I'm so bad that I play night and day, night and day
Addo 'si nu cagn zon mai na gioia, mai na gioia
But when you're a dog, you never have any joy, never any joy
M piac o 50 o 100 e facc ngopp o 300
I love the 50 or 100 and I play on the 300
Me stip nu poc e speng, tant i sord vann e ven'n
I drink a little and I spend, so the money comes and goes
Na uaglion adda sape 'ca rint o liett vogl e tutt
A boy must know that in bed he wants everything
E na tut beige e gucc
And a beige and Gucci outfit
E na pussy comm eo zuccher
And a pussy as sweet as sugar
Teng tre' c 'ngopp a maglia
I've got three on my sweater
Cal a bas, cal a bas
Up and down, up and down
Fin e tossic int a bas
High and intoxicated at the bottom
Vogl arrubav ngopp e cas
I want to rob and steal from homes
Tutt serij fra 'me a murì tu
Everyone's serious but I'm gonna die, What do you need, what are you looking for anymore?If you want to learn, come with me to die, Come to my side and I'll give you some culture
Che t serv, che tnimm e chiu'
What do you need, what are you looking for anymore?
Si t vuo 'impara' fra 'me a murì tu
If you want to learn, come with me to die, Come to my side and I'll give you some culture
Vien o lat e cca' t faj na cultur
Come to my side and I'll give you some culture
Asciut a rint a giungla che gorill che liun
I go out into the jungle with gorillas and lions
Cu chi ten a lengua long comm e serpient 'mmerius
With those who have a forked tongue like venomous snakes
A music ma salvat che selvagg int in savan
The music saves me, that wild thing in the savannah
Fuss cazz a cap ngopp e libr ei pier miezz a vij
I throw punches on top of books and get lost in the alleyways
O business song ij stess e tu anchor theè a capì
The music business is the same and you still don't understand
Chest' industri è tropp ingiust facc comm se nun c stess
This industry is too unfair, I make it like it doesn't exist
S tratt e na poppic quann ric che fa l'hostess
It's about a chick who says she's a hostess
Teng o gas da me a murì tu
I've got the gas, I'm gonna die
Chella rass ca sta mezz annur
That chick who's been single for half a year
Fall assettà o tavul miezz a nuj
Make her sit at the table with me
Già ce sta magnann me a murì tu
I'm already eating her, I'm gonna die
Mo sto miezz a sti cantant
Now I'm hanging out with these singers
Ma n'è ca m piac tant
But I don't really like it
Vuless sul e contant
I just want money
E nu cu-cul gigant
And a giant d*ck
Facc e sord pm vendica
I make money to get revenge
M vuliv fa mendica'
I wanted to become a beggar
Mo ng crer quand a gent alluc mentr ij can't
Now I don't believe when people go nuts while I sing
Stamm a sentì a me o zij fa accussì
We'll listen to me, like my uncle does
P nun fallì nun sentì e cunsigl
In order not to fail, don't listen to advice
Nun firma 'si nun si convint
Don't sign if you're not convinced
Ca' for 80% è fint
Because 80% of it is fake
Guardt attuorn quann cammin
Look around when you walk
Ca felp grigia miezz e cammis Preg
That gray sweatshirt and those Prada shirts
O signor ca t prutegg
The Lord protects you
For ro gregg p sopravvivr
Outside the herd to survive
Tutt serij fra 'me a murì tu
Everyone's serious but I'm gonna die, What do you need, what are you looking for anymore?If you want to learn, come with me to die, Come to my side and I'll give you some cultureI've got the gas, brother, I'm gonna dieThat chick who's been single for half a yearMake her sit at the table with meI'm already eating her, I'm gonna die
Che t serv, che tnimm e chiu'
What do you need, what are you looking for anymore?
Si t vuo 'impara' fra 'me a murì tu
If you want to learn, come with me to die, Come to my side and I'll give you some cultureI've got the gas, brother, I'm gonna dieThat chick who's been single for half a yearMake her sit at the table with meI'm already eating her, I'm gonna die
Vien o lat e cca' t faj na cultur
Come to my side and I'll give you some culture
Teng o gas frà me a murì tu
I've got the gas, brother, I'm gonna die
Chella rass ca sta mezz annur
That chick who's been single for half a year
Fall assettà o tavul miezz a nuj
Make her sit at the table with me
Già ce sta magnann me a murì tu
I'm already eating her, I'm gonna die
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