Nino Freestyle - Jeremias 17-5 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Nino Freestyle - Jeremias 17-5

Jeremias 17-5
Jeremiah 17-5
Cuidese de la envidia parce
Watch out for envy, girl
Ya que con el acaba de saludarse
Because it has just said hello to you
Piensa en tu madre cagarse
Think about your mother cursing
Espero que la mano tu alces
I hope you will put your hand up
Cuando pregunten cuales son aquellos
When they ask who those are
Que a la hipocresia vienen aferrarse
Who come to cling to hypocrisy
Yo trato de ser real pa nadie es un misterio
I try to be real, it's no mystery to anyone
No como como aquel casao y mango con la primera que vio
I don't go around like that married guy with the first one I saw
Te dire algo en serio la envidia no mata na
I'll tell you something serious, envy doesn't kill anything
Por que si matara mi barrio fuera un cementerio
Because if it did, my neighborhood would be a cemetery
Cero drama no quiera ser amigo mio por fama
Zero drama, don't want to be my friend for fame
Que al final pa ti hay un deo y pa la zorra tuya cama
That in the end there's a finger for you and a bed for your cunning fox
Pal carnaval de republica dominicana
For the carnival in the Dominican Republic
No busquen disfraz ustedes se disfrazan de pana bro
Don't look for a costume, you guys disguise yourself for real, bro
Tarde o temprano todos sabran que tu mientes
Sooner or later everyone will know that you lie
Asi que se un poquito mas inteligente
So be a little bit more intelligent
Por que al que habla mal de mi y me saluda lindo de frente
Because those who talk bad about me and greet me sweetly in front of me
Hay que buscarle otro castigo el infierno no es suficiente
We need to find another punishment for them, hell is not enough
Yo sigo siendo el de la personalidad rara
I'm still the one with the weird personality
Cada dia mas firme aunque todos quisieran que me doblara
Every day more firm, even though everyone wants me to fold
Yo siendo tu cuando me hablen de real me callara
I, being you, when they talk to me about real will keep quiet
Traje una doble galleta pa ti que eres doble cara
I brought double cookies for you who are double-faced
Si se me han virao hermano de crianza
If I've been turned around by my foster brothers
Que tu te me vires es cuestion de tardanza
That you turn on me is a matter of time
No te me quieras vender como la oveja manza
Don't try to sell yourself to me as the gentle sheep
Que ni tu siendo una cuenta bancaria te deposito mi confianza
That not even if you were a bank account would I deposit my trust in you
Ami si que no importa lo que hablen de mi
I don't care what they say about me
Siempre con el mismo cuento coño al menos hazle un remix
Always with the same story, my God, at least give it a remix
No presto atencion a ningun raton
I don't pay attention to any rat
Que lo unico real que tienen son tres malditos par de tennis
That the only real thing they have is three sad pairs of tennis shoes
Es mi maldita vida asi que no opine kabron
It's my damn life, so don't have an opinion, asshole
Y quien diablo le dijo a usted que me interesa su opinion
And who the hell told you that your opinion interests me
Pa todo aquel que se doblo sin razon
To all those who folded for no reason
Llorara lagrimas de sangre cuando yo suba un escalon
Will cry tears of blood when I go up a step
Yo solo creo en yo tu te puedes morir
I only believe in me, you can die
No hay amigos ni mujeres con el tiempo lo aprendi
There are no friends or women, I learned that over time
Ami no me venga hablando mal de el que haci como tu
Don't come to me talking bad about the one who, just like you
Hablas conmigo de el d espues con el tu hablas de mi
You talk about him with me, then talk about me with him
Asi que hipocritas mueranse no los quiero cerca
So hypocrites, die, I don't want you around
Y con los que te rodeas alerta
And be careful with those who surround you
Por que hay unos cuantos que te cerraran la puerta
Because there are a few who will close the door on you
Y otros que te dan la mano pero estan esperando un brazo de vuelta
And others who give you a hand but are waiting for an arm in return
Al final la vida no es un juego de nintendo
In the end, life is not a Nintendo game
Mejor es que vayas aprendiendo
You better start learning
Que ni ami me creas lo que yo te
That you should not even believe the things I tell you
Estoy diciendo ya que haci tal como soy
Since just as I am
Yo te pudiera estar mintiendo
I could be lying to you

Writer(s): Jhonny Agustin Rodriguez-garcia, Yeifry Severino De La Rosa

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