Núria López Fàbrega - Posa-m'ho Fàcil - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Núria López Fàbrega - Posa-m'ho Fàcil

Posa-m'ho Fàcil
Make It Easy for Me
No és que ara vulgui començar de nou
It's not that I want to start over now
Però sento que aquest ja no és el meu lloc
But I feel that this is no longer my place
El fred se'n va per donar pas a un nou sol
The cold goes away to make way for a new sun
No vull tornar a caure aquí dos cops
I don't want to fall here twice
I no és que vulgui esborrar cap capítol d'aquesta història
And it's not that I want to erase any chapter of this story
Però sento que això em fa massa mal
But I feel that this hurts me too much
Posa-m'ho fàcil per poder oblidar-te
Make it easy for me to forget you
Fes que t'hagi d'odiar
Make me hate you
No em parlis, tampoc vinguis a buscar-me
Don't talk to me, don't come looking for me
Ja no em trobaràs
You won't find me anymore
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Corro fugint del record que em ve de tu
I run away from the memory that comes to me from you
No on aniré però ara no vull
I don't know where I'm going but now I don't want to
Tornar pas enrere mai, no, no, no, no
Never go back, no, no, no, no
Sento que no vull seguir i ho lamento
I feel that I don't want to follow and I'm sorry
Però no hi ha altra opció i em reinvento
But there is no other option and I reinvent myself
No diguis que és massa tard, no
Don't say that it's too late, no
I no és que vulgui esborrar cap capítol de la memòria
And it's not that I want to erase any chapter from my memory
Però sento que això em fa massa mal
But I feel that this hurts me too much
Posa-m'ho fàcil per poder oblidar-te
Make it easy for me to forget you
Fes que t'hagi d'odiar
Make me hate you
No em parlis, tampoc vinguis a buscar-me
Don't talk to me, don't come looking for me
Ja no em trobaràs
You won't find me anymore
I fes que tot el que ens vam dir amb el cor
And make everything we said with our hearts
S'ho endugui el vent, la força d'un cicló
Take it the wind, the force of a cyclone
Posa-m'ho fàcil per poder oblidar-te
Make it easy for me to forget you
Fes que t'hagi d'odiar
Make me hate you
I podré marxar
And I can leave
I no és que vulgui que ara facis veure que no ho recordes
And it's not that I want you to pretend you don't remember
Però sento que seguir és de covards
But I feel that going on is cowardly
Posa-m'ho fàcil per poder oblidar-te
Make it easy for me to forget you
Fes que t'hagi d'odiar
Make me hate you
No em parlis, tampoc vinguis a buscar-me
Don't talk to me, don't come looking for me
Ja no em trobaràs
You won't find me anymore
I fes que tot ens vam dir amb el cor
And make everything we said with our hearts
S'ho endugui el vent, la força d'un cicló
Take it the wind, the force of a cyclone
Posa-m'ho fàcil per poder oblidar-te
Make it easy for me to forget you
Fes que t'hagi d'odiar
Make me hate you
I podré marxar
And I can leave

Writer(s): Albert Solà, Nuria López, Roger Argemí, Uri Plana

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