No Name - Panic a Panna - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction No Name - Panic a Panna

Panic a Panna
Panic and Maid
Zažal som nový plameň života.
I have sparked a new flame of life.
To vďaka tebe a sile môjho pilota.
That's thanks to you and the strength in my pilot.
Čo bude ďalej nech ťa netrápi.
What will happen next, don't let it trouble you.
Poďme spolu do ďalšej etapy.
Let's go together to the next stage.
Ja som bol panic a ty panna,
I was a panic and you a virgin,
A obaja sme boli nesmelí.
And we were both shy.
Skúsme byť otec mama
Let's try to be dad and mom,
A robme veci, čo robia iba dospelí.
And do things that only adults do.
Obaja máme mladý prízvuk.
We both have a young accent.
No ja som muž
But I'm a man,
A prevediem ťa cez rieky.
And I will guide you through rivers.
Stačí, keď príjmeš moju výzvu.
You just need to accept my challenge.
Ja budem tvoja
I'll be yours,
A ty môj naveky.
And you'll be mine forever.
Ja som bol panic a ty panna
I was a panic and you a virgin,
A obaja sme boli nesmelí.
And we were both shy.
Skúsme byť otec mama
Let's try to be dad and mom,
A robme veci čo robia
And do things that only
Iba dospelí.
Adults do.
Ja som sám a ty si sama.
I'm alone and you're alone.
A bozkávaš sa dobre
And you kiss well
Vypĺňaj môj život
Fill my life,
Ako hviezdy nebo modré.
Like the blue stars in the sky.
Náš strom je starý.
Our tree is already old.
Ako dievča bežala si okolo.
Like a girl, you ran around.
Dnes som rád, že sme sa vzali.
Today I'm glad that we got married.
Toto je koniec
This is the end,
Kde bolo tak bolo.
Where it was once the only place.
nie som panic a ty panna.
I'm no longer a panic and you're no longer a virgin.
Či sme to chceli a či nechceli.
Whether we wanted it or not.
Ja som dnes otec a ty mama
Today I'm a father and you're a mother,
Tak robme veci, čo majú
So let's do things that
Robiť dospelí.
Adults should do.
Ja som sám a ty si sama.
I'm alone and you're alone.
A bozkávaš sa dobre
And you kiss well,
Vypĺňaj môj život
Fill my life,
Ako hviezdy nebo modré.
Like the blue stars in the sky.
Ako hviezdy nebo modré.
Like the blue stars in the sky.

Writer(s): Juraj Kupec, Igor Timko

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