Nicole Cherry - Ceasul - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Nicole Cherry - Ceasul

The Clock
Inima nu m-asculta
My heart won't listen to me
Tu de altfel nici atat,
Neither do you, by the way,
Pierduta intr-o cursa a timpului
Lost in a race against time
Cand te-am avut...
When I had you...
Si ceva nu-mi da voie sa fac pasi,
And something inside won't let me move on
Eu raman la noi, iar tu ne lasi
I'm staying put, but you're leaving us
Atunci cand nu vreau sa te uit
When I don't want to forget you
Tot ce fac e sa te iubesc mai mult
All I'm doing is loving you more
Mi-ai dat ceasul inapoi
You gave me back the clock
Si-ai mers inainte
And you moved on
Cum sa fac sa te-ntorc
How can I bring you back
Sa-ti aduc aminte...
To remind you...
Stau si vorbesc iar cu luna,
I sit and talk with the moon again
Îi spun despre tine intruna,
I tell her about you all the time.
Mi-ai dat ceasul inapoi
You gave me back the clock
Si-ai mers inainte...
And you moved on...
M-ai lasat intr-o poza, cu noi, de pe hol
You left me alone with a picture of you and me from the hallway
M-am intors in timp sa zambesc
I've gone back in time to smile
Ma uit pe perete, in gol si te caut in rama
I look at the wall, into nothing, and I look for you in the frame
Dar nu te gasesc
But I can't find you
Si ceva nu-mi da voie sa fac pasi
And something won't let me move on
Eu am ramas la noi, tu ai ales sa ne lasi
I stayed with us, but you chose to leave us
Atunci cand nu vreau sa te uit
When I didn't want to forget you
Imi aduc aminte cat te iubesc
I remembered how much I love you
Mi-ai dat ceasul inapoi
You gave me back the clock
Si-ai mers inainte
And you moved on
Cum sa te-ntorc
How can I bring you back
Sa-ti aduc aminte,
To remind you...
Stau si vorbesc iar cu luna,
I sit and talk with the moon again
Ii spun despre tine intruna,
I tell her about you all the time,
Mi-ai dat ceasul inapoi
You gave me back the clock
Si-ai mers inainte
And you moved on...
Mi-ai dat ceasul inapoi
You gave me back the clock
Si-ai mers inainte
And you moved on
Cum sa te-ntorc
How can I bring you back
Sa-ti aduc aminte,
To remind you...
Stau si vorbesc iar cu luna,
I sit and talk with the moon again
Ii spun despre tine intruna,
I tell her about you all the time
Mi-ai dat ceasul inapoi
You gave me back the clock
Si-ai mers inainte...
And you moved on...

Writer(s): Alexandru Petru Stancu, Serban Ionut Cazan, Felicia Donose, Florin Stelian Boka, Janina Nicoleta Ghinea

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