ultima parte
This story has reached its final chapter,
es momento en que debes marcharte
it's time for you to depart.
ya no quiero mirarte mi trabajo es olvidarte
I don't want to see you anymore, my job is to forget you.
Este Cuento a llegado ala ultima parte
This story has reached its final chapter,
es momento en que debes marcharte
it's time for you to depart.
que no voy a perdonarte
I won't forgive you.
Hoy todo es diferente imagina que se siente
Today everything is different, imagine how it feels
intentar creer que dices la verdad cuando ya se que mientes
to try to believe you're telling the truth when I already know you're lying.
cambiaste repentinamente, y yo
You changed suddenly, and I
quiero luchar por ti y tus ojos me gritan que ni lo intente
want to fight for you, but your eyes scream at me not to even try.
veo lentamente que todo esto se termina
I see slowly that all of this is ending,
rapidamente vuela el tiempo y las horas lastiman
time flies quickly and the hours hurt.
frecuentemente todo fue rutina
Everything was often routine,
es evidente que estoy buscando tu amor entre las ruinas
it's evident that I'm looking for your love among the ruins.
y, yo no comprendo explica que te hizo cambiar
And, I don't understand, explain what made you change,
por que me dejaste de amar
why you stopped loving me.
seria ilogico decir que lo puedo solucionar
It would be illogical to say that I can fix it,
si tu mirar me dicta que te vas para no regresar
if your gaze tells me that you're leaving and not coming back.
sigo aqui amor yo no lo decidi
I'm still here, love, I didn't decide this,
cada paso que doy para acercarme me aleja de ti
every step I take to get closer pushes me further away from you.
nada fue como queria
Nothing was as I wanted,
firme el contrato de tu amor mas no lei que un dia se iria
I signed the contract of your love but I didn't read that one day it would leave.
Este Cuento a llegado ala ultima parte
This story has reached its final chapter,
es momento en que debes marcharte
it's time for you to depart.
ya no quiero mirarte mi trabajo es olvidarte
I don't want to see you anymore, my job is to forget you.
Este Cuento a llegado ala ultima parte
This story has reached its final chapter,
es momento en que debes marcharte
it's time for you to depart.
que no voy a perdonarte
I won't forgive you.
Apesar De lo que pasa no te guardo coraje
Despite what's happening, I don't hold any anger towards you,
no somos iguales no quieras que me rebaje a tu nivel
we're not the same, don't expect me to stoop to your level.
puedes ser bella pero eres cruel
You may be beautiful, but you're cruel.
ya nadie te toma encerio solo quieren tu piel
Nobody takes you seriously anymore, they just want your body.
pero que importa ya estas acostumbrada
But what does it matter, you're used to it.
aqui yo era el idiota que te daba todo sin pedirte nada
Here I was the idiot who gave you everything without asking for anything.
pero se acavo ya no me veras jamas
But it's over, you'll never see me again.
ya puedes estar traquila quitate el disfraz
You can relax now, take off the mask,
que ya no estara el tonto que todo se creia
because the fool who believed everything is gone.
yo estaba ciego pero mi me mente me advertia
I was blind, but my mind warned me,
y apesar de que me lo repetia
and even though it kept telling me,
mi corazon decia que te queria y ahi seguia
my heart said it loved you and there it stayed.
pero ve que ironia
But look at the irony,
yo gano libertad y tu pierdes ala persona que mas te queria
I gain freedom and you lose the person who loved you the most.
ojala un dia te enamores y llores
I hope one day you fall in love and cry,
y me dices quien te lastimo para mandarle flores
and tell me who hurt you so I can send them flowers.
Este Cuento a llegado ala ultima parte
This story has reached its final chapter,
es momento en que debes marcharte
it's time for you to depart.
ya no quiero mirarte mi trabajo es olvidarte
I don't want to see you anymore, my job is to forget you.
Este Cuento a llegado ala ultima parte
This story has reached its final chapter,
es momento en que debes marcharte
it's time for you to depart.
que no voy a perdonarte
I won't forgive you.
oye de amor nadie se muere
listen, nobody dies of love,
pero se pierde aquien te quiere jaja
but you lose the one who loves you haha
yo sigo vivo
I'm still alive
ten en cuenta que el karma no te cobra en efectivo
keep in mind that karma doesn't charge in cash
esto es doedo neztor el laboratorio mvl el 2013
this is doedo neztor the mvl laboratory 2013

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