Nino D'Angelo - Tu Si 'A Vita Mia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Nino D'Angelo - Tu Si 'A Vita Mia

Tu Si 'A Vita Mia
You Are My Life
Nu naso piccerille, sotto a nu cielo 'e parole.
A little nose, beneath a sky of words.
Na mano int"e capille, na bugia pe nun ghì 'a scola.
A hand in your hair, a lie to avoid going to school.
M'accumpagnava 'o viento, ca se mbrugliava int"e lenzole.
The wind would accompany me, getting tangled in the sheets.
Mentre dinte a na fenesta s'affacciavano canzone.
While songs would lean out of a window.
Tu 'a vita mia, tu ll'attimo,'o
You are my life, you are the moment, the
Spazio e 'o respiro che vita a me.
Space and the breath that gives life to me.
'O curaggio che batte a paura che
The courage that beats the fear that
Stà ncuolle a mmè. Sulo a te dipende.
Stays with me. It depends only on you.
Aggio parlato a 'o silenzio, a risposte maje avute.
I have spoken to the silence, to answers never received.
Aggio tuccato 'e stelle, e qualche vote caduto.
I have touched the stars, and sometimes I have fallen.
E m'ha crisciuto 'o tiempo, tra na certezza e n'illusione.
And time made me grow, between a certainty and an illusion.
Me nfuso 'e tanta pioggia aspettà ca asceve 'o Sole.
I have imbued myself with so much rain to wait for the sun to rise.
Tu 'a vita mia, s
You are my life, you
ì 'o principio ogni cosa che penso e che faccio mmè.
Are the beginning of everything I think and do for myself.
'A ragione che tremmà 'a pelle,'a
The reason that makes my skin shiver, the
Voglia 'e sapè. Pecchè a te dipende.
Desire to know. Because it depends on you.

Writer(s): nino d'angelo

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