Norki - Bon Appetit - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Norki - Bon Appetit

Bon Appetit
Bon Appetit
Všade okolo je dym
There's smoke everywhere
Oko za oko je team
An eye for an eye is team
Kopa na kopu je stack
Stack on stack is stack
Slovo na slovo na slovo je rým ey
Word on word on word is rhyme ey
Bon appetit ey
Bon appetit ey
Čas býva niekedy spomalený
Time sometimes slows down
Neviem to popísať no ale väčšinou
I can't describe it but most of the time
Keď som ňou omámený ey
When I'm intoxicated by it ey
Nohami na zemi letíme pre to
With our feet on the ground we fly for it
Za sebou bando panorama ghetto
Behind us, gang, panorama ghetto
Bary hot aj keď neni leto
Bars are hot even when it's not summer
Špinavý blok no všetko je netto
Dirty block but everything is netto
Neverím tebe mow a jemu detto
I don't believe you mow and him ditto
Keď budeš spievať tak nalejú betón
When you sing they'll pour concrete
Slabé povahy sa z***** fetom ey
Weak natures get **** on drugs ey
Dymím jak komín a vozí ma S-ko
I smoke like a chimney and S-ko drives me
Chlapci po desine pocit jak Esco
Guys after ten have a feeling like Esco
Každý len stojí a čaká na Jackpot
Everyone just stands and waits for the Jackpot
Keď Norki rýmuje zostáva teplo
When Norki rhymes, it stays warm
Niektorým jedincom z toho preplo ey
For some individuals it's already caused a burnout ey
Máš v sebe jed jak starý teplomer
You have poison in you like an old thermometer
A ver mi že pravda je peklo ey
And believe me that the truth is hell ey
Orly vysoko baby
The eagles are high up baby
No tak tu nechoď na široko hej ty mow
So don't come here with a broadside, hey you mow
Norki teší ma tento rap
Norki I'm happy with this rap
Horí jak poliaty benzínom
It burns like gasoline
Ufff na sebe Versace Camouflage
Ufff on me Versace Camouflage
A vždy keď vieš že máš pravdu
And whenever you know you're right
Tak si pravdu stráž
Then guard that truth
A neni moc pekné kamo keď iba pravdu hráš
And it's not very nice, dude, when you only play the truth
A každý podľa zásluhy užíva krajšiu pláž
And everyone deserves a more beautiful beach according to their merit
Ja nemám čo stratiť kamo
I've got nothing to lose dude
Všetko som do hry dal
I put everything into the game
A s odhodlaním teraz
And with determination now
Kľudne vstúpim do tmy sám
I'll calmly enter the darkness alone
Všade okolo je dym
There's smoke everywhere
Oko za oko je tím
An eye for an eye is team
Kopa na kopu je stack
Stack on stack is stack
Slovo na slovo na slovo je rým ey
Word on word on word is rhyme ey
Bon appetit ey
Bon appetit ey
Čas býva niekedy spomalený
Time sometimes slows down
Neviem to popísať no ale väčšinou
I can't describe it but most of the time
Keď som ňou omámený ey
When I'm intoxicated by it ey
Nohami na zemi letíme pre to
With our feet on the ground we fly for it
Za sebou bando, panorama ghetto
Behind us, gang, panorama ghetto
Bary hot aj keď neni leto
Bars are hot even when it's not summer
Špinavý blok no všetko je netto
Dirty block but everything is netto
Neverím tebe mow a jemu detto
I don't believe you mow and him ditto
Keď budeš spievať tak nalejú betón
When you sing they'll pour concrete
Slabé povahy sa z***** fetom ey
Weak natures get **** on drugs ey
Dymím jak komín a vozí ma S-ko
I smoke like a chimney and S-ko drives me
Chlapci po desine pocit jak Esco
Guys after ten have a feeling like Esco
Každý len stojí a čaká na Jackpot
Everyone just stands and waits for the Jackpot
Keď Norki rýmuje zostáva teplo
When Norki rhymes, it stays warm
Niektorým jedincom z toho preplo ey
For some individuals it's already caused a burnout ey
Máš v sebe jed jak starý teplomer
You have poison in you like an old thermometer
A ver mi že pravda je peklo ey
And believe me that the truth is hell ey

Writer(s): Mc Norki

Norki - Bon Appetit
Bon Appetit
date de sortie

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