Nosfe feat. Gabi Pecheanu & Mihaela Agache - Asa Cum E Ea - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Nosfe feat. Gabi Pecheanu & Mihaela Agache - Asa Cum E Ea

Asa Cum E Ea
As Good As She Is
Cotu′ afară, pe geam, conduc prin oraș
I'm driving through the city, staring out the window
Ascult "The power of love", cu Jennifer Rush
Listening to "The Power of Love" by Jennifer Rush
nu spui nimănui te-am înșelat
Don't tell anyone that I cheated on you
Poate ne-mpăcăm și ne facem de (rahat)
Maybe we'll reconcile and make fools of ourselves
Nici măcar nu reușesc s-accept te-am pierdut
I can't even accept that I've lost you
Tipele astea nu-nțeleg c-am vrut doar le (fut)
These other girls don't understand that I just wanted to (fuck) them
Uite cum vorbesc aiurea, ca atunci când îmi spuneai
Listen to me babbling, like when you used to tell me
sunt prea vulgar și certai, ce frumoasă erai
That I was too vulgar, and I'd argue, you were so beautiful
Nu te-ai gândit vreodată ai s-o pierzi
You never thought you'd lose her
Ai crezut in povești, ai crezut in ochii ei verzi
You believed in fairy tales, you believed in her green eyes
Trăiești din aminitirile ce-au trecut
You live on the memories that have passed
Ți-e dor de ea, acum, parcă, și mai mult
You miss her more than ever now
Lipsa ei te doare tot mai mult
Her absence hurts you more and more
Doar patul ei e atât de cald
Only her bed is so warm
Chiar dacă, acum, inima ei te-a uitat
Even though her heart has forgotten you now
Ai fi iubit-o aşa cum e ea
You would have loved her just as she is
Așa cum e ea
Just as she is
Doar patul ei e atât de cald
Only her bed is so warm
Pentru toate acum ai fi iertat
You would have forgiven her for everything
Ai fi iubit-o doar pentru e ea
You would have loved her simply because she is her
Tu erai frunzele, eu copacii, afară toamnă, ce păcat
You were the leaves, I was the trees, autumn outside, what a shame
Anotimpu' în care frunzele, copacii se despart
The season when the leaves, the trees part ways
Pe timpul verii îți vorbeam în mod repetat
During the summer, I spoke to you repeatedly
Despre ce simt și nu-s ok, nu m-ai ascultat
About how I felt and that I wasn't okay, you didn't listen
Ce-aş putea spun mai mult
What more could I say
Acum realizez c-ar fi trebuit și eu s-ascult
Now I realize that I should have listened too
fiu acolo pentru tine, cum și tu erai
To be there for you, as you were for me
Cică e bine faci rai din ce ai
They say it's good to make the best of what you have
Când știi trebuie s-o uiți
When you know you must forget her
Inima îți spune nu vrea
Your heart tells you it doesn't want to
Când știi pentru ea respiri
When you know that you breathe for her
În lumea ta e numai ea
In your world, only she exists
Te minți acum au fost
You lie to yourself now that they were
Doar zile fără vreun rost
Just days without any meaning
Dar gândul tău e doar la ea
But your thoughts are only on her
Spui cuvinte ce dor
You speak words that hurt
Dar doare ca n-o poți uita
But it hurts that you cannot forget her
Doar patul ei e atât de cald
Only her bed is so warm
Chiar dacă, acum, inima ei te-a uitat
Even though her heart has forgotten you now
Ai fi iubit-o aşa cum e ea
You would have loved her just as she is
Așa cum e ea
Just as she is
Doar patul ei e atât de cald
Only her bed is so warm
Pentru toate, acum, ai fi iertat
You would have forgiven her for everything
Ai fi iubit-o doar pentru e ea
You would have loved her simply because she is her
Doar patul ei e atât de cald
Only her bed is so warm
Chiar dacă, acum, inima ei te-a uitat
Even though her heart has forgotten you now
Ai fi iubit-o aşa cum e ea
You would have loved her just as she is
Doar patul ei e atât de cald
Only her bed is so warm
Pentru toate, acum, ai fi iertat
You would have forgiven her for everything
Ai fi iubit-o doar pentru e ea
You would have loved her simply because she is her

Writer(s): Veronel Pecheanu, Vlad Darius Cretan, Bogdan Adrian Ioan

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