Nipplepeople - BALKAN EXPRESS - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Nipplepeople - BALKAN EXPRESS

Balkan Express...
Balkan Express...
Zove te s prozora Moskva
Moscow calls you from the window
Neka pričeka, neki drugi put ću doć'
Let it wait, I'll come some other time
Balkan Express...
Balkan Express...
S pogledom ka zapadu, ti voliš tu estetiku
Looking towards the west, you love this aesthetic
Ja volim slušati tvoj glas
I like to listen to your voice
Balkan Express...
Balkan Express...
Još u Jugoslaviji, ja imam stare navike
Still in Yugoslavia, I have old habits
U separeu da te podsjetim na (Bal-kan)
To remind you in the cubicle of (Bal-kan)
Balkan Express...
Balkan Express...
Kava, šešir, džez, dim je u koži duboko
Coffee, hat, jazz, smoke is deep into the skin
Ti si tetoviran tamo zauvijek
You are tattooed there forever
Ja sam Dimitrovska
I am Dimitrovska
Miris vrta, kratka kosa
The scent of the garden, short hair
Za tvoj dah
For your breath
Ja sam polaroid
I am a polaroid
Okus ruma, duga suknja
The taste of rum, long skirt
Za tvoj sram
For your shame
Ja sam lisica i dama
I am a fox and a lady
Kad mi grizeš prste
When you bite my fingers
I kad sam sama
And when I am alone
Ovdje nitko nikog nikad ne laže
Nobody ever lies here
Balkan Express...
Balkan Express...
Još koji dan i nestat će
A few more days and we'll disappear
Amateri već mašu s ulice
Amateurs are already waving from the street
Željna sam te, ti gledaš van
I crave you, you look away
Balkan Express...
Balkan Express...
Uzmi moje mjesto, pokušaj
Take my place, try
Nebo je bolje ljubavi
The sky is better than love
I ako zaboravim, pokaži nam
And if you forget, show us
Ja sam Dimitrovska
I am Dimitrovska
Miris vrta, kratka kosa
The scent of the garden, short hair
Za tvoj dah
For your breath
Ja sam polaroid
I am a polaroid
Okus ruma, duga suknja
The taste of rum, long skirt
Za tvoj sram
For your shame
Ja sam lisica i dama
I am a fox and a lady
Kad mi grizeš prste
When you bite my fingers
I kad sam sama
And when I am alone
Ovdje nitko nikog nikad ne laže
Nobody ever lies here
Samo uzme račun i putuje
Just take the bill and travel
Balkan Express...
Balkan Express...
Balkan Express...
Balkan Express...
Balkan Express...
Balkan Express...
Balkan Express...
Balkan Express...
Balkan Express...
Balkan Express...

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