Norki - Apollo Life (feat. Tony T) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Norki - Apollo Life (feat. Tony T)

Apollo Life (feat. Tony T)
Apollo Life (feat. Tony T)
Prezident spoločnosti niečo ako Dana White
The president of this company is a little bit like Dana White
Musíme makať za rohom nečaká paradise
We have to work hard there is no paradise waiting around the corner
Vedeli že je zle od doby "pusti ma na majk"
They knew it was bad since the time of "let me on the mike"
Tu neni čas na plač, neplač a zarábaj
There is not time to cry, don’t cry and make money
Opustiť peklo a začať lietať neni ľahké
It is not easy to leave the hell and start flying
A všetci si tam menia tváre ako sa im zachce
And they are all changing their faces
No my sme neni zvedavý na príspevok
But we are not interested in the post
Na žiadne písmeno, ale na výsledok (Wow)
Not in any letter, but in the result (Wow)
Môj vibe je high, ready to die
My vibe is high, ready to die
Kvalita musí byť tak aby hviezd bolo five
The quality must be such that there are five stars
Pravda musí byť stále nie len cez coco night
The truth must be always not only during the coco night
Tak to tu chodí bro my žijeme Apollo Life
That's how it goes here bro we live Apollo Life
Často sme boli zasnený
We have often been lost in dreams
V časoch keď sme ešte malovali na steny
In the times when we still painted on the walls
Potom vyrábali sme know how na masterpiece
Then we created know-how for the masterpiece
Apollo Life mow La Familia, Cartelis (Ey)
Apollo Life, now La Familia, Cartelis (Ey)
Apollo Life, a hudba letí priamo lu hviezdam
Apollo Life, and that music flies straight to the stars
Miami vibe, celý deň celú noc som v klube sám
Miami vibe, all day and all night I am in the club by myself
Apollo Life, a hudba letí priamo lu hviezdam
Apollo Life, and that music flies straight to the stars
Miami vibe, celý deň celú noc som v klube sám
Miami vibe, all day and all night I am in the club by myself
Nechce sa mi čakať na sny, preto beriem skratku
I do not want to wait for dreams, that is why I am taking a shortcut
A keď sa ti to nepáči, tak môžeš dostať facku
And if you do not like it, you can get a slap in the face
Stanica Apollo, popredu okolo
Apollo station, ahead and around
A my sme neni pašovaný - original Marlboro
And we are not smuggled - original Marlboro
Čierny outfit, čierna hoe, mow, OG
Black outfit, black hoe, mow, OG
Vpredu G, a ja v S-Class long B
In front the G and me in the S-Class long B
vtedy by som videl všetkých homie
Only then would I see all the homies
Škoda že z polovice zostali iba zombies
It is pity that half of them are just zombies now
Mám sen a oni majú sny
I have a dream and they have dreams
Preto tu so mnou chlapci a ja som s nimi (Ey)
That’s why the boys are here with me and I am with them (Ey)
A rozlievam im Hennesey a Gin, ktorý klesá rýchlejšie ako stúpa ten dym (Ahh)
And I pour them Hennessy and Gin, which is flowing faster than the smoke rising (Ahh)
My nehráme žiadne pózy, zažili aj luxus ale padli aj do stoky (Tak tomu ver)
We do not play any poses, we have experienced luxury and we have also fallen into the gutters (You better believe it)
Preto neviem čo je teraz lepšie, či s tisíc falošnými alebo doma v tom teple
That's why I don't know what is better now, with a thousand fakes or at home in the warmth
(Wow) Lietame vysoko baby ja a somnou celá moja banda
(Wow) We fly high baby, me and my whole gang
Neuč lietať orla, ten vie vycítiť podraz, nedávaj s nim do tanca
Do not teach an eagle to fly, it can detect betrayal, don't ask it to dance with you
(Wow) baby chceš party (Ey)
(Wow) baby, do you want to party (Ey)
Jeden hovor a za chvíľu je tu pán DJ
One call and Mr. DJ will be here in a moment
Neni to o tom mať chainy
It is not about having chains
Keby si chcel vedieť čo robíme tak píšeme dejiny
If you wanted to know what we are doing, we are writing history
Apollo Life, a hudba letí priamo lu hviezdam
Apollo Life, and that music flies straight to the stars
Miami vibe, celý deň celú noc som v klube sám
Miami vibe, all day and all night I am in the club by myself
Apollo Life, a hudba letí priamo lu hviezdam
Apollo Life, and that music flies straight to the stars
Miami vibe, celý deň celú noc som v klube sám
Miami vibe, all day and all night I am in the club by myself

Writer(s): Mc Norki

Norki - Apollo Life
Apollo Life
date de sortie

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