Nosecuenta - El Bosque - traduction des paroles en anglais

El Bosque - Nosecuentatraduction en anglais

El Bosque
The Forest
Telas de araña, ratones y trampas con queso.
Spider webs, mice, and mouse traps with cheese.
Goteras, cizaña, ladrones de almas y excesos.
Leaks, weeds, soul thieves, and excesses.
Carreras con vallas, canciones que saltan desprecios.
Races with hurdles, songs that jump over contempt.
Poleras, toallas, bidones de Antrax sin precio.
Sweaters, towels, gallons of Anthrax without price.
Ojeras, ensayas, dolores, qué falta? El trapecio.
Dark circles, rehearsals, pains, what's missing? The trapeze.
De veras, si fallas, te expones, no saldrás ileso.
Seriously, if you fail, you expose yourself, you will not come out unscathed.
Goletas encallan. Tiburones, algas, huesos.
Schooners run aground. Sharks, algae, bones.
Esperan que vaya, No ven mi carta. Lesos.
They expect me to go, they don't see my card. Losers.
Supera al canalla, los dones salvan. Eso.
Outrun the scoundrel, the gifts save. That's it.
Que te quieran extraa. Honor. Esparta. Grueso!
May they miss you. Honor. Sparta. Thick!
Con velas, la playa, olores, canta, beso.
With candles, the beach, scents, sing, kiss.
Congela champaña, comer en danza y aprecio.
Freeze champagne, eat while dancing, and appreciation.
Tonteras estallan, mormones, salsa de cesos.
Nonsense bursts, Mormons, cesspool sauce.
Era menos que una talla, weones, cansa lo espeso.
It was less than a size, you idiots, the thick is tiring.
Morena, montaña, trombones, karma, espejos.
Brunette, mountain, trombones, karma, mirrors.
Y además se te extraña, colores, barba, bosquejo.
And besides, you are missed, colors, beard, sketch.
Sesera lo trama, Hoy día, despierto seguro.
My brains hatched it, Today, I wake up safe.
Afuera, la cama mentía, eres cierto? Te dudo.
Outside, the bed was lying, are you real? I doubt you.
Banderas en llamas, Policía. Cuentos paalgunos
Flags on fire, Police. Tales for some.
La tierra no es plana, creas correcto el embudo?
The Earth is not flat, do you think the funnel is right?
Fronteras son nada, Decía, yo vendo, Tozudo!
Borders are nothing, I said, I sell, Stubborn!
Moneda mandaba, Habra cemento duro.
Money ruled, There will be hard cement.
Seda manchada, confa, el aspecto ms puro.
Stained silk, trust, the purest aspect.
Trinchera, jornadas, frías, me acuerdo, estuvo.
Trench, days, cold, I remember, it was.
Botellas volaban, encías, Cuernos, muros.
Bottles were flying, gums, Horns, walls.
Enseñan a patadas, querrias ser cuerdo, lo juro.
They teach with kicks, you would like to be sane, I swear.
Sirena nadaba, y caían muertos, de a uno.
Siren swam, and they fell dead, one by one.
Pero Penas pa mañana, rian ms lento, qu apuro?
But Sorrows for tomorrow, laugh slower, what's the rush?
La cena de un Lama se enfra, Invierno crudo.
A Lama's dinner gets cold, Harsh winter.
Siempre es lea quemada, sala negro. Humo.
It is always burnt firewood, black living room. Smoke.
Letras estrelladas, Si cras cuervos, oscuro.
Starry letters, If you are crows, dark.
Esto se entrena con lava, gua, universo, mudo.
This is trained with lava, water, universe, mute.
Sigue el incendio. Bencina, explota, traccin.
The fire continues. Gasoline, explodes, traction.
No se vive del viento, afila, copa, erosin.
You don't live off the wind, sharpen, cup, erosion.
(Respiren, no entiendo, rimas,!!) Lota, carbn.
(Breathe, I don't understand, rhymes,!!) Lota, coal.
Escriben pues aliento, expira, loca cuestin.
They write so they breathe, expires, crazy question.
En el cine atuendos, Mentira agota patrn.
At the movies, outfits, Lie exhausts the boss.
Son sublimes encuentros, desfilan, Stano, accin!
They are sublime encounters, they parade, Stano, action!
Coinciden al centro, giran, chocan, y el Sol.
They coincide at the center, spin, collide, and the Sun.
Decide haciendo, vida gotas de ron.
Decide by doing, drops of rum in life.
No olvides cimientos, (ruina!), enfoca, expresin.
Don't forget the foundations, (ruin!), focus, expression.
Caribe o desierto? Esquina rota, Camin.
Caribbean or desert? Broken corner, Walk.
Mejor Dime si un texto anima derrotas, razn.
Better Tell me if a text animates defeats, reason.
De que mire hacia dentro, y siga otra direccin.
That I look inward and take another direction.
Si Reincide, secuestro, Diva, Ropas, dulsn?
If it Recidivates, kidnapping, Diva, Clothes, sweet?
Es Otro Crimen incierto, Finas Rocas seleccin.
It is Another uncertain Crime, Fine Rocks selection.
Estime, Maestro, Un clima, flota, creacin.
Estimate, Master, A weather, float, creation.
O sea Camine correcto, Ultima, nota, teln.
That is, Walk correctly, Last, note, curtain.
(Alguien leyendo a Jorge Tellier)
(Someone reading Jorge Tellier)

Writer(s): Nosecuenta

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