NoFuture - Jeda ainzel Tag - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction NoFuture - Jeda ainzel Tag

Jeda ainzel Tag
Enjoy Every Single Day
I xehn viel menscha ko
I see a lot of people
Und i xehn viel menscha go
And I see a lot of people
Dia ainta kömmend witer
Some of them move on
Und dia andra blibend schtoh
And others stay put
S'git jenschti wo sich frogend
There are some who wonder
Was si denn falsch gmacht hend
What they did wrong
Warum das ganza nid so lauft
Why everything's not going the way
Wia si's aigentlich wennd
They thought it would
Si schtönd am morga uf
They wake up in the morning
Gönd denn schlecht gluunt go schaffa
They go to work in a bad mood
Hend gnuag davo da ganz tag uf dia glicha menscha z'gaffa
They've had enough of staring at the same people all day
Aber he was goht
But what's going on
Nehmends doch amol ind händ
Take it in your hands
Wil uf dr welt körend miar zu da 10% wo macha könnt was si wennd
Because in this world, we belong to the 10% who can do what they want
Uooh ooh
Ooh ooh
Wil dis läba isch dis läba und dis läba khört diar allai
Because your life is your life, and your life is yours alone
Uooh ooh
Ooh ooh
Wil mis läba isch mis läba und i macha was au immer i mag
Because my life is my life, and I do whatever I want
Uooh ooh
Ooh ooh
Wil dis läba isch dis läba drum machs dr doch gail (iieh)
Because your life is your life, so make it awesome (yeah)
Uooh ooh
Ooh ooh
I han as läba und i läbas, i gnüssa jeda ainzel tag
I have a life and I live it, I enjoy every single day
I gnüssa jeda ainzel tag
I enjoy every single day
Jeda hät amol an schaiss tag
Everyone has a crappy day sometimes
Und jedem gohts mol schlecht
And everyone feels bad sometimes
Nid immer laufts nu super
Things don't always go super well
Nai öpa laufts hald schlecht
No, sometimes it just goes badly
Das macht überhaupt nüt
That doesn't matter at all
Das khört zu üssem sii
It's part of being us
Frida, froid und aierkuacha isch eh schu lang vorbi
Peace, joy, and cake are long gone
Aber wenn dr aschii kriagsch
But if you get that feeling
Dasses länger nüma schtimmt
That it's no longer right
Denn mach öpis dagäga, wils denn aifach nüt meh bringt
Then do something about it, because it just doesn't make sense anymore
Zum aifach aso tua
To just act like that
Als ob alles in beschter ordnig wär
As if everything is in order
Tuasch niamertem an gfalla und
You're not doing anyone any favors, and
Machsch dr z'läba selber schwer
You're making your own life harder
Uooh ooh
Ooh ooh
Wil dis läba isch dis läba und dis läba khört diar allai
Because your life is your life, and your life is yours alone
Uooh ooh
Ooh ooh
Wil mis läba isch mis läba und i macha was au immer i mag
Because my life is my life, and I do whatever I want
Uooh ooh
Ooh ooh
Wil dis läba isch dis läba drum machs dr doch gail (iieh)
Because your life is your life, so make it awesome (yeah)
Uooh ooh
Ooh ooh
I han as läba und i läbas, i gnüssa jeda ainzel tag
I have a life and I live it, I enjoy every single day
I gnüssa jeda ainzel tag
I enjoy every single day
Vilicht heschs jetzt jo checkt
Maybe you've checked it out now
Und öpis dagäga gmacht
And done something about it
Kasch diar im schpiagel zualuaga wia dis muul jetzt wider lacht
You can look in the mirror and see how your mouth is smiling again
Hesch läbensfroid und energie
You have joy and energy
Da ganzi liab lang tag
All day long
Und schnallsch uf z'mol
And you suddenly realize
Dass du bisch wo am schluss immer no mag
That you are the one who ultimately likes it
I waiss du wetsch üs jetzt
I know you want to say to us now
No merci für das säga
Thanks for that
Dass miar diar gholfa hend
That we helped you
Wider an sinn z'xeh für dis läba
To find meaning in your life again
Das isch doch nid erredewert, miar machends nid nu für di
That's not deserved, we don't just do it for you
Wenn öpert kennsch wo z'glicha hät
If you know someone who's the same
Zaig ihm d'no future therapie (iieh)
Show them the no future therapy (yeah)
Uooh ooh
Ooh ooh
Wil dis läba isch dis läba und dis läba khört diar allai
Because your life is your life, and your life is yours alone
Uooh ooh
Ooh ooh
Wil mis läba isch mis läba und i macha was au immer i mag
Because my life is my life, and I do whatever I want
Uooh ooh
Ooh ooh
Wil dis läba isch dis läba drum machs dr doch gail (iieh)
Because your life is your life, so make it awesome (yeah)
Uooh ooh
Ooh ooh
I han as läba und i läbas, i gnüssa jeda ainzel tag
I have a life and I live it, I enjoy every single day
I gnüssa jeda ainzel tag
I enjoy every single day
I gnüssa jeda ainzel tag
I enjoy every single day
I gnüssa jeda ainzel tag
I enjoy every single day
Uoooh oooooh
Uoooh oooooh

Writer(s): Samuel Schmid, Armin Candrian, Manuel Capeder, Fabian Sgier, Christian Wulz, Sabrina Mirer

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