Nicholas Naison - Ex - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Nicholas Naison - Ex

Ukáž mi všetky tie múzy
Show me all those muses
Včera som flexil jak Uzi
Yesterday I flexed like Uzi
Ľudia sa pozerali
People were watching
Stále to nechápu
They still don't understand
Ukáž mi všetky tie pózy
Show me all those poses
Môj outfit je kurva cozy
My outfit is so damn cozy
Všetci ste farboslepí
Y'all are colorblind
Lejem na vás farbu
I'm pouring color on you
Ja nesom jak vy
I'm not like you
Za nami mraky
Clouds behind us
Daj mi tie prachy
Give me that money
Nech ich spálim
Let me burn it
Ukáž mi vansy
Show me your Vans
Nech ich zničim
Let me destroy them
Vypnite wifi
Turn off the Wi-Fi
Zapnite hlavy
Turn on your minds
Stale vám podám ruky aj ked ma podjebete za mnou
I'll still shake your hand even though you plot against me behind my back
Dojdi na cintorín keď sa chceš stretnúť s mojou partou
Come to the graveyard if you want to meet with my crew
Nemyslím to real my tam len flosime je to random
I'm not being serious, we just hang out there, it's random
Ak to myslíš real Boh ti to on povedal to
If you're serious about it, God will give it to you, he said so
Vraveli vráť sa naspäť
They said, "Go back"
Nicholas vráť sa naspäť
Nicholas, go back
Ja sa nevrátim späť
I'm not going back
Ja žijem len svoj svet
I'm just living my own life
Ale veď to je na smiech
But that's ridiculous
Pre ľudí si len na smiech
To people, you're a joke
Ale keď vojdem dnu
But when I walk in
Oči vám vypadnu
Your eyes will pop out
Ukáž mi všetky tie múzy
Show me all those muses
Včera som flexil jak Uzi
Yesterday I flexed like Uzi
Ľudia sa pozerali
People were watching
Stále to nechápu
They still don't understand
Ukáž mi všetky tie pózy
Show me all those poses
Môj outfit je kurva cozy
My outfit is so damn cozy
Všetci ste farboslepí
Y'all are colorblind
Lejem na vás farbu
I'm pouring color on you

Writer(s): Nicholas Naison

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