Nino D'Angelo - 'O pate - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Nino D'Angelo - 'O pate

'O pate
O pate è 'o pate
Father is a father
Nun se po lamentà maje cu nisciuno
He can never complain to anyone
Adda sempe 'o forte, adda 'o pate
He must always be strong, he must be a father
è capo, ma nun sape cumannà
He's a leader, but he doesn't know how to command
'O pate è 'o pate
Father is a father
Sempe annascuso, nun se vede maje
Always hidden, he's never seen
Ma sape tutto chello ca succede
But he knows everything that's going on
E quanno se sape sentì
And when he wants to, he knows how to make himself heard
E c"a fatica 'nfaccia e dint' all'ossa
With exhaustion on his face and in his bones
Va cammenanno cu 'e penziere appriesso
He walks with his thoughts on his heels
Se cresce 'e figli dint"o portafoglio
He raises his children in his wallet
Sempe cchiù chino 'e 'sti fotografie
Always full of those photographs
Nisciuno 'o sente quanno parla sulo
No one hears him when he talks alone
E se fa viecchio sestimanno e guaje
And he grows old with troubles and woes
E si 'o faje male s'astipa 'o dolore areto a nu sorriso
And if you hurt him, he hides the sorrow behind a smile
E se va a 'ppendere dint' 'o scuro
And he goes and hangs himself
A 'na lacrema d' 'o core
In the dark
Ca ogni tanto 'o fa cadè
To a tear from his heart
'O pate è 'o pate
Father is a father
Nun se po' rassignà si 'o juorno è niro
He cannot accept that the day is dark
Pe' forza adda truvà nu piezze 'e sole
He must find a piece of sun by force
Pe' scarfà 'a casa soja primma 'e partì
To warm his home before he leaves
'O pate è 'o pate
Father is a father
'O primmo amico 'e quanno si criaturo
The first friend of a child
Ca fore 'a scola nun 'o truove maje
Who is never found outside of school
Ma sta tutte 'e mumente addò staje tu
But is present every moment that you are
'O truove sempe cu 'o piacere 'n mane
You always find him with pleasure in his hands
Si nun vuò niente te vo' coccosa
If you want nothing, he will give you something
E se sta zitto pe' guardà 'e parole
And if he is silent, it is to watch the words
Ca so' carezze ca isso t' 'a 'mparato
Which are caresses that he has taught you
Acale l'uocchie quanno te saluta
He lowers his eyes when he greets you
E sott' 'e diente dice statt'accorto
And says under his breath, be careful
E chella mano ca te tocca 'a spalla è 'o coraggio ca tiene
And that hand that touches your shoulder is the courage that you have
E nun te miette cchiù paura
And no longer frightens you
Pecchè saje ca nun si sulo
Because you know you are not alone
Quanno 'a vita è contro a te
When life is against you

Writer(s): Nino D'angelo

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