Nicu Alifantis - Calul bălan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Nicu Alifantis - Calul bălan

Calul bălan
The Rocking Horse
A fost odata o faptura ce semana leit c-o tura
There once was a creature who resembled a rock
Dar s-a incurcat cu calul balan
But he got into a fight with a rocking horse
Si vinu-i dulce in orice an.
And now enjoys fine wine every year.
La Calul Balan, la Calul Balan
At the Rocking Horse, at the Rocking Horse
Si vinu-i dulce, si vinu-i dulce
The wine is sweet, the wine is sweet
As sta si-un an, as sta si-un an
I'd stay a year, I'd stay a year
Si nu m-as mai duce, nu.
And I wouldn't leave, no.
Dar prin'prejur din intamplare se arata si-un ofiter
But all of a sudden, by chance, an officer appeared
Batand din pinteni foarte tare, el
Clicking his spurs loudly
Deci avea calcai de fier.
For he wore steel heels.
La Calul Balan, la Calul Balan
At the Rocking Horse, at the Rocking Horse
Si vinu-i dulce, si vinu-i dulce
The wine is sweet, the wine is sweet
As sta si-un an, as sta si-un an
I'd stay a year, I'd stay a year
Si nu m-as mai duce, nu.
And I wouldn't leave, no.
Si calul meu balan odata de cand monoton
And my rocking horse, once so devoted
Cel ofiter cu o lopata l-a maturat ca pe-un pion.
The officer, with a single shove, vanquished him like a pawn.
La Calul Balan, la Calul Balan
At the Rocking Horse, at the Rocking Horse
Si vinu-i dulce, si vinu-i dulce
The wine is sweet, the wine is sweet
As sta si-un an, as sta si-un an
I'd stay a year, I'd stay a year
Si nu m-as mai duce, nu.
And I wouldn't leave, no.
Mii si mii de mutari fac zi de zi si tu stii
Thousands of moves, every day, you see
Doar vinul ma scapa de viata grea de zi cu zi
Only wine can save me from my daily misery
Azi ma gandesc la maine,
Today I think of tomorrow,
Nu conteaza ce va fi, poate o sa fie bine
It doesn't matter what will be, maybe it will be good
Nu am trac si cu, fac ce fac si nu tac
I'm not afraid, I do what I want and I don't shut up,
Permanent, coerent, dement, inocent
Always, consistently, crazy, innocent
Ma distrez de minune,
I'm having a wonderful time,
Cad lat, sah-mat, dar ma tzine.
I fall, checkmate, but I keep going.
Si tura a murit de plans
And the rock died of sadness
Vazand ce cursa i-au intins
Seeing what fate had in store,
Dar regele in palat s-a stins
But the king in his palace remained
Si nu s-a dat nici mort invins.
And would not let himself be defeated.
La Calul Balan, la Calul Balan
At the Rocking Horse, at the Rocking Horse
Si vinu-i dulce, si vinu-i dulce
The wine is sweet, the wine is sweet
As sta si-un an, as sta si-un an
I'd stay a year, I'd stay a year
Si nu m-as mai duce, nu.
And I wouldn't leave, no.

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