Nicho Hinojosa - Popurrí - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Nicho Hinojosa - Popurrí

En tus manos aprendi a beber agua
In your hands I learned to drink water
Fui un hombre que se quedo preso en tu jaula
I was a man who was trapped in your cage
Porque yo corte mis alas y el alpistle que me dabas
Because I cut my wings and the seed you gave me
Fue tan poco y sin embargo yo te amaba.
It was so little and yet I loved you.
Fue mi canto para ti
It was my song for you
Siempre completo
Always complete
Sin ti no pude volar en otro cielo
Without you I could not fly in another sky
Pero me dejaste solo
But you left me alone
Confundido y olvidado
Confused and forgotten
Y otra mano me ofrecio
And another hand offered me
El fruto anhelado.
The desired fruit.
Y lo que un dia fue
And what was one day
No sera...
Will not be...
Y ya no vuelvas a buscarme
And don't come looking for me again
No tengo nada que darte
I have nothing to give you
Vete a volar a otros cielos
Go fly in other skies
Y deja abierta tu jaula
And leave your cage open
Tal vez otro gorrion caiga
Maybe another sparrow will fall
Pero dale de beber.
But give it something to drink.
Dejame encender la luz
Let me turn on the light
No quiero nada
I don't want anything
Si esto hubiera sido ayer lo tomaria
If this had been yesterday I would have taken it
La primera vez que ofreces
The first time you offered
Para que yo aqui me quede
For me to stay here
Pero sin amarte ya que ganaria?
But what good would it do me to love you now?
Lo que un dia fue no sera
What was one day will not be
Y ya no vuelvas a buscarme
And don't come looking for me again
No tengo nada que darte
I have nothing to give you
Vete a volar a otro cielo
Go fly in another sky
Y deja abierta tu jaula
And leave your cage open
Tal vez otro gorrion caiga
Maybe another sparrow will fall
Pero dale dale ...
But give it, give it...
De beber
Something to drink
Pero dale...
But give it...
Mirandote a los ojos juraria
Looking into your eyes I swear
Tienes algo nuevo que contarme
You have something new to tell me
Empieza ya mujer no tengas miedo
Start already woman, don't be afraid
Quiza para mañana sea tarde
Perhaps tomorrow it will be too late
Quiza para mañana sea tarde.
Perhaps tomorrow it will be too late.
Y como es el?
And what is he like?
En que lugar se enamoro de ti?
Where did he fall in love with you?
De donde es?
Where is he from?
A que dedica el tiempo libre?
What does he do with his free time?
Ask him
Porque ha robado un trozo de mi vida?
Why has he stolen a piece of my life?
Es un ladron
He is a thief
Que me ha robado todo.
Who has stolen everything from me.
Y arreglate mujer
And get ready woman
Se te hace tarde
It's getting late
Y llevate paraguas por si llueve
And take an umbrella in case it rains
El te estara esperando para amarte
He will be waiting to love you
Y yo estare celoso de perderte
And I will be jealous of losing you
Y abrigate, te sienta bien ese vestido gris
And wrap up warm, that grey dress looks good on you
Sonriele que no sopeche que has llorado
Smile at him so he doesn't suspect you've been crying
Y dejame
And let me
Que vaya preparando mi equipaje
Start packing my luggage
Y perdoname
And forgive me
Si te hago otra pregunta
If I ask you another question
Y como es el?
And what is he like?
En que lugar se enamoro de ti?
Where did he fall in love with you?
De donde es?
Where is he from?
A que dedica el tiempo libre?
What does he do with his free time?
Ask him
Porque ha robado un trozo de mi vida?
Why has he stolen a piece of my life?
Es un ladron que se ha robado...
He is a thief who has stolen...

Writer(s): sin autor

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