Nikolas Sax - Ne Iubeam Noaptea Prin Oras (feat. Dodo) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Nikolas Sax - Ne Iubeam Noaptea Prin Oras (feat. Dodo)

Ne Iubeam Noaptea Prin Oras (feat. Dodo)
I Love You at Night Through the City (feat. Dodo)
Mama imi spunea sa stau acasa
My mom told me to stay home
Si plangeam ca tata nu ma lasa
And I cried because my dad wouldn't let me
Imi dadeai mesaj ca esti la scara
You texted me that you were at the stairs
Si inima ma certa iara
And my heart was aching again
Haide baby mai repede ca-mi este dor de tine
Come on baby, hurry up, I miss you
N-am dormit deloc nu imi este bine
I haven't slept at all, I don't feel well
Ceva s-a intamplat si toata noaptea m-am gandit numai la tine
Something happened and all night I only thought about you
Of, si totul era perfect
Oh, and everything was perfect
Iubire de adolescent
Teenage love
Imi este dor de cum eram
I miss how we were
Si-n amintiri si acum te am
And in memories, I still have you
Ne iubeam noaptea prin oras
We loved each other at night through the city
Si imi jurai ca nu o sa ma lasi
And you swore you wouldn't leave me
Eu pe mama o minteam
I lied to my mom
Ca dorm la o fata fiindca te iubeam
That I was sleeping at a girl's place because I loved you
Mi-e dor de noptile reci
I miss those cold nights
Cand nu iti doreai sa pleci
When you didn't want to leave
Ma inveleai cu haina ta
You wrapped your jacket around me
Si spuneai iubirea mea
And said, my love
Am numarat toate stelele de pe cer
I counted all the stars in the sky
Noi doi am rezolvat orice mister
We two solved every mystery
Se asculta piesa noastra in orice cartier
Our song was playing in every neighborhood
Si-mi dai dreptate daca ai iubit la fel
And you'll agree if you loved the same way
Ce sentiment frumos de iubire
What a beautiful feeling of love
Am scris o poveste eu cu tine
I wrote a story with you
Nimic rau nu vreau sa-mi amintesc
I don't want to remember anything bad
Decat cuvantul te iubesc
Except the word I love you
Haide baby mai repede ca-mi este dor de tine
Come on baby, hurry up, I miss you
N-am dormit deloc nu imi este bine
I haven't slept at all, I don't feel well
Ceva s-a intamplat si toata noaptea m-am gandit numai la tine
Something happened and all night I only thought about you
Of, si totul era perfect
Oh, and everything was perfect
Iubire de adolescent
Teenage love
Imi este dor de cum eram
I miss how we were
Si-n amintiri si acum te am
And in memories, I still have you
Ne plimbam noaptea prin oras
We walked through the city at night
Si imi jurai ca nu o sa ma lasi
And you swore you wouldn't leave me
Eu pe mama o minteam versuri. us
I lied to my mom lyrics. us
Ca dorm la o fata fiindca te iubeam
That I was sleeping at a girl's place because I loved you
Mi-e dor de noptile reci
I miss those cold nights
Cand nu iti doreai sa pleci
When you didn't want to leave
Ma inveleai cu haina ta
You wrapped your jacket around me
Si spuneai iubirea mea
And said, my love
Am numarat toate stelele de pe cer
I counted all the stars in the sky
Noi doi am rezolvat orice mister
We two solved every mystery
Se asculta piesa noastra in orice cartier
Our song was playing in every neighborhood
Si-mi dai dreptate daca ai iubit la fel
And you'll agree if you loved the same way

Writer(s): Nicolae Preotu

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