Norki - Marinero (feat. Nexx) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Norki - Marinero (feat. Nexx)

Marinero (feat. Nexx)
Sailor (feat. Nexx)
Necítim good sa hlavu mam kapput
I don't feel good, my head is messed up
No musím hýbať sa nie sme tu na furt
But I have to move, we're not here for long
Nestrácať čas program mať na full
Don't waste time, have a full schedule
Nehádzať viac pytle do platzu
Don't throw more bags into the square
Vnútri mám dar využiť šancu
I have a gift inside me to take the chance
Ide to fast, myslíme na plus
It's going fast, we're thinking about the plus
Všetko je nice, dokým máš zástup
Everything is nice, as long as you have a crowd
Pokiaľ si sám tak ide to ťažko
If you're alone it's hard
Von z hovien myslíme my na to často
We often think of getting out of the shit
Nič neni geheim všetky karty na stôl
Nothing is a secret, all cards on the table
Nemáme veľa aj to málo vystačí aspoň
We don't have much, even that little is enough at least
Rozmýšľam nad životom sadám na schod
I think about life, I sit on the stairs
Na úspech nestačia rýmy
Rhymes are not enough for success
Focus, vytrvalosť, kus disciplíny
Focus, perseverance, some discipline
Strániť sa stresom, problémom
Avoid stress and problems
Ktoré vybuchujú nečakane tak ako míny
Which explode unexpectedly like mines
Nehanbiili za žiadny krok sa každý z nich
Didn't feel ashamed for any step, each of them
Ma sem dostal, tu kde som
Got me here, where I am
Nie jeden z falošných postav
Not one of the false characters
Radšej sa nadrem ako by som dostal
I'd rather work hard than get
D****** som si life dosť krát
I've f***** up my life enough times
Nejde stlačiť delete vymazať zoznam
You can't press delete to erase the list
bolo načase tie chyby poznať
It was time to know those mistakes
Nebyť závislý nikdy nie lost bra
Never be dependent, never lost bra
Využiť zmysly formovať top stav
Use your senses to shape top shape
Jedno si neodpustím držať jazyk
One thing I won't forgive is holding my tongue
Za zubami vždy bude kontra
Behind my teeth there will always be a counter
Vždy bude kontra, vždy, Jane
There will always be a counter, always, Jane
Neleziem nikomu do riti kvôli tomu
I don't kiss anyone's ass for that
Aby získal som kontakt, vôbec
To get a contact, at all
Kapitán svojej lode Marinero
Captain of his ship, Sailor
Dva krát merám aby loď
I measure twice so that the ship
Neišla špatným smerom
Doesn't go the wrong way
A v noci v podpalubí
And at night in the hold
S celým teamom pálim skéro
I'm firing a shot with the whole team
A vždy keď je po práci
And whenever there's work
Tak sa teším na dinero
So I'm looking forward to money
Vidíš ma v bloku so mnou bando
You see me in the block with my gang
Ja ti môžem j**** fame
I can f***** fame
Z nuly na sto ako Enzo
From zero to a hundred like Enzo
A nemám čas
And I don't have time
Lebo som ready to vypáliť out
Because I'm ready to burn out
Z**** tam tomu ten špinavý loud
F**** that dirty loud
Dirty La Familia špinavý sound
Dirty La Familia dirty sound
Špinavá hudba do špinavých áut ey
Dirty music for dirty cars ey
Srdce chladné jak ice ou
Heart cold as ice ou
Na ruke mám double ace flow
I have a double ace flow on my hand
Pátram jak Miami Vice mow
I'm tracing like Miami Vice mow
Versace zakrýva face wow
Versace covers face wow
Kapitán svojej lode Marinero
Captain of his ship, Sailor
Dva krát merám aby loď
I measure twice so that the ship
Neišla špatným smerom
Doesn't go the wrong way
A v noci v podpalubí
And at night in the hold
S celým teamom pálim skéro
I'm firing a shot with the whole team
A vždy keď je po práci
And whenever there's work
Tak sa teším na dinero
So I'm looking forward to money
Kapitán svojej lode Marinero
Captain of his ship, Sailor
Dva krát merám aby loď
I measure twice so that the ship
Neišla špatným smerom
Doesn't go the wrong way
A v noci v podpalubí
And at night in the hold
S celým teamom pálim skéro
I'm firing a shot with the whole team
A vždy keď je po práci
And whenever there's work
Tak sa teším na dinero
So I'm looking forward to money

Writer(s): Norki Badman

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