Norki - Panorama Hoodu (feat. Nexx & Tony T) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Norki - Panorama Hoodu (feat. Nexx & Tony T)

Panorama Hoodu (feat. Nexx & Tony T)
Panorama Hoodu (feat. Nexx & Tony T)
Niekto zase robí búdu
Someone's building a tent again
Stojím s bratmi za dňa za tmy
I stand with my brothers day and night
Pálim blunty a predomnou
I smoke blunts and before me
Brate čiernobiela panoráma hoodu
Bro, the black and white panorama of the hood
Stojím s bratmi za dňa za tmy
I stand with my brothers day and night
Pálim blunty a predomnou brate
I smoke blunts and before me bro
Vyhýbam sa víkendom
I avoid weekends
Cez ktoré po nociach sneží
When it snows at night
Divných ľudí plný dom
A house full of strange people
Jemné nervy aj bežím
My nerves are sensitive, I'm running
Musím ísť príkladom
I have to set an example
Starať sa o to jak prežiť
Worrying about how to survive
Rosypaný ľad jak mikado
Ice scattered like Mikado
Nechcem zbierať po zemi
I don't want to pick it up off the ground
Lebo viem sám dobre
Because I know very well
Že som neni jeden z tých
That I'm not one of them
Lebo viet mám skromne
Because my plans are humble
N******* v papuli
I have nothing in my mouth
To že lóve niet bra
The fact that there's no money
Kompenzujeme skúsenosťami
We compensate for it with experience
Hudba je life v štúdiu
Music is life in the studio
Na majku do konca od nuly
From mother to zero until the end
Niekto zase robí búdu
Someone's building a tent again
Stojím s bratmi za dňa za tmy
I stand with my brothers day and night
Pálim blunty a predomnou
I smoke blunts and before me
Brate čiernobiela panoráma hoodu
Bro, the black and white panorama of the hood
Stojím s bratmi za dňa za tmy
I stand with my brothers day and night
Pálim blunty a predomnou brate
I smoke blunts and before me bro
Panorama hood za tmy
Panorama hood in the dark
Stojím tam s mojimi bratmi
I stand there with my brothers
Na sebe gold chain
Gold chain on me
Vidím aj keby zhasli
I can see even if they turned off the lights
Nachystaný na to aj
Ready for it too
Keby ma niekto prepadol
If someone ambushed me
Ja som bandita a zbrane neni problém môj
I'm a bandit and guns aren't a problem for me
Bandolero jazdí Benzom
Bandolero drives a Benz
Vyhrievaná koža S-Class yeah yo
Heated leather S-Class yeah yo
Pri mne hood a panorama za mnou
Next to me is the hood and the panorama behind me
Každá č*** volá poviem pardon
Every girl calls, I say sorry
Niekto zase robí búdu
Someone's building a tent again
Stojím s bratmi za dňa za tmy
I stand with my brothers day and night
Pálim blunty a predomnou
I smoke blunts and before me
Brate čiernobiela panoráma hoodu
Bro, the black and white panorama of the hood
Stojím s bratmi za dňa za tmy
I stand with my brothers day and night
Pálim blunty a predomnou brate
I smoke blunts and before me bro
Cesty dve vždy správna jedna len
Two paths, always only one right
Rozum mám triezvy aj keď
My mind is sober even when
Pečiem ako pekáreň
I bake like a bakery
Ja som tvár ulice v mojom meste
I'm the face of the street in my city
vieš my man
You know me man
Som s nimi 20 rokov
I've been with them for 20 years
A nikdy neprestanem wow
And I'll never stop wow
B*** stále plním money bag
I keep filling the money bag
Brate lebo chceme Benz Long
Bro because we want a Benz Long
A nie starý črep
And not an old crock
A preto letíme na way
That's why we're flying on the way
Neni čas sa vrátiť späť
No time to go back
Moneymake everyday
Moneymaking everyday
J**** ti na zlatý stred brate
I don't care about the golden mean bro
Niekto zase robí búdu
Someone's building a tent again
Stojím s bratmi za dňa za tmy
I stand with my brothers day and night
Pálim blunty a predomnou
I smoke blunts and before me
Brate čiernobiela panoráma hoodu
Bro, the black and white panorama of the hood
Stojím s bratmi za dňa za tmy
I stand with my brothers day and night
Pálim blunty a predomnou brate
I smoke blunts and before me bro

Writer(s): Mc Norki

Norki - Panorama Hoodu
Panorama Hoodu
date de sortie

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