Why, why, I couldn't understand what my fault was, what my fault was.
Qanday bo'ladi osmon, qanday boladi quyosh, qanday boladi baxt
What would the sky be like, what would the sun be like, what would happiness be like
Qanday boladi koz yosh
What would tears be like
Qanday boladi osmon
What would the sky be like
Qanday boladi quyosh qanday boladi baxt qanday noladi koz yosh qanday boladi osmon qanday boladi baxt qanday boladi koz yosh
What would the sun be like, what would happiness be like, what would tears be like, what would the sky be like, what would happiness be like, what would tears be like
Sig'madim yomonham hamma siqgan dunyoga hayotni qilmasdan kettim samoga boshqa yol qoymay bunday hatoga tugilishga nega haqqim yoq edi
I didn't fit into this bad world that everyone squeezed into, I left for heaven without living life, don't make such a mistake again, why didn't I have the right to be born.
Onamninkormadi bechora kozim
My poor mother didn't see my eyes
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